VistA Analysis » VistA Reference » RPCs » DSIC FM FILER


This invokes the Fileman filer to update records for an existing entry. This will allow you to update any field at the level of the FILE includingword processing fields. It does not allow for updating different levelsof the file. If you wish to update a subfile, then you will have to makemultiple calls to this RPC for each file or subfile.


Property Value
Label FILE
MUMPS Implementation DSICFM04
Return Type ARRAY

Input Parameters

Name Type Maximum Data Length Required Description
FILE LITERAL 20 true This is the file (or subfile) number for record which you wish to update
IENS LITERAL 50 true This is the standard Fileman IENS for calling the Fileman DBS APIs. The format of iens is as follows (must have trailing commas): record#, - to update a record at the top level of a file sub1,ifn1, - to update multiple record sub1 in the file for record ifn1 sub2,sub1,ifn1 - update a multiple within a multiple within a file
FLAG LITERAL 1 true This parameter is optional. If passed it must be equal to "T"FLAG="T" indicates that you wish transaction processing to occur. That is, all of the fields must successfully be updated or none of them are updated. Without this flag, Fileman will update those fields that he can.
INPUT LIST 250 true This list contains the fields to be updated in the file (or subfile). The format of INPUT(x) = p1^p2^p3 where x - the subscript of INPUT can be anything, numeric, string p1 - required - this is the field number at the level in the file p2 - optional - default value is "I" - this flag indicates the type value being passed in, internal format, external format, word processing p2 = I - value is in Fileman internal format p2 = E - value is on external format p2 = W or WA - this field is a word processing field see notes below for additional details for this p3 - required - this is the value to be entered for this field# Notes on word process fields—————————- if INPUT(x) = field#^W^@ then delete any existing text for this record if INPUT(x) = field#^W^text then this will first remove any existing text that may exist. It will then add the new text if INPUT(x) = field#^WA^text then this will not delete the existing text but will append the new text to the existing text if there is any For the same field# all lines of the array must have the same value for the second piece. That is, all must be W or WA. You cannot have some as W and some as WA. Each field# can have its own type. Field 1 could be W and field 2 could be WA.

Document generated on August 31st 2022, 2:55:43 pm