VistA Analysis » VistA Reference » RPCs » DSIC FM DINUM


This will do a lookup on the inputted file for the requested value. This is only for files whose .01 field is defined to be a DINUM pointer to afile. If the lookup value in not in the inputted file, then this will add that pointer to that file.


Property Value
MUMPS Implementation DSICFM02

Input Parameters

Name Type Maximum Data Length Required Description
FILE LITERAL 20 true This is the file number of the DSS file which has a .01 DINUM'd field
IEN LITERAL 20 true This is the ien of the pointed to file. If the .01 field is not a pointer field then this parameter should not be passed when trying to add a new entry to the file.
VAL LITERAL 80 true This is the external value of the .01 field. If the .01 field is a pointer field, then this would be some external lookup value for the pointed to file. If the .01 field is not a pointer, then this must numeric.
IENS LITERAL 30 true This field is only valid if you are trying to add a DINUM'd value to a multiple in the FILE. The syntax of iens is ,S1,S2,S3, See M programmers for precise syntax to use if you need this.

Document generated on August 31st 2022, 2:55:43 pm