The PATIENT file contains all the patients followed by the medical center/ Outpatient clinic. At a minimum each patient entry must have a NAME, DATE OF BIRTH and SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER. In order to add a new patient to the PATIENT file the user must also indicate whether or not the patient is requesting to receive care as a VETERAN of the U.S. Armed Forces and specify the TYPE of patient being added to the system. For the most part the information contained in this file is demographic in nature, i.e., address, employment, service history, etc., however data concerning admissions, appointments,etc., is also stored in this file. The ADMISSION sub-field is scheduled to be moved into the new PATIENT MOVEMENT file by the end of calendar year 1989. Care should be used when removing a patient from the PATIENT file since virtually all other DHCP modules do utilize data from this file. Of the many fields in the file you will note that many are preceeded by an asterisk. Those fields are scheduled to be removed from the file due to either lack of use or replacement by another field/file in the next release.
.01name(+)0;1FREE TEXTBEnter the patient's name in 'LAST,FIRST MIDDLE SUFFIX' format. This value must be 3-30 characters in length and may contain only uppercase alpha characters, spaces, apostrophes, hyphens and one comma. All other characters and parenthetical text will be removed.
.02sex(+)0;2SET OF CODESM:MALE
ASXEnter 'M' if this applicant is a male, or 'F' if female.
.024self identified gender.24;4SET OF CODESM:Male
N:individual chooses not to answer
This SELF IDENTIFIED GENDER value indicates the patient's view of their sexual orientation, if they choose to provide it.
.03date of birth(+)0;3DATE-TIMEADOBEnter the patient's DATE OF BIRTH which must be later than 12/31/1870. DATE OF BIRTH cannot be a date after the beneficiary 'Ineligible Date' or a date after the 'Enrollment Application Date'.
.033ageCOMPUTEDA computer field which, based on today's date (or the patient's date of death, if applicable) and the patient's date of birth, will arrive at his/her age.
.05marital status(+)0;5POINTER11Select from the available listing this applicant's current marital status.
.06race0;6POINTER10This field is no longer being populated and the values that are on file were collected prior to installation of patch DG*5.3*415.
.07occupation0;7FREE TEXTIf applicable, enter this applicant's current occupation [1-30 characters].
.08religious preference0;8POINTER13Select from the available listing the religious preference of this applicant.
This field is currently not being utilized. It will be active when Patient Merge/Purge options are available to the user. Duplicate Status field will be defined at that time. |
.082patient merged to0;19POINTER2This field is currently not being utilized. It will be active when Patient Merge/Purge options are available to the user. Patient Merged To: field will be defined at that time. |
.083check for duplicate0;20BOOLEAN1:YES
This field is currently not being utilized. It will be active when Patient Merge/Purge options are available to the user. Check for Duplicate field will be defined at that time. |
.09social security number(+)0;9FREE TEXTSSNAnswer with the individual's social security number. Answer must be 9 numbers in length. The SSN will be sent to the SSA for verification. This will be displayed next to the SSN. Once an SSN has received a status of Verified, it is locked from user updating and a "VERIFIED" will be displayed by the SSN field. Only the Identity Management Data QUality Team are able to change a beneficiary's (veteran/non veteran) SSN. If an Invalid per SSA status is received for the SSN, then an "INVALID" will appear next to the invalid SSN of the individual. Facilities should make every effort to obtain the accurate SSN from the individual for any invalid or pseudo SSN entry. If a valid SSN is not known, then a "P" will be entered at the SSN prompt for the system to automatically assign a Pseudo-SSN. If a Pseudo SSN is entered, a Reason for entering it will be required.
.0901terminal digit of ssnCOMPUTEDThis is a computed field which returns the terminal digit value of the patient's social security number. This value is computed to be the last 2 digits of the social security number concatenated with the sixth and seventh digits of the social security number concatenated with the forth and fifth pieces of the social security number concatenated with the first 3 digits of the social security number.
.09051u4nCOMPUTEDThis is a computed field used to display the first character of the patient's last name concatenated with the last four digits of the patient's social security number. This combination of characters can be used to look-up a patient in DHCP.
This field is used to document the reason the individual was assigned a pseudo SSN. Based on your selection, the Pseudo SSN Report (Patient) option located in the Registration Menu can provide you a current report of the reasons entered at this prompt. The following reasons are available for selection: Refused to Provide - use this reason when the individual was asked for his/her SSN and refused to provide the number. SSN Unknown/Follow-up required - use this reason when the individual is not available to ask/answer the request for SSN. The facility should initiate Follow-up activity to obtain the SSN. No SSN Assigned - use this reason when the individual has not been assigned an SSN. This generally applies to spouse or dependents of veterans who are not US citizens and infrequently, non-citizen beneficiaries.
.0907ssn verification statusSSN;2SET OF CODES4:VERIFIED
This field designates whether or not the SSN has been verified. This field will be received in the HL7 record. It is not editable by the user. Once the SSN is verified by the SSA, it is no longer editable.
.091remarks0;10FREE TEXTIf so desired, you may enter a short remark about this applicant between 3-60 characters. The remark entered should be significant and tact should be exercised since this field is viewable to virtually all other users who have the ability to 'call up' a patient for any purpose.
.092place of birth [city]0;11FREE TEXTEnter the city in which this applicant was born (or foreign country if born outside the U.S.) [2-20 characters].
