This file tracks site specific Blood Bank information for the purpose of validating and converting data from the following files: Patient (#2) and Lab Data (#63). This file also records the number of data elements converted per record and the total number of characters for textual data elements per record.
.001number11Used to have VA FileMan only have one entry in the file.
.01facility name(+)0;1POINTER4BThis is the name of the facility running this application.
.02total lab data records0;2NUMERICThis field indicates the total number of records in the Lab Data (#63) file when the data conversion begins.
.03num lab data records converted0;3NUMERICThe number of records in the Lab Data (#63) file converted to VBECS is automatically entered here when the data conversion application finishes processing.
.04total blood inventory records0;4NUMERICThis is the total number of records in the Blood Inventory (#65.4) file.
.05num blood inventory recs cnvt0;5NUMERICThe number of Blood Inventory (#65.4) file records converted to VBECS is automatically entered here when the data conversion application finishes processing.
.06default directory(+)0;6FREE TEXTThis field identifies the default directory where the legacy data files reside. On an Open VMS machine, the format will look something like: 'SYS$USER:[USER]'. The directory specification ([USER]) optionally can be preceded by a device name, in this case, 'SYS$USER' (and colon [:]). Wildcard characters are not allowed. When identifying a subdirectory, separate the names of the directory levels with periods (.). Both file systems use the backslash (\) character to separate directory names and the file name when forming a path. General rules for applications creating names for directories and files or processing names supplied by the user include the following: * Use any character in the current code page for a name, but do not use a path separator, a character in the range 0 through 31, or any character explicitly disallowed by the file system. A name can contain characters in the extended character set (128-255). Use the backslash (\), the forward slash (/), or both to separate components in a path. No other * Character is acceptable as a path separator. Note that UNC names must adhere to the following format: \\server\share. * Use a period (.) as a directory component in a path to represent the current directory. * Use two consecutive periods (..) as a directory component in a path to represent the parent of the current directory. * Use a period (.) to separate the base file name from the extension in a directory name or file name. * Do not use the following characters in directory names or file names, because they are reserved: < > : " / \ | * Do not use device names, such as aux, con, lpt1, and prn, as file names or directory names. * Do not assume case sensitivity. Consider names such as OSCAR, Oscar, and oscar to be the same. By following the rules listed in this section, an application can create valid names for files and directories regardless of the file system in use. Backslashes (\) are used as element dividers in paths (dividing the file name from the path to it, or directories from one another in a path). You cannot use them in file or directory names. They may be required as part of volume names (for example, "C:\"). These are only examples of default directory names and should not be taken literally. These names will most likely differ from site to site.
.07vbecs mail group(+)0;7POINTER3.8This is the mail group the person responsible for data validation and data conversion should expect to see mail regarding results of the aforementioned processes.
1workload run dateWKLD;1FREE TEXTThis field hold the last run date for the workload extraction from VBECS. The data in this field is the $H date and will be compared to the current $H date when deciding whether or not to allow the extraction to run. Only one run is allowed per day.

Not Referenced