VistA Analysis » VistA Reference » RPCs » MAGV GET PROCEDURE INFO


This RPC, given the internal entry number of an entry on the IMAGING PROCEDURE REFERENCE File (#2005.61) that references a VA procedure,returns an array containing the attributes of that procedure. If the entry references a non-VA procedure, an appropriate exception message is returned.


Property Value
MUMPS Implementation MAGVRS08
Return Type ARRAY

Input Parameters

Name Type Maximum Data Length Required Description
PATREFIEN LITERAL 10   This is the internal entry number on the IMAGING PATIENT REFERENCE File(#2005.6) of the patient with whom this procedure reference is associated.
PROCREFIEN LITERAL 10 true This is the internal entry number of the entry on the IMAGING PROCEDUREREFERENCE File (#2005.61) for which procedure information is to bereturned.
OVERRIDE LITERAL 3   This parameter should be used with EXTREME CAUTION. If valued TRUE (nonzero), it suppresses the check of the patient reference IEN against the value of the PARENT IEN Field (#.99) on the IMAGING PROCEDURE REFERENCE File (#2005.61).

Document generated on August 31st 2022, 2:55:43 pm