This file holds all the information that gets transmitted to Austin Functional Status and Outcome Database (FSOD). This file gets populated by the Functional Independence Measurement (FIM) Delphi template.
.01entry number(+)0;1NUMERICBThis field contains the entry number.
.02site case number(+)0;2NUMERICCASEInternal use due to cases that could be deleted or new cases created by edits, may be utilized in future design for the OP code.
.03patient0;3POINTER2DFNThis field points to the Patient file. The patient is selected from the FIM template. This field is populated by the FIM Template via a broker call.
.04pt id0;4FREE TEXTPatient ID (Social Security Number). Linked to FSOD Database with Patient_Code/Patient ID. This data is obtained from the Patient file via a broker call from the FIM template when a user makes a patient selection.
.05pt dob0;5DATE-TIMEThis field contains the Patient date of birth. It corresponds with the Austin FSOD database BIRTH_DATE. This data is obtained from the Patient file via a broker call from the FIM template when a user makes a patient selection.
.06facility code0;6FREE TEXTFacility Code which is linked to FSOD Database field FACILITY_ID. UDSmr assigns facility codes to the sites. This is not to be confused with Site number. The facility codes and the type of care that is associated with facility codes for the Site are located in the 783.9 (RMIM FIM SITE PARAMETER). This field keeps track of the facility code for this episode.
This field contains the type of care; continuum, acute or subacute. It corresponds with the Austin FSOD database CARE_CLASS_CODE.
.08impairment group0;8FREE TEXTImpairment Group which is linked to FSOD Database field IMPAIRMENT_CODE. These choices can be observed in the FIM template where this information is obtained from.
.09onset date0;9DATE-TIMEThis field contains the onset date. It corresponds to the Austin FSOD database ONSET_DATE. The field reflects the the date of the onset of the impairment that was coded in the Impairment Group field for which the subject was rehabilitated. Date of Onset: Complete this data field with the date of the onset of the impairment that was coded in the Impairment Group field for which the subject was rehabilitated. Record eight digits (including century). For conditions that have an insidious onset, or if for any other reason the exact date of the onset is not known, follow these guidelines: a. if the year and month are known, but the exact day is not, use the first day of the month. b. if the year is known, but the exact month is not, use thee first of January of that year. c. if the year is an approximation, use the first of January of the approximate year.
.1admit date0;10DATE-TIMEThis field contains the admit date. It corresponds to the Austin FSOD database ADMIT_DATE.
.11discharge date0;11DATE-TIMEThis field contains the discharge date. It corresponds to the Austin FSOD database DISCHARGE_DATE.
.12edit date0;12DATE-TIMEDate entry which is linked to the FSOD Database field ASSESSMENT_DATE for Interims and follow-ups only. This field keeps track of the last date the form was edited.
.13xmit date0;13DATE-TIMEThis field contains the transmit date from site to Austin.
.14op code0;14SET OF CODESA:ADD
Internal use due to cases that could be deleted or new cases created by edits, may be utilized in future design for the site case number.
.15ready for xmit0;15BOOLEAN0:NO
ATRANThis field contains a yes or no for ready for transmit.
.16prog note ien0;16POINTER8925Progress note IEN. Used to keep all addendums attached to the original progress note.
.17email id0;17POINTER3.9This field contains MailMan message number. This field is used to put responses to the original message when FIM template is used to update an existing entry.
.2austin status9;1SET OF CODES0:ACK
This will either be an ACK or ERR depending on the message received back from Austin regarding the data sent from the sites.
.21error description9;2FREE TEXTThis field contains an error description of messages coming back from Austin. It documents why a particular entry received an ERR status and should be retransmitted to Austin.
1.01street1;1FREE TEXTThis field contains the patient's street address which is pulled from the patient file and is linked to the FSOD Database field STREET.
1.02city1;2FREE TEXTCity information which is pulled from the patient file and is linked to the FSOD Database field CITY
1.03state1;3FREE TEXTThis field contains the patient's state. This field corresponds to the Austin FSOD database STATE.
1.04postal code1;4FREE TEXTEntry is free text, but must be between 5-10 characters in length. This field is linked to the FSOD Database field POSTAL_CODE
1.05telephone1;5FREE TEXTThis field contains the patient's phone number which is pulled from the patient file. This corresponds with the Austin FSOD database TELEPHONE.
1.06gender code1;6FREE TEXTFree text entry is linked to the FSOD Database field GENDER_CODE. This data is obtained from the Patient file via a broker call from the FIM template when a user makes a patient selection. This field can be changed in the template if there appears to be a discrepancy in the Patient file. Users final input will be stored in this field.