.093place of birth [state]0;12POINTER5If the applicant was born within the U.S. select from the available listing the state in which s/he was born.
.096who entered patient0;15POINTER200The name of the user who first entered this applicant into the patient file.
.097date entered into file0;16DATE-TIMEThis field stores the date this patient was initially stored into the PATIENT file. This is filled in automatically once a patient is successfully added to the database.
.098how was patient entered?0;17SET OF CODES1:10-10T REGISTRATION
How was the patient entered into the system.
.1ward location.1;E1,30FREE TEXTACNThe ward location on which this patient is currently residing if an inpatient [2-30 characters].
.101room-bed.101;1FREE TEXTRMIf desired, for this inpatient, enter the room and bed indicator to which s/he is assigned in 'ROOM-BED' format.
.102current movement.102;1POINTER405This field contains the internal entry number of the PATIENT MOVEMENT file denoting the most recent movement for an inpatient. This field is only stored for current inpatients. It must NOT be edited as this could affect the integrity of many options within MAS and other packages. When displaying this field, the date/time of the most recent movement will display.
.103treating specialty.103;1POINTER45.7ATRFrom the available listing choose the treating specialty to which this inpatient is currently assigned.
.104provider.104;1POINTER200APRFrom the available listing select the provider who is currently treating this patient.
.1041attending physician.1041;1POINTER200AAPThis field contains the attending physician currently responsible for the care of this patient. This field is maintained automatically for all inpatients and must not be edited. Once a patient is discharged, the data in this field is removed.
.105current admission.105;1POINTER405ACAThis field contains the internal entry number of the PATIENT MOVEMENT file denoting the current admission for an inpatient. This field is only stored for current inpatients. It must NOT be edited as this could affect the integrity of many options within MAS and other DHCP packages. When displaying this field, the date/time of the current admission will be displayed.
.106last dmms episode number.106;1NUMERICThis field was added at the request of the DMMS package developed at the Birmingham ISC. It will be utilized in a future release of that package.
.107lodger ward location.107;1FREE TEXTThe ward on which the patient currently resides if the patient is a lodger.
.108current room.108;1POINTER405.4This field contains a pointer to the ROOM-BED file denoting the current room-bed in which this inpatient resides. This field is filled in only for inpatients. It must NOT be edited as editing could adversely affect the operation of the MAS package as well as other DHCP packages. This field is filled in automatically by the module.
.109exclude from facility dir.109;1BOOLEAN0:NO
Denotes whether or not the patient wished to be excluded from the Facility Directory for current admission. This field is only stored for current inpatients. It must NOT be edited as this could affect the integrity of many options within PIMS and other packages.
.111street address [line 1].11;1FREE TEXTEnter the first line of this applicant's residence street address [3-35 characters].
.1112zip+4.11;12FREE TEXTAnswer with either the 5 digit format (e.g. 12345) or the nine digit format (e.g. 12345-6789 or 123456789).
.112street address [line 2].11;2FREE TEXTEnter the second line of this applicant's residence street address [3-30 characters] if the space provided in 'street address' was not sufficient.
.113street address [line 3].11;3FREE TEXTEnter the third line of this applicant's residence street address [3-30 characters] if the space provided in 'street address' and 'street address 2' was not sufficient.
.114city.11;4FREE TEXTEnter the city in which this applicant resides [2-15 characters]. If the space provided is not sufficient please abbreviate the city to the best of your ability.
.115state.11;5POINTER5From the available listing choose the state in which this applicant resides.
.116zip code.11;6FREE TEXTEnter the zip code [5 numerics] for the city in which this applicant resides.
.117county.11;7NUMERICIf a state of residence is entered select from the available listing the county in which this applicant resides. If no state (or a non-state) is entered no selection is possible.
.1171province.11;8FREE TEXTEnter a Province if the patient has provided one for his/her foreign address. The entry can be alphanumeric and up to 20 characters in length.
.1172postal code.11;9FREE TEXTEnter with patient's postal code if the patient has provided one for his/her foreign address. The entry can be alphanumeric and up to 10 characters in length.
.1173country.11;10POINTER779.004Enter the country where the patient's permanent address is located. If entering an Army/Air Force Post Office (APO) or a Fleet Post Office (FPO) address select United States as the country.
.118address change dt/tm.11;13DATE-TIMEThis field will hold the date and time of the last Address Update.
.119address change source.11;14SET OF CODESHEC:HEC
This field will hold the source of the Last address change.
.12address change site.11;15POINTER4This field will hold the Site that last changed this patient's address. This field is only populated when the Address Source is listed as VAMC.
.121bad address indicator.11;16SET OF CODES1:UNDELIVERABLE
The Bad Address Indicator field applies to the address at which the patient resides. This field should be set as follows (if applicable): "UNDELIVERABLE" - Bad Address based on returned mail. "HOMELESS" - Patient is known to be homeless. "OTHER" - Other Bad Address Reason Setting this field will prevent a Bad Address from being shared with HEC and other VAMC facilities. Once the Bad Address Indicator is set, incoming "newer" addresses will automatically remove the Bad Address Indicator, and allow the "updated" address to be transmitted to HEC and other VAMC facilities. To manually remove the Bad Address Indicator enter the "@" symbol.
.12105temporary address active?(+).121;9BOOLEANY:YES
Enter 'Y' if you wish to enter a temporary address for this applicant at this time, or 'N' if not. A 'NO' response will cause the temporary address 'Start Date' and 'End Date' fields to be automatically deleted while all other temporary address data will remain on file for future use.
