VistA Analysis » VistA Reference » RPCs » DSIC FM MULTIPLE FILER


Calls DSIC FM FILER remote procedure code as often as necessaryto process multiple file or subfile x IENS combinations.


Property Value
MUMPS Implementation DSICFM
Return Type ARRAY

Input Parameters

Name Type Maximum Data Length Required Description
INPUT LIST 245 true ; LIST[#] = p1^p2^p3^p4^p5^p6 where ; ; p1 - required when file or subfile changes ; First record of each group relating to the same ; file or subfile must specify the file or subfile ; number in the first piece. This value can be ; omitted for subsequent records that pertain to ; the same file or subfile. ; p2 - required when IENS or file/subfile changes ; First record of each group to be filed to the same ; entry or subentry must specify the IENS. ; This value can be omitted for subsequent ; records that pertain to other fields in the same ; entry. ; p3 - FLAG - optional - only acceptable value is "T" - ; transaction processing, that is, all the fields must ; be successfully updated or none are. Applies to ; the entire group of records for one file or subfile ; number and IENS. May be specified in any record of ; the same group. ; p4 - required - field # (Same as p1 in FILE^DSICFM) ; p5 - optional - default value I (Same as p2 in FILE^DSICFM) ; if p5="" then field value in internal format ; ="E" then field value in external format ; ="I" then field value in internal format ; ="W" then field is a word processing ; see notes for FILE^DSICFM ; p6 - value for field# - if value is <null> or "@" ; then field value will be deleted. ; (Same as p3 in FILE^DSICFM)

Document generated on August 31st 2022, 2:55:43 pm