VistA Analysis » VistA Reference » RPCs » RAMAG ORDER CANCEL


The RAMAG ORDER CANCEL remote procedure cancels/holds the Radiology orderand sends all required notifications. NOTE: If there are active cases in the RAD/NUC MED PATIENT file (#70) associated with an order, this remote procedure neither cancels nor holds the order and returns the error code -42.


Property Value
MUMPS Implementation RAMAGRP1
Return Type ARRAY

Input Parameters

Name Type Maximum Data Length Required Description
RAOIFN LITERAL   true IEN of the order in the RAD/NUC MED ORDERS file (#75.1).
RAREASON LITERAL   true Cancel/hold reason: either IEN of a record of the RAD/NUC MED REASON file(#75.2) or a valid synonym (see SYNONYM field (3) of that file). The referenced record must have the appropriate type (see TYPE OF REASONfield (2) of the file #75.2): * If the reason record has the CANCEL REQUEST (1) type, then the 'HOLDESC' (see the RAMSC parameter) is ignored and the order is canceled. * If the reason record is of the HOLD REQUEST (3) type, then the order is put on hold. If the 'HOLDESC' parameter is defined, the text is stored into the HOLD DESCRIPTION field. * If the record is of the GENERAL REQUEST type (9), then the new order status is determined by the 'HOLDESC' parameter. If it is defined, then the order is put on hold; otherwise, the order is canceled.
RAMSC LIST     Items of this list define miscellaneous/optional parameters. Each recordhas 3 or more pieces separated by '^': ^01: Parameter name ^02: Index (for multiples and word-processing values) ^03: Value1 ^04: Value2 … The following parameters are supported by this remote procedure: HOLDESC^{Seq#}^{Line of hold description} Text for the HOLD DESCRIPTION field (25) of the file #75.1. Records can be added to the list in any order. See the comments precedingthe $$ORDCANC^RAMAG04 for more details. Examples: with RPCBroker.Param[2] do begin PType := list; Mult[1] := 'HOLDESC^1^Hold description line #1'; Mult[2] := 'HOLDESC^2^Hold description line #2'; end;

Document generated on August 31st 2022, 2:55:43 pm