.1211temporary street [line 1].121;1FREE TEXTIf the WANT TO ENTER A TEMPORARY ADDRESS prompt is answered YES enter the first line of the temporary street address for this applicant [2-30 characters] otherwise nothing may be entered. This field cannot be deleted as long as the need for a temporary address is indicated.
.12111temporary address county.121;11NUMERICIf a state is entered for the temporary residence, enter the county in which that residence resides. If a state does not exist for the temporary address, a county can not be entered.
.12112temporary zip+4.121;12FREE TEXTAnswer with either the 5 digit format (e.g. 12345) or the nine digit format (e.g. 12345-6789 or 123456789).
.12113temporary address change dt/tm.121;13DATE-TIMEThis field will hold the date and time of the last Temporary Address Update.
.12114temporary address change site.121;14POINTER4This field will hold the Site that last changed this patient's temporary address.
.1212temporary street [line 2].121;2FREE TEXTIf the WANT TO ENTER A TEMPORARY ADDRESS prompt is answered YES enter the second line of the temporary street address [2-30 characters], if necessary, otherwise nothing may be entered. This field may not be deleted as long as the need for a temporary address is indicated.
.1213temporary street [line 3].121;3FREE TEXTIf the WANT TO ENTER A TEMPORARY ADDRESS prompt is answered YES enter the third line of the temporary street address [2-30 characters], if necessary, otherwise nothing may be entered. This field may not be deleted as long as the need for a temporary address is indicated.
.1214temporary city.121;4FREE TEXTIf the WANT TO ENTER A TEMPORARY ADDRESS prompt is answered YES enter the city in which the temporary address lies [2-30 characters], otherwise nothing may be entered. This field may not be deleted as long as the need for a temporary address is indicated.
.1215temporary state.121;5POINTER5If the WANT TO ENTER A TEMPORARY ADDRESS prompt is answered YES select from the available listing the state in which the temporary address lies, otherwise nothing may be entered. This field may not be deleted as long as the need for a temporary address is indicated.
.1216temporary zip code.121;6FREE TEXTIf the WANT TO ENTER A TEMPORARY ADDRESS prompt is answered YES enter the zip code assigned to the temporary city [5 numerics], otherwise nothing may be entered. This field may not be deleted as long as the need for a temporary address is indicated.
.1217temporary address start date.121;7DATE-TIMEIf the WANT TO ENTER A TEMPORARY ADDRESS prompt is answered YES enter the date on which the applicant will commence being contacted at the temporary address indicated, otherwise nothing may be entered. This field may not be deleted as long as the need for a temporary address is indicated.
.1218temporary address end date.121;8DATE-TIMEIf the WANT TO ENTER A TEMPORARY ADDRESS prompt is answered YES enter the date as of which the applicant will no longer be contacted at that temporary address, otherwise nothing may be entered. This field may not be deleted as long as the need for a temporary address is indicated.
.1219temporary phone number.121;10FREE TEXTIf the WANT TO ENTER A TEMPORARY ADDRESS prompt is answered YES enter the telephone number at which the applicant can be contacted [4-20 characters] during his/her absence from permanent residence, otherwise nothing may be entered. This field may not be deleted as long as the need for a temporary address is indicated.
.122address change user.11;17POINTER200The name of the user who has changed this patient's primary address.
.1221temporary address province.122;1FREE TEXTEnter a Province if the patient has provided one for his/her foreign address. The entry can be alphanumeric and up to 20 characters in length.
.1222temporary address postal code.122;2FREE TEXTEnter with patient's postal code if the patient has provided one for his/her foreign address. The entry can be alphanumeric and up to 10 characters in length.
.1223temporary address country.122;3POINTER779.004Enter the country where the patient's temporary address is located. If entering an Army/Air Force Post Office (APO) or a Fleet Post Office (FPO) address select United States as the country.
.131phone number [residence].13;1FREE TEXTFEnter the telephone number [4-20 characters] to this applicant's place of residence.
.1311cellular number change source.13;10SET OF CODESHEC:HEC
This field will hold the source of the last Cellular number change.
.13111cellular number change site.13;11POINTER4This field will hold the site that last changed this patient's Cellular number. This field is only populated when the Cellular Number Change Source is listed as VAMC.
.1312pager number change dt/tm.13;12DATE-TIMEThis field will contain the date and time of the last Pager number update.
.1313pager number change source.13;13SET OF CODESHEC:HEC
This field will hold the source of the last Pager number change.
.1314pager number change site.13;14POINTER4This field will hold the site that last changed this patient's Pager number. This field is only populated when the Pager Number Change Source is listed as VAMC.
.1315confidential phone number.13;15FREE TEXTIf the 'Confidential Address Active' prompt is answered YES, enter the telephone number of the confidential address at which the patient is located [4-20 characters].
.132phone number [work].13;2FREE TEXTEnter the office phone number [4-20 characters] where this applicant can be reached while employed, if employed.
.1321residence number change dt/tm.132;1DATE-TIMEThis field will contain the date and time of the last Residence phone number update.
.1322residence number change source.132;2SET OF CODESHEC:HEC
This field will hold the source of the last Residence phone number change.
.1323residence number change site.132;3POINTER4This field will hold the site that last changed this patient's Residence phone number. This field is only populated when the Residence Number Change Source is listed as VAMC.
