VistA Analysis » VistA Reference » RPCs » MAGV TRAVERSE SERIES


This RPC allows the user to traverse the entries on the IMAGE SERIES File(#2005.63) that are indexed under an entry on the IMAGE STUDY File(#2005.62).


Property Value
MUMPS Implementation MAGVRS09
Return Type ARRAY

Input Parameters

Name Type Maximum Data Length Required Description
IEN LITERAL 20 true This is the internal entry number of the entry on the IMAGE STUDY File (#2005.62) whose child entries on the IMAGE SERIES File (#2005.63) are to be traversed.IEN
DIR LITERAL 10 true This is the direction of traversal: FIRST, NEXT, PREV, or LAST.
CHILDIEN LITERAL 10 true This is the internal entry number of the entry on the IMAGE SERIES File (#2005.63) from which to proceed. It should be specified only for theNEXT or PREV traversal commands.

Document generated on August 31st 2022, 2:55:43 pm