VistA Analysis » VistA Reference » RPCs » VEJDWPB GET VISITS ONLY


This loops through the Visit file (#9000010) AA cross reference to findall visits for a patient and date range


Property Value
Label VS
MUMPS Implementation VEJDVST2

Input Parameters

Name Type Maximum Data Length Required Description
DFN LITERAL 12 true This is the pointer value to the Patient file
BEG LITERAL 14 true Optional - this is the starting date for the search in internal filemandate/time format of the visit. If not passed, then a date of T-365 willbe used.
END LITERAL 14 true Optional - this is the ending date/time for the search in internal filemanformat. If not passed, then a date of DT+.5 will be used.
ZLOC LIST 15 true Optional - you can look for visits for specific locations (file 44). TheLC array is expected to be in the format LC(ien)="" where ien is thepointer to file 44.
CAT LITERAL 1 true This flag controls whether service categories should be screened or not.It is optional, the default value is to screen entries. I +CAT then do not screen entries.I '$G(CAT) then do not return entries whose service category is E,D,X,N,or C
VECLIN LIST   true VECLIN is a local array which contains a list of clinics to be used to screen appointment list. Only those appointments in these clinics will be returned. VECLIN - optional - passed by reference VECLIN(#) = clinic name or ien
SCODE LIST   true This is a list of 3-digit stop codes used to screen appointments returned. Only those clinic locations whose stop code is in this list will be returned. SCODE - optional - passed by reference SCODE(#) = 3-digit stop code (lookup on C xref)
VEDIV LIST   true This is a list of divisions to be used to screen appointments. Only appointments in clinics for divisions in this list will be returned. VEDIV - optional - passed by reference VEDIV(#) = division name or ien

Document generated on August 31st 2022, 2:55:43 pm