.133email address.13;3FREE TEXT
.134phone number [cellular].13;4FREE TEXTEnter the telephone number [4-20 characters] to the applicant's mobile phone.
.135pager number.13;5FREE TEXTEnter the applicant's pager number [4-20 characters].
.136email address change dt/tm.13;6DATE-TIMEThis field will contain the date and time of the last EMAIL address update.
.137email address change source.13;7SET OF CODESHEC:HEC
This field will hold the source of the last EMAIL address change.
.138email address change site.13;8POINTER4This field will hold the site that last changed this patient's EMAIL address. This field is only populated when the EMAIL Address Source is listed as VAMC.
.139cellular number change dt/tm.13;9DATE-TIMEThis field will contain the date and time of the last Cellular number update.
.14current means test status0;14POINTER408.32ACSThis field is computed by the system. It contains the current means test status for a patient.
.141confidential address category.14;0MULTIPLE2.141This is a multiple valued field containing the confidential address categories for this applicant.
.14105confidential address active?(+).141;9BOOLEANY:YES
Enter 'Y' if you wish to enter a confidential address for this applicant at this time. A 'NO' response will cause the Confidential Start Date and Confidential End Date fields to be automatically deleted while other confidential address information will remain on file for future use.
.1411confidential street [line 1].141;1FREE TEXTIf the 'Confidential Address Active' prompt is answered YES, the user will be prompted for the first line of the confidential street address. This field cannot be deleted as long as the need for a confidential address is indicated.
.14111confidential address county.141;11NUMERICIf the 'Confidential Address Active' prompt is answered YES, enter the county for the applicant's confidential address.
.14112confidential addr change dt/tm.141;12DATE-TIMEThis field will hold the date and time of the last Confidential Address Update. Any change to the following Confidential Address fields will trigger an update: Confidential Street [Line 1], Confidential Street [Line 2], Confidential Street [Line 3], Confidential Address City, Confidential Address State, Confidential Address Zip Code, Confidential Start Date, Confidential End Date, Confidential Address Active?, Confidential Address County, Confidential Addr Province, Confidential Addr Postal Code, Confidential Addr Country and Confidential Phone Number
.14113confidential addr change site.141;13POINTER4This field will hold the Site that last changed this patient's confidential address.
.14114confidential addr province.141;14FREE TEXTEnter a Province if the patient has provided one for his/her foreign address. The entry can be alphanumeric and up to 20 characters in length.
.14115confidential addr postal code.141;15FREE TEXTEnter with patient's postal code if the patient has provided one for his/her foreign address. The entry can be alphanumeric and up to 10 characters in length.
.14116confidential addr country.141;16POINTER779.004Enter the country where the patient's confidential address is located. If entering an Army/Air Force Post Office (APO) or a Fleet Post Office (FPO) address select United States as the country.
.1412confidential street [line 2].141;2FREE TEXTIf the 'Confidential Address Active' prompt is answered YES, the user will be prompted for the second line of the confidential street address [2-30 characters]. The second line of the street address is optional and may be left blank.
.1413confidential street [line 3].141;3FREE TEXTIf the 'Confidential Address Active' prompt is answered YES, the user will be prompted for the third line of the confidential street address. The third line of the street address is optional and may be left blank.
.1414confidential address city.141;4FREE TEXTIf the 'Confidential Address Active' prompt is answered YES, enter the confidential address city for this applicant [2-30 characters]. This field may not be deleted as long as the need for a confidential address is indicated.
.1415confidential address state.141;5POINTER5If the 'Confidential Address Active' prompt is answered YES, the user will be asked to select the confidential address state from the available listing. This field may not be deleted as long as the need for a confidential address is indicated.
.1416confidential address zip code.141;6FREE TEXTIf the 'Confidential Address Active' prompt is answered YES, the user will be asked to enter the zip code assigned to the city for the confidential address. This field may not be deleted as long as the need for a confidential address is indicated.
.1417confidential start date.141;7DATE-TIMEIf the 'Confidential Address Active' prompt is answered YES, enter the date to begin contacting the applicant at the confidential address.
.1418confidential end date.141;8DATE-TIMEIf the 'Confidential Address Active' prompt is answered YES, enter the date the applicant will no longer be contacted at this address.
.152ineligible date.15;2DATE-TIMEIf this applicant is ineligible for treatment enter the effective date. Only users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field. The Ineligible Date cannot be prior to the beneficiary Date of Birth.
.153missing person date.15;3DATE-TIMEThis field contains the date this patient was initially listed as missing.
.16missing or ineligible.16;0WORD-PROCESSINGThis is a word processing field to contain information on the patient's ineligibility or information about this missing patient.
.1651ineligible twx source(+)INE;1SET OF CODES1:VAMC
Choose from the available listing the source of the TWX which informed you that this applicant was ineligible for treatment. An ineligible date must be specified in order to enter/edit this field and the user must hold the designated security key. This field may not be deleted as long as an ineligible date is on file.
.1653ineligible twx cityINE;3FREE TEXTEnter the city from which the TWX which informed you this applicant was ineligible for treatment originated [3-30 characters]. An ineligible date must be specified in order to enter/edit this field and the user must hold the designated security key. This field may not be deleted as long as an ineligible date is on file.
