VistA Analysis » VistA Reference » RPCs » ROR REPORT RETRIEVE


The ROR REPORT RETRIEVE remote procedure returns an array that containsthe report (in XML format) generated by the task.


Property Value
MUMPS Implementation RORRP011
Return Type ARRAY

Input Parameters

Name Type Maximum Data Length Required Description
TASK LITERAL   true Task number returned either by the ROR REPORT SCHEDULE or ROR TASK LISTremote procedures.
FROM LITERAL     A string that indicates where to start/continue the rendering process. It contains three "^"-pieces: ^1: IEN of the report element ^2: Where exactly the rendering process has stopped (see the $$XMLREP^RORTSK10 function for details) ^3: IEN of the text line (if the 2nd piece = 3) To continue the rendering from the point where it stopped during theprevious call of the remote procedure, just assign the non-empty valuereturned in the RESULT[0] by the previous call. By default (if $G(FROM)'>0), the rendering starts from the beginning of the report. NOTE: Despite this description, you must not make any assumptions aboutstructure of this parameter (it can be changed at any time withoutwarning). The only exception is the IEN of the report element. You canassign a positive value to this parameter before the call to start therendering from the corresponding element.
MAXSIZE LITERAL     Either the maximum number of lines to retrieve or the maximum size of theoutput in bytes (append the "B" to the number). By default (if$G(MAXSIZE)'>0,) the whole report (starting from the point indicated bythe FROM parameter if it is defined) is retrieved. Examples: 500 Retrieve no more that 500 lines 4096B Retrieve no mor than 4Kb NOTE: If the "B" suffix is used, the size of the retrieved portion of the document can be somewhat bigger than MAXSIZE! The last line of the chunk is not truncated even if the size will be bigger than MAXSIZE.
SORT LIST     The SORT list defines how the different parts of the report are sorted.It should be defined as follow: SORT(i)="ParentElementName=SortElementName" An optional D[ESC] modifier (the abbreviation of 'descending') can beadded after the SortElementName. They should be sepearted by the ':'. For example, if the report has the following structure: <REPORT> <PATIENT> <NAME> … </NAME> <DOB> … </DOB> <SELRULES> <RULE> <NAME> … </NAME> <DATE> … </DATE> </RULE> … </SELRULES> </PATIENT> … </REPORT> and the SORT parameter is defined by the client application as follow: with RPCBroker do begin Param[3].PType := list; Param[3].Mult[1] := 'REPORT=NAME'; Param[3].Mult[2] := 'SELRULES=DATE:D'; end; then the procedure will sort the patients by their names and the selectionrules for each patient will be sorted by the corresponding dates in descending order.

Document generated on August 31st 2022, 2:55:43 pm