1.07ethnic code1;7FREE TEXTThis field contains the patient's ethnicity. This corresponds with the Austin FSOD database ETHNICITY_CODE. This data is obtained from the Patient file via a broker call from the FIM template when a user makes a patient selection. The broker call looks at the patient file Race fields (.06 and 2). This field can be changed in the template if there appears to be a discrepancy in the Patient file. Users final input will be stored in this field in the format that FSOD will accept.
1.08marital code1;8FREE TEXTFree text entry linked to the FSOD Database field MARITAL_CODE. This data is obtained from the Patient file via a broker call from the FIM template when a user makes a patient selection. This field can be changed in the template if there appears to be a discrepancy in the Patient file. Users final input will be stored in this field.
1.09active mil ind1;9FREE TEXTThis field contains the active military ind. of the patient. This corresponds with the FSOD datbase ACTIVE_MIL_IND. A-Active Military N-Not Active Military
2.01admit class2;1FREE TEXTThis field contains the admit class of the patient. This corresponds with the FSOD database ADMIT_CLASS_CODE. Admit Class Code 1= Initial Rehab 2= Short Stay 3= Readmission The Uniform Data System for Medical Rehabilitation (UDSmr) manual is where the codes come from.
2.03interruption code2;3FREE TEXTThis field contains the interruption code. This corresponds with the FSOD database INTERRUPTION_CODE. Program Interruptions: If a subject is transferred to an acute care setting for a temporary period of time and cannot participate in his/her rehabilitation program during that temporary period, but is able to return within 30 days to participate in the rehab program, he/she is coded as having an interruption (1) for that period of time.
2.04transfer 1 date2;4DATE-TIMEThis is the date interruption began. Date entry which is linked to the FSOD Database field TRANSFER1_DATE
2.05return 1 date2;5DATE-TIMEThis is the date interruption ended and patient returned. This corresponds with the FSOD database RETURN1_DATE.
2.06transfer 2 date2;6DATE-TIMEThis is the date interruption began. Date entry which is linked to the FSOD Database field TRANSFER2_DATE
2.07return 2 date2;7DATE-TIMEThis is the date interruption ended and patient returned. This corresponds with the FSOD database RETURN2_DATE.
2.08transfer 3 date2;8DATE-TIMEThis is the date interruption began. Date entry which is linked to the FSOD Database field TRANSFER3_DATE
2.09return 3 date2;9DATE-TIMEThis is the date interruption ended and patient returned. This corresponds with the FSOD database RETURN3_DATE.
2.11asia code2;11FREE TEXTThis field contains the asia code. This corresponds with the FSOD datbase ASIA_CODE. USDmr: . Asia Code: This field is completed for subjects with traumatic spinal cord injuries only. Enter the category which best describes the degree of motor and sensory involvement on admission to the rehab program: A Complete: No motor or sensory function is preserved in the sacral segments S4-S5 B Incomplete (Sensory Preserved): Sensory function, but not motor function, is preserved below the neurological level and extends through the sacral segments S4-S5. C Incomplete (Motor Nonfunctional): Motor function is preserved below the neurological level, and the majoority of key muscles below the neurological level have a muscle grade less than 3. D Incomplete (Motor Functional): Motor function is preserved below the neurological level, and the majority of key muscles below the neurological level have a grade of 3 or greater. E Normal: Motor and sensory functions are normal. The template only allows this edit if the user has selected traumatic spinal cord which then clearly stated A,B,C,D,E and there meaning in their choices.
4.01a eat4;1FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of eating for admission. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database EAT_FIM.
4.02a groom4;2FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field GROOM_FIM. This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of grooming for admission.
4.03a bath4;3FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of bathing for admission. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database BATH_FIM.
4.04a dress up4;4FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field DRESS_UP_FIM This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of dressing for admission.
4.05a dress lo4;5FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of dressing for admission. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database DRESS_LO_FIM.
4.06a toilet4;6FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field TOILET_FIM This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of toileting for admission.
4.07a bladder4;7FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of bladder for admission. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database BLADDER_FIM.
4.08a bowel4;8FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field BOWEL_FIM This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of bowel functions for admission.
4.09a trans chair4;9FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of transport to a chair for admission. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database TRANS_CHAIR_FIM.
4.1a trans toilet4;10FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field TRANS_TOILET_FIM This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of transport to toilet for admission.