.1654ineligible twx stateINE;4POINTER5Enter the state from which the TWX which informed you this applicant was ineligible for treatment originated. An ineligible date must be specified in order to enter/edit this field and the user must hold the designated security key. This field may not be deleted as long as an ineligible date is on file.
.1656ineligible varo decisionINE;6FREE TEXTEnter the VARO decision concerning this applicant's ineligibility [between 3-75 characters]. An ineligible date must be specified in order to enter/edit this field and the user must hold the designated security key. This field may not be deleted as long as an ineligible date is on file.
.1657missing person twx sourceINE;7SET OF CODES1:VAMC
If this patient is missing, enter the source of the TWX that originally listed the patient as missing.
.1658missing person twx cityINE;8FREE TEXTIf this patient is missing, enter the city where the TWX reporting the patient as missing was originated.
.1659missing person twx stateINE;9POINTER5If this patient is missing, enter the state where the TWX reporting the patient as missing was originated.
.172fee hospital i.d..17;2SET OF CODESI:ISSUED
This field is not used by any DHCP packages and has been *'d for deletion with the release of MAS v5.2. It will be removed in a future release of MAS.
.181emergency response indicator.18;1SET OF CODESK:HURRICANE KATRINA
AERIEnter the appropriate ER Indicator to identify patients from impacted zip code areas designated by FEMA.
.19divisionCOMPUTEDDivision of inpatient location
.21011k-work phone number.21;11FREE TEXTIf the person designated as next of kin for this patient is employed, enter the phone number at which the NOK can be reached while at work.
.21012primary nok change date/time.212;1DATE-TIMEThis field will hold the date and time of the last Primary Next of Kin Update.
.211k-name of primary nok.21;1FREE TEXTEnter the primary next of kin's name in 'LAST,FIRST MIDDLE SUFFIX' format. This value must be 3-35 characters in length and may contain only uppercase alpha characters, spaces, apostrophes, hyphens and one comma. All other characters and parenthetical text will be removed.
.211011k2-work phone number.211;11FREE TEXTIf the person designated as secondary next of kin for this patient is employed, enter the phone number that individual can be reached at while at work.
.211012secondary nok change date/time.212;2DATE-TIMEThis field will hold the date and time of the last Secondary Next of Kin Update. Any change to the following Secondary Next of Kin fields will trigger an update: K2-Name Of Secondary NOK, K2-Relationship To Patient, K2-Street Address [Line 1], K2-Street Address [Line 2], K2-Street Address [Line 3], K2-City, K2-State, K2-Zip Code, K2-Phone Number, K2-Address Same As Patient's? and K2-Work Phone Number
.212k-relationship to patient.21;2FREE TEXTIf a primary next-of-kin is specified enter the relationship of that person to the applicant [1-30 characters], otherwise nothing may be entered. This field cannot be deleted as long as a 'next of kin' name is on file.
.2125k-address same as patient's?(+).21;10BOOLEANY:YES
Enter 'Y' if the next-of-kin should be contacted at the same address and phone number as the applicant, otherwise enter 'N'.
.213k-street address [line 1].21;3FREE TEXTIf a primary next-of-kin is specified enter the first line of that person's street address [3-30 characters], otherwise nothing may be entered. This field cannot be deleted as long as a 'next of kin' name is on file.
.214k-street address [line 2].21;4FREE TEXTIf a primary next-of-kin is specified enter the second line of that person's street address [3-30 characters], if necessary, otherwise nothing may be entered. This field cannot be deleted as long as a 'next of kin' name is on file.
.215k-street address [line 3].21;5FREE TEXTIf a primary next-of-kin is specified enter the third line of that person's street address [3-30 characters], if necessary, otherwise nothing may be entered. This field cannot be deleted as long as a 'next of kin' name is on file.
.216k-city.21;6FREE TEXTIf a primary next-of-kin is specified enter the city in which that person resides [3-30 characters], otherwise nothing may be entered. This field cannot be deleted as long as a 'next of kin' name is on file.
.217k-state.21;7POINTER5If a primary next-of-kin is specified select from the available listing the state in which that person resides, otherwise nothing may be entered. This field cannot be deleted as long as a 'next of kin' name is on file.
.218k-zip code.21;8FREE TEXTIf a primary next-of-kin is specified enter the zip code [5 numerics] in which his/her city lies, otherwise nothing may be entered. This field cannot be deleted as long as a 'next of kin' name is on file.
.219k-phone number.21;9FREE TEXTIf a primary next-of-kin is specified enter that person's telephone number [4-20 characters], otherwise nothing may be entered. This field cannot be deleted as long as a 'next of kin' name is on file.
.2191k2-name of secondary nok.211;1FREE TEXTEnter the secondary next of kin's name in 'LAST,FIRST MIDDLE SUFFIX' format. This value must be 3-35 characters in length and may contain only uppercase alpha characters, spaces, apostrophes, hyphens and one comma. All other characters and parenthetical text will be removed.
.2192k2-relationship to patient.211;2FREE TEXTIf a secondary next-of-kin is specified enter the relationship of that person to the applicant [1-30 characters]. This field cannot be deleted as long as a secondary NOK is on file.
.21925k2-address same as patient's?(+).211;10BOOLEANY:YES
Enter 'Y' if the secondary NOK should be contacted at the same address and phone number as the applicant, otherwise enter 'N'.
.2193k2-street address [line 1].211;3FREE TEXTIf a secondary NOK is specified enter the first line of that person's street address [3-30 characters], otherwise nothing may be entered. This field cannot be deleted as long as a secondary NOK is on file.
