VistA Analysis » VistA Reference » RPCs » OOPS INCIDENT REPORT


This broker call returns the data for creating the Type of Incident reports.This report provides information on different Types of incidents.


Property Value
Label ENT
MUMPS Implementation OOPSGUIT
Return Type ARRAY

Input Parameters

Name Type Maximum Data Length Required Description
RPTTYP LITERAL 256 true This will determine which report will be run. Report types are Type of Incident,Occupation Code, Characterization of Injury, Service, Body Parts, Day of Week,and Time of Day.
CSTAT LITERAL 10 true This parameter determines which cases to include: Open, Closed, or Both Openand Closed.
STDT LITERAL 30 true This parameter contains the start date of the report. Those cases whose Dateof Occurrence is greater than or equal to the Start date will be included.
ENDDT LITERAL 30 true This parameter contains the end date of the report. Those cases whose Dateof Occurrence is less than or equal to the End date will be included.
LTNTT LITERAL 30 true This parameter will determine whether or not Lost Time claims should be included on the report.
STAT LITERAL 256 true This parameter will determine whether to run the report for all stations ora single station.

Document generated on August 31st 2022, 2:55:43 pm