VistA Analysis » VistA Reference » RPCs » DSIV ACCEPT BUFFER ENTRY


Processes INSURANCE BUFFER file entry to insurance filesand patient insurance type multiple. Marks buffer entrySTATUS=ACCEPTED. This RPC should perform the same actionsas the List Manager “Accept” action.


Property Value
MUMPS Implementation DSIVICA
Return Type ARRAY

Input Parameters

Name Type Maximum Data Length Required Description
IBBUFDA LITERAL 16 true INSURANCE BUFFER file IEN to be processed.
IBINSDA LITERAL 16 true INSURANCE COMPANY file IEN if not adding a new entry.This parameter is optional but must be present if theIBNEWINS parameter value is false (not adding a newINSURANCE COMPANY entry).
IBGRPDA LITERAL 36 true GROUP INSURANCE PLAN file IEN if not adding a new entry.This parameter is optional but must be present if theIBNEWGRP parameter value is false (not adding a newGROUP INSURANCE PLAN entry).
IBPOLDA LITERAL 16 true IEN of INSURANCE TYPE sub-file (#2.312) of PATIENT fileif not adding a new entry. This parameter must be presentif the INSURANCE BUFFER data will update an existing entryin the INSURANCE TYPE multiple.
IBMVINS LITERAL 1 true Flag indicating whether buffer data will 1=Merge, 2=Overwrite, 3=Replacedata in file #36. Default is 2=Overwrite. In the List Manager interfaceflag value 4 means "individually accept." This value is not valid in theRemote Procedure Call. The terms "merge," "overwrite," and "replace" aredefined as follows: TYPE - 1 = Merge (only buffer data moved to blank fields in ins file, no replace) 2 = Overwrite (all buffer data moved to ins file, replace existing data) 3 = Replace (all buffer data including null move to ins file) ins file)
IBMVGRP LITERAL 1 true Flag indicating whether buffer data will 1=Merge, 2=Overwrite, 3=Replacedata in file #355.3. Default is 2=Overwrite. In the List Managerinterface flag value 4 means "individually accept." This value is notvalid in the Remote Procedure Call. The terms "merge," "overwrite," and"replace" are defined as follows: TYPE - 1 = Merge (only buffer data moved to blank fields in ins file, no replace) 2 = Overwrite (all buffer data moved to ins file, replace existing data) 3 = Replace (all buffer data including null move to ins file) ins file)
IBMVPOL LITERAL 1 true Flag indicating whether buffer data will 1=Merge, 2=Overwrite, 3=Replacedata in subfile #2.312. Default is 2=Overwrite. In the List Managerinterface flag value 4 means "individually accept." This value is notvalid in the Remote Procedure Call. The terms "merge," "overwrite," and"replace" are defined as follows: TYPE - 1 = Merge (only buffer data moved to blank fields in ins file, no replace) 2 = Overwrite (all buffer data moved to ins file, replace existing data) 3 = Replace (all buffer data including null move to ins file) ins file)
IBNEWINS LITERAL 1 true Flag indicating that a new entry should be created in theINSURANCE COMPANY file (#36). 1=TRUE (Create new entry)0=FALSE (Default - Do not create new entry).
IBNEWGRP LITERAL 1 true Flag indicating that a new entry should be created in theGROUP INSURANCE PLAN file (#355.3). 1=TRUE (Create new entry)0=FALSE (Default - Do not create new entry).
IBNEWPOL LITERAL 1 true Flag indicating that a new entry should be created in theINSURANCE TYPE subfile (#2.312). 1=TRUE (Create new entry)0=FALSE (Default - Do not create new entry).
IVMREPTR LITERAL 4 true Internal entry number in IVM REASONS FOR NOT UPLOADING INSURANCEfile (#301.91) if applicable.
DSIVAUDT LITERAL 10 true Internal entry number in File #19625. Used when filing COMMENT fields.
IBDATA LITERAL 100 true IBDATA array containts the following variables and data in an array e.g. IBDATA(1)="IBINSDA^1002" IBDATA(2)="INGRPDA^" IBINSDA=File 36 IEN if not adding new entryIBGRPDA=File 355.3 IEN if not adding new entryIBPOLDA=File 2.312 IEN if not adding new entryIBMVINS=Type for INSURANCE 1=Merge, 2=Overwrite, 3=Replace, 4=(n/a)IBMVGRP=Type for GROUP 1=Merge, 2=Overwrite, 3=Replace, 4=(n/a)IBMVPOL=Type for POLICY 1=Merge, 2=Overwrite, 3=Replace, 4=(n/a)IBNEWINS=Add new INSURANCE COMPANY flag (non-zero means add)IBNEWGRP=Add new GROUP INSURANCE PLAN flag (non-zero means add)IBNEWPOL=Add new patient insurance policy (non-zero means add)IVMREPTR=File 301.91 IEN if applicable (IVM REASONS FOR NOT UPLOADING..)DSIVAUDT=File 19625 IEN if updating pt policy or group plan COMMENTIBELIG=to copy eIV report to pt elig/benefits 0=no,1=yes

Document generated on August 31st 2022, 2:55:43 pm