.2194k2-street address [line 2].211;4FREE TEXTIf a secondary NOK is specified enter the second line of that person's street address [3-30 characters], if necessary, otherwise nothing may be entered. This field cannot be deleted as long as a secondary NOK is on file.
.2195k2-street address [line 3].211;5FREE TEXTIf a secondary NOK is specified enter the third line of that person's street address [3-30 characters], if necessary, otherwise nothing may be entered. This field cannot be deleted as long as a secondary NOK is on file.
.2196k2-city.211;6FREE TEXTIf a secondary NOK is specified enter the city in which that person resides [3-30 characters], otherwise nothing may be entered. This field cannot be deleted as long as a secondary NOK is on file.
.2197k2-state.211;7POINTER5If a secondary NOK is specified select from the available listing the state in which that person resides, otherwise nothing may be entered. This field cannot be deleted as long as a secondary NOK is on file.
.2198k2-zip code.211;8FREE TEXTIf a secondary NOK is specified enter the zip code for the city in which that person resides [5 numerics], otherwise nothing may be entered. This field cannot be deleted as long as a secondary NOK is on file.
.2199k2-phone number.211;9FREE TEXTIf a secondary NOK is specified enter the telephone number at which that person may be reached [3-20 characters], otherwise nothing may be entered. This field cannot be deleted as long as a secondary NOK is on file.
.2201e-zip+4.22;1FREE TEXTAnswer with either the 5 digit format (e.g. 12345) or the nine digit format (e.g. 12345-6789 or 123456789). This is related to the Emergency Contact Address.
.2202d-zip+4.22;2FREE TEXTAnswer with either the 5 digit format (e.g. 12345) or the nine digit format (e.g. 12345-6789 or 123456789). This is related to the designee for personal effects' address.
.2203k2-zip+4.22;3FREE TEXTAnswer with either the 5 digit format (e.g. 12345) or the nine digit format (e.g. 12345-6789 or 123456789). This is related to the secondary next-of-kin's address.
.2204e2-zip+4.22;4FREE TEXTAnswer with either the 5 digit format (e.g. 12345) or the nine digit format (e.g. 12345-6789 or 123456789). This is related to the secondary emergency contact's address.
.2205employer zip+4.22;5FREE TEXTAnswer with either the 5 digit format (e.g. 12345) or the nine digit format (e.g. 12345-6789 or 123456789). This is related to the patient employer's address.
.2206spouse's emp zip+4.22;6FREE TEXTAnswer with either the 5 digit format (e.g. 12345) or the nine digit format (e.g. 12345-6789 or 123456789). This is related to the spouse's employer's address.
.2207k-zip+4.22;7FREE TEXTAnswer with either the 5 digit format (e.g. 12345) or the nine digit format (e.g. 12345-6789 or 123456789). This is related to the primary emergency contact's address.
.2401father's name.24;1FREE TEXTEnter the father's name in 'LAST,FIRST MIDDLE SUFFIX' format. This value must be 3-35 characters in length and may contain only uppercase alpha characters, spaces, apostrophes, hyphens and one comma. All other characters and parenthetical text will be removed.
.2402mother's name.24;2FREE TEXTEnter the mother's name in 'LAST,FIRST MIDDLE SUFFIX' format. This value must be 3-35 characters in length and may contain only uppercase alpha characters, spaces, apostrophes, hyphens and one comma. All other characters and parenthetical text will be removed.
.2403mother's maiden name.24;3FREE TEXTEnter the mother's maiden name in 'LAST,FIRST MIDDLE SUFFIX' format. Entry of the LAST name only is permitted and the comma may be omitted. If the response contains no comma, one will be appended to the value. Including the comma, the value must be at least 3 characters in length.
.251spouse's employer name.25;1FREE TEXTFor this married applicant (marital status must be married) enter the name of his/her spouse's employer [3-20 characters].
.2514spouse's occupation.25;14FREE TEXTIf this patient's spouse is currently employed, enter the spouse's occupation here. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
.2515spouse's employment status(+).25;15SET OF CODES1:EMPLOYED FULL TIME
Choose from the available list the choice that most correctly indicates the current employment status for this patient's spouse.
.2516spouse's retirement date.25;16DATE-TIMEFor this veteran applicant's spouse, enter the date s/he retired from her/his place of employment.
.252spouse's emp street [line 1].25;2FREE TEXTIf applicant is married and a spouse's employer name has been entered enter the first line of the spouse's employer's street address [3-35 characters, otherwise nothing may be entered. This field may not be deleted as long as a spouse's employer's name is on file.
.253spouse's emp street [line 2].25;3FREE TEXTIf applicant is married and a spouse's employer name has been entered enter the second line of the spouse's employer's street address [3-35 characters, if necessary, otherwise nothing may be entered. This field may not be deleted as long as a spouse's employer's name is on file.
.254spouse's emp street [line 3].25;4FREE TEXTIf applicant is married and a spouse's employer name has been entered enter the third line of the spouse's employer's street address [3-35 characters, if necessary, otherwise nothing may be entered. This field may not be deleted as long as a spouse's employer's name is on file.
.255spouse's employer's city.25;5FREE TEXTIf applicant is married and a spouse's employer name has been entered enter the spouse's employer city [2-20 characters], otherwise nothing may be entered. This field may not be deleted as long as a spouse's employer's name is on file.
