VistA Analysis » VistA Reference » RPCs » MAG4 INDEX GET SPECIALTY


This call will return an array of INDEX SPECIALTY/SUBSPECIALTIESbased on the input parameters CLS (Class)and EVENT (Procedure/Event)When images are displayed, it is desirable to limit thelist of presented images to only those that are likelyto be relevant in the current context. This procedure accepts an “image category” (either an IENor the name of a category) and returns all “(sub)specialties”that generate images in that category.


Property Value
Label IGS
MUMPS Implementation MAGSIXGT
Return Type ARRAY

Input Parameters

Name Type Maximum Data Length Required Description
CLS LITERAL 90 true This parameter is a ',' (comma) delimited string of classesonly those specialties that match a 'class' in the stringwill be listed in the result array.
EVENT LITERAL 50 true This is a ','(comma) delimited string of Procedure/Eventsonly those Specialties associated with one of these Proc/Events will be listed in the output.
FLGS LITERAL 40 true ; FLGS : An '^' delimited string; 1 IGN: Flag to IGNore the Status field; 2 INCL: Include Class in the Output string; 3 INST: Include Status in the Output String; 4 INSP: Include Specialty in the OutPut String

Document generated on August 31st 2022, 2:55:43 pm