Identifies the logical source for a class of requests for HL7 messages. ENTRIES IN THIS FILE SHOULD NOT BE EDITED IN PRODUCTION ACCOUNTS.
.01requestor name(+)0;1FREE TEXTBName of the source of the request, aka Requestor. Set up by the VISTA HL7 IRM. Identifies the logical source of a class of requests for HL7 messages. For example, all solicited requests may be thought of as coming from one logical Requestor and all unsolicited requests would then fall under the other logical Requestor in the system.
.02requestor default flag(+)0;2BOOLEANY:YES
CYES/NO flag indicating whether this Requestor is the default one. Set up by the VISTA HL7 IRM. The VDEF Queue Manager will use this data element if no Requestor name is passed in to determine which Request Queue to put each request on.
.03requestor destination(+)0;3POINTER579.2A pointer to an entry in File 579.2. Set up by the VISTA HL7 IRM. The VDEF Request Processor program will use this data as the default Destination for this Requestor if no Destination is explicitly passed in or if the passed in Destination is invalid.
.04request queue(+)0;4POINTER579.3Default Request Queue for this requestor. Set up by the VISTA HL7 IRM. Will be used by the VDEF Queue Manager program to determine which Request Queue to add the request to if no priority is explicitly passed in. The data in this field is a pointer to the Request Queue file (579.3).
.05requestor activation flag(+)0;5SET OF CODESA:ACTIVE
HL7 ACTIVATION flag. Set up by the VISTA HL7 IRM to INACTIVE if no outbound HL7 messages should be generated (for testing or any other reasons) and to ACTIVE if they should be generated. Used by the VDEF API program to determine whether to queue up or reject incoming requests for this Requestor.

Not Referenced