.256spouse's employer's state.25;6POINTER5If applicant is married and a spouse's employer name has been entered select from the available listing the spouse's employer's state. This field may not be deleted as long as a spouse's employer's name is on file.
.257spouse's emp zip code.25;7FREE TEXTIf applicant is married and spouse's employer name has been entered enter the spouse's employer zip code [5 numerics], otherwise nothing may be entered. This field may not be deleted as long as a spouse's employer's name is on file.
.258spouse's emp phone number.25;8FREE TEXTIf applicant is married and spouse's employer name has been entered enter the spouse's employer telephone number [4-20 characters], otherwise nothing may be entered. This field may not be deleted as long as a spouse's employer's name is on file.
.290012zip+4 (civil).291;12FREE TEXTEnter the zip code of the address where the person responsible for handling this patient's funds resides. Answer with either the 5 digit format (e.g. 12345) or the nine digit format (e.g. 12345-6789 or 123456789).
.29013zip+4 (va).29;13FREE TEXTIf this patient has a VA guardian responsible for handling the patient's funds, enter the guardian's zip code here. Answer with either the 5 digit format (e.g. 12345) or the nine digit format (e.g. 12345-6789 or 123456789).
.291date ruled incompetent (va).29;1DATE-TIMEEnter the date this patient was ruled to be incompetent to handle his VA funds. The Date Ruled Incompetent cannot be after the Date of Death.
.2911institution (va).29;3POINTER4Enter the VA facility or institution responsible for this patient's VA funds.
.2912guardian (va).29;4FREE TEXTEnter the name of the VA representative responsible for this patient's funds.
.2913relationship (va).29;5FREE TEXTEnter the relationship to the patient of the VA representative responsible for handling this patient's funds.
.2914street address 1 (va).29;6FREE TEXTEnter the first line of the street address of the VA representative responsible for handling this patient's funds.
.2915street address 2 (va).29;7FREE TEXTEnter the second line of the street address of the VA representative responsible for handling this patient's funds.
.2916city (va).29;8FREE TEXTEnter the city in which the person reponsible for handling this patient's funds resides.
.2917state (va).29;9POINTER5Enter the state in which the person responsible for handling this patient's funds resides.
.2918zip (va).29;10FREE TEXTIf this patient has a VA guardian responsible for handling the patient's funds, enter the guardian's zip code here.
.2919phone (va).29;11FREE TEXTIf this patient has a VA guardian responsible for handling the patient's funds, enter the guardian's phone number here.
.292date ruled incompetent (civil).29;2DATE-TIMEIf this patient was ruled incompetent to handle his funds, enter the date he was ruled incompetent. The Date Ruled Incompetent cannot be after the Date of Death.
.2921institution (civil).291;3FREE TEXTIf this patient has been ruled incompetant to handle his financial matters, enter the instituition reponsible for handling the funds on the patient's behalf.
.2922guardian (civil).291;4FREE TEXTIf this patient has been ruled incompetant to handle his financial matters, enter the name of the individual responsible for handling the funds on the patient's behalf.
.2923relationship (civil).291;5FREE TEXTIf this patient has been ruled incompetant to handle his financial funds, and someone else is responsible for handling the funds, enter the relationship of that person to the patient.
.2924street address 1 (civil).291;6FREE TEXTEnter the first line of the street address of the person responsible for handling this patient's funds.
.2925street address 2 (civil).291;7FREE TEXTEnter the second line of the street address of the person responsible for handling this patient's funds.
.2926city (civil).291;8FREE TEXTEnter the city in which the person responsible for this patient's funds resides.
.2927state (civil).291;9POINTER5Enter the state in which the person responsible for handling this patient's funds resides.
.2928zip (civil).291;10FREE TEXTEnter the zip code of the address where the person responsible for handling this patient's funds resides.
.2929phone (civil).291;11FREE TEXTIf this patient has been ruled incompetant to handle his money and another person has been assigned to handle the patient's financial matters, enter that person's phone number here.
.293rated incompetent?.29;12BOOLEAN0:NO
This field was originated for the use of AMIE (Automated Medical Information Exchange). One will receive from DVB the information on whether the patient was rated incompetent by the VA. This may differ from the date rated incompetent field in the patient file.
.301service connected?(+).3;1BOOLEANY:YES
Enter 'Y' if this applicant is service connected, 'N' if not. Applicants identified as being non-veterans cannot be entered as service connected. Once eligibility has been verified only users holding the designated security key may enter/edit this field.
.3012sc award date.3;12DATE-TIMEThis field contains the effective date of service connection, based on the VBA decision. This can be obtained either through HINQ or the award letter.
.3013p&t effective date.3;13DATE-TIMEEnter the Effective Date the patient was awarded P&T disability status by VARO. This field is optional (not required). But if entered, the date needs to be a precise date, i.e. a day, month and year MUST be included. P&T Effective Date can not be a date prior to the Veteran's 'Date of Birth', a future date, or a date after the Veteran's 'Date of Death'.
.3014eff. date combined sc% eval..3;14DATE-TIMEData will be filed automatically from HL7 message from the HEC. This is the date that the combined Service Connected Disability % was awarded.
.302service connected percentage.3;2NUMERICIf this applicant is service connected (SERVICE CONNECTED prompt must be answered YES) enter the service connected percentage [a number between 0-100]. Once eligibility has been verified only users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field. Field may not be deleted as long as service connection is indicated.
