This file contains assignments of responsibility for IT equipment. The data is only intended to be updated via package options. Key data values are protected by encryption once the owner has accepted responsibility via electronic signature.
.01equipment(+)0;1POINTER6914BIT equipment item for which responsibility has been assigned.
1owner(+)0;2POINTER200CThe person assigned responsibility for the IT equipment item.
2assigned date/time(+)0;3DATE-TIMEThe date/time that the assignment of responsibility was created in the file. This value is automatically populated by the system.
3assigned by(+)0;4POINTER200The person that created the assignment of responsibility. This value is automatically populated by the system.
4signed date/time0;5DATE-TIMEThe date and time that the OWNER electronically signed the hand receipt or the date a hard copy hand receipt was signed. This field is automatically populated by the system if the OWNER electronically signs the hand receipt. This field is populated by the person in the CERTIFIED BY field in the event a hard copy hand receipt was instead signed by the OWNER.
5hand receipt text0;6POINTER6916.2The version of the hand receipt text that was signed.
5.9certified date/time0;10DATE-TIMEThe date and time when a user certified there is a signed paper hand receipt on file for the equipment item. This field should only be populated when the owner can not electronically sign the hand receipt for some reason.
6certified by0;7POINTER200The person that certified there is a signed paper hand receipt on file for the equipment item. This field should only be populated when the owner can not electronically sign the hand receipt for some reason.
7ended date/time0;8DATE-TIMEThe date/time that the assignment of responsibility ended. This field is automatically populated when an assignment is terminated or transferred.
8ended by0;9POINTER200The person that ended the assignment of responsibility. This field is automatically populated when the assignment is terminated or transferred.
9encrypted string1;1FREE TEXTIf the assignment was electronically signed by the owner, the signature block and key data values are encrypted and stored in this field.
20statusCOMPUTEDComputed field that contains the current status of the assignment. The status may be ENDED, CERTIFIED, SIGNED, or ASSIGNED.
21status dateCOMPUTEDComputed field that contains the date (MM/DD/YY) when the assignment reached the current status.
30previous signatures3;0MULTIPLE6916.31

Not Referenced