4.11a trans tub4;11FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of transport to a tub for admission. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database TRANS_TUB_FIM.
4.12a locom walk4;12FREE TEXTThis field pertains to locom walk. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database LOCOM_WALK_FIM. This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of locom walk for admission
4.13a locom stair4;13FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of locom stair for admission. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database LOCUM_STAIR_FIM.
4.14a comprehend4;14FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field COMPREHEND_FIM This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of comprehending for admission.
4.15a express4;15FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of express for admission. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database EXPRESS_FIM.
4.16a interact4;16FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field INTERACT_FIM This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of interacting for admission.
4.17a problem4;17FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of a problem for admission. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database PROBLEM_FIM.
4.18a memory4;18FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field MEMORY_FIM This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of memory for admission.
4.19a walk mode4;19FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of walk mode for admission. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database WALK_MODE_FIM.
4.2a comprehend mode4;20FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field COMPREHEND_MODE. This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of comprehend mode for admission.
4.21a express mode4;21FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of express mode for admission. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database EXPRESS_MODE_FIM.
5.01d eat5;1FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of eating for discharge. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database EAT_FIM.
5.02d groom5;2FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field GROOM_FIM This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of grooming for discharge
5.03d bath5;3FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of bathing for discharge. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database BATH_FIM.
5.04d dress up5;4FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field DRESS_UP_FIM This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of dressing for discharge
5.05d dress lo5;5FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of dressing for discharge. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database DRESS_LO_FIM.
5.06d toilet5;6FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field TOILET_FIM This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of toileting for discharge
5.07d bladder5;7FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of bladder for discharge. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database BLADDER_FIM.
5.08d bowel5;8FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field BOWEL_FIM This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of bowel functions for discharge
5.09d trans chair5;9FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of transport to a chair for discharge. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database TRANS_CHAIR_FIM.
5.1d trans toilet5;10FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field TRANS_TOILET_FIM This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of transport to toilet for discharge
5.11d trans tub5;11FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of transport to a tub for discharge. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database TRANS_TUB_FIM.
5.12d locom walk5;12FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field LOCOM_WALK_FIM. This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of locom walk for discharge
5.13d locom stair5;13FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of locom stair for discharge. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database LOCUM_STAIR_FIM.
5.14d comprehend5;14FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field COMPREHEND_FIM. This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of comprehending for discharge
5.15d express5;15FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of express for discharge. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database EXPRESS_FIM.
5.16d interact5;16FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field INTERACT_FIM. This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of interacting for discharge
5.17d problem5;17FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of a problem for discharge. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database PROBLEM_FIM.
5.18d memory5;18FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field MEMORY_FIM. This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of memory for discharge
5.19d walk mode5;19FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of walk mode for discharge. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database WALK_MODE_FIM.
5.2d comprehend mode5;20FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field COMPREHEND_MODE. This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of comprehend mode for discharge
5.21d express mode5;21FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of express mode for discharge. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database EXPRESS_MODE_FIM.
6.01i eat6;1FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of eating for the interim. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database EAT_FIM.
6.02i groom6;2FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field GROOM_FIM This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of grooming for interm
6.03i bath6;3FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of bathing for the interim. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database BATH_FIM.
6.04i dress up6;4FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field DRESS_UP_FIM. This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of dressing for interm
6.05i dress lo6;5FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of dressing for the interim. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database DRESS_LO_FIM.
6.06i toilet6;6FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field TOILET_FIM. This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of toilet for interm
6.07i bladder6;7FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of bladder for the interim. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database BLADDER_FIM.
6.08i bowel6;8FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field BOWEL_FIM. This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of bowel for interm
6.09i trans chair6;9FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of transport to a chair for the iterim. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database TRANS_CHAIR_FIM.
6.1i trans toilet6;10FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field TRANS_TOILET_FIM This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of transport to toilet for interm
6.11i trans tub6;11FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of transport to a tub for the interim. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database TRANS_TUB_FIM.
6.12i locom walk6;12FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field LOCOM_WALK_FIM. This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of locom walk for interm
6.13i locom stair6;13FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of locom stair for the interim. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database LOCUM_STAIR_FIM.
6.14i comprehend6;14FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field COMPREHEND_FIM. This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of comprehending for interm
6.15i express6;15FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of express for the interim. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database EXPRESS_FIM.
6.16i interact6;16FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field INTERACT_FIM. This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of interacting for interm
6.17i problem6;17FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of a problem for the interim. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database PROBLEM_FIM.