.3025receiving va disability?.3;11SET OF CODESY:YES
For this veteran applicant enter 'Y' if s/he is in receipt of a disability payment, 'N' if not, or 'U' if unknown. Once monetary benefits have been verified only users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field.
.303amount of va disability.3;3NUMERICFor this veteran applicant who is in receipt of disability payment (RECEIPT OF DISABILITY PAYMENT prompt must be answered YES) enter the amount received [a number between 0-99999]. Once monetary benefits are verified only users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field. Any dollar amomount on file cannot be deleted as long as receipt of disability payment is indicated. If you wish to enter a monthly amount either preceed or follow it with an asterisk and I'll multiply it out for you.
This field will contain YES if the patient is determined to be permanently and totally disabled by VARO due to a service connected condition. Answering "YES" will prompt you to enter a P&T Effective Date.
Is this patient rated unemployable by the VARO due to a service connected condition?
.306monetary ben. verify date.3;6DATE-TIMEOnce monetary benefits, and amounts, are verified enter the date of verification. All monetary benefits data fields will become uneditable to any user who does not hold the designated security key once the benefits are verified. Only users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field.
.307ineligible reason.3;7FREE TEXTIf this applicant is ineligible for treatment enter the reason [not to exceed 40 characters]. An ineligible date must be specified in order to enter/edit this field and the user must hold the designated security key. This field may not be deleted as long as an ineligible date is on file.
.309agency/allied country.3;9POINTER35For this applicant whose eligibility code is either 'OTHER FEDERAL AGENCY' or 'ALLIED VETERAN' select from the available listing the federal agency or allied country, as appropriate, which best classifies this applicant.
.31*category of beneficiary.3;10POINTER45.82ACBThis field is no longer used by the MAS package. It was previously updated via a cross-reference on the CATEGORY OF BENEFICIARY field in the PTF file. In a prior release of MAS, the use of category of beneficiary was discontinued and period of service is now solely used. In a future release of MAS, this field will be removed along with the ACB cross-reference on the PATIENT file and the cross-reference in the PTF file which sets this data.
.3111employer name.311;1FREE TEXTIf employment status is indicated and is not unemployed enter the employer name [1-30 characters], otherwise nothing may be entered.
.31115employment status(+).311;15SET OF CODES1:EMPLOYED FULL TIME
Enter the patient's current employment status. Choose from the available choices.
.31116date of retirement.311;16DATE-TIMEFor this veteran applicant, enter the date s/he retired from her/his place of employment.
.3112government agency.311;2BOOLEANY:YES
If this patient is currently employed by a government agency, respond yes to this question. If the patient is employed by the private sector or currently is unemployed, respond no.
.3113employer street [line 1].311;3FREE TEXTIf employment status is indicated, applicant is not unemployed and an employer name is entered enter the first line of the employer street address [1-30 characters], otherwise nothing may be entered. This field cannot be deleted as long as an employer name is on file.
.3114employer street [line 2].311;4FREE TEXTIf employment status is indicated, applicant is not unemployed and an employer name is entered enter the second line of the employer street address [1-30 characters], if necessary, otherwise nothing may be entered. This field cannot be deleted as long as an employer name is on file.
.3115employer street [line 3].311;5FREE TEXTIf employment status is indicated, applicant is not unemployed and an employer name is entered enter the third line of the employer street address [1-30 characters], if necessary, otherwise nothing may be entered. This field cannot be deleted as long as an employer name is on file.
.3116employer city.311;6FREE TEXTIf employment status is indicated, applicant is not unemployed and an employer name is entered enter the employer city [1-30 characters], otherwise nothing may be entered. This field cannot be deleted as long as an employer name is on file.
.3117employer state.311;7POINTER5If employment status is indicated, applicant is not unemployed and an employer name is entered select from the available listing the employer state, otherwise nothing may be entered. This field cannot be deleted as long as an employer name is on file.
.3118employer zip code.311;8FREE TEXTIf employment status is indicated, applicant is not unemployed and an employer name is entered enter the employer zip code [5 numerics], otherwise nothing may be entered. This field cannot be deleted as long as an employer name is on file.
.3119employer phone number.311;9FREE TEXTIf employment status is indicated, applicant is not unemployed and an employer name is entered enter the employer telephone number [3-20 characters], otherwise nothing may be entered. This field cannot be deleted as long as an employer name is on file.
.312*claim folder location.31;2FREE TEXTFor this veteran applicant enter, if applicable, the location of his/her VA claim folder [2-40 characters].
.3121insurance type.312;0MULTIPLE2.312From the available listing enter the type of insurance under which this applicant is covered regardless of who holds the policy.
.313claim number.31;3FREE TEXTIf the applicant is a veteran enter his/her claim number as 7-8 numerics or by entering the characters 'SS' if his/her claim number is the same as his/her social security number. Once eligibility has been verified only users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field.
.314claim folder location.31;4POINTER4This is the location of the patient's claim folder. It must be an entry in the INSTITUTION File. Valid facility types: RO (Regional Office) RO&IC (Regional Office and Insurance Center) RO-OC (Regional Office - Outpatient Clinic) RPC (Record Processing Center) M&ROC (Medical and Regional Office Center) M&ROC (M&RO) (Medical and Regional Office Center)
.3192covered by health insurance?