6.18i memory6;18FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field MEMORY_FIM. This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of memory for interm
6.19i walk mode6;19FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of walk mode for the interim. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database WALK_MODE_FIM.
6.2i comprehend mode6;20FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field COMPREHEND_MODE. This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of comprehend mode for interm
6.21i express mode6;21FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of express mode for the interim. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database EXPRESS_MODE_FIM.
7.01f eat7;1FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of eating for follow-up. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database EAT_FIM. c
7.02f groom7;2FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field GROOM_FIM This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of grooming for followup
7.03f bath7;3FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of bathing for follow-up. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database BATH_FIM.
7.04f dress up7;4FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field DRESS_UP_FIM. This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of dressing for followup
7.05f dress lo7;5FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of dressing for follow-up. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database DRESS_LO_FIM.
7.06f toilet7;6FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field TOILET_FIM. This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of toilet for followup
7.07f bladder7;7FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of bladder for follow-up. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database BLADDER_FIM.
7.08f bowel7;8FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field BOWEL_FIM. This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of bowel for followup
7.09f trans chair7;9FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of transport to a chair for follow-up. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database TRANS_CHAIR_FIM.
7.1f trans toilet7;10FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field TRANS_TOILET_FIM This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of transport to toilet for followup
7.11f trans tub7;11FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of transport to a tub for follow-up. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database TRANS_TUB_FIM.
7.12f locom walk7;12FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field LOCOM_WALK_FIM This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of locom walk for followup
7.13f locom stair7;13FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of locom stair for follow-up. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database LOCUM_STAIR_FIM.
7.14f comprehend7;14FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field COMPREHEND_FIM
7.15f express7;15FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of express for follow-up. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database EXPRESS_FIM.
7.16f interact7;16FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field INTERACT_FIM. This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of interacting for interm
7.17f problem7;17FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of a problem for follow-up. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database PROBLEM_FIM.
7.18f memory7;18FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field MEMORY_FIM. This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of memory for followup
7.19f walk mode7;19FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of walk mode for follow-up. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database WALK_MODE_FIM.
7.2f comprehend mode7;20FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field COMPREHEND_MODE. This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of comprehend mode for followup
7.21f express mode7;21FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of express mode for follow-up. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database EXPRESS_MODE_FIM.
8.01g eat8;1FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of eating for goals. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database EAT_FIM.
8.02g groom8;2FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field GROOM_FIM This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of grooming for goals
8.03g bath8;3FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of bathing for goals This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database BATH_FIM.
8.04g dress up8;4FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field DRESS_UP_FIM. This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of dressing for goals
8.05g dress lo8;5FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of dressing for goals. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database DRESS_LO_FIM.
8.06g toilet8;6FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field TOILET_FIM. This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of toilet for goal
8.07g bladder8;7FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of bladder for goals. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database BLADDER_FIM.
8.08g bowel8;8FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field BOWEL_FIM. This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of bowel for goals
8.09g trans chair8;9FREE TEXTThis field pertains to the patient needing to be transported to a chair. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database TRANS_CHAIR_FIM.
8.1g trans toilet8;10FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field TRANS_TOILET_FIM This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of transport to toilet for goals
8.11g trans tub8;11FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of transport to a tub for admission. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database TRANS_TUB_FIM.
8.12g locom walk8;12FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field LOCOM_WALK_FIM. This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of locom walk for goals
8.13g locom stair8;13FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of locom stair for goals. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database LOCUM_STAIR_FIM.
8.14g comprehend8;14FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field COMPREHEND_FIM. This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of comprehending for goals
8.15g express8;15FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of express for goals. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database EXPRESS_FIM.
8.16g interact8;16FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field INTERACT_FIM. This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of interacting for goals
8.17g problem8;17FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of a problem for goals. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database PROBLEM_FIM.
8.18g memory8;18FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field MEMORY_FIM. This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of memory for goals
8.19g walk mode8;19FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of walk mode for goals. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database WALK_MODE_FIM.
8.2g comprehend mode8;20FREE TEXTFree text entry of only one character and is linked to the FSOD Database field COMPREHEND_MODE. This field contains the FIM Score for assessment of comprehend mode for goals
8.21g express mode8;21FREE TEXTThis field contains the FIM Score for assessment of express mode for goals. This corresponds to the Austin FSOD database EXPRESS_MODE_FIM.
100note100;0WORD-PROCESSINGThis is where case notes from the FIM form is stored. This does not get transmitted to Austin.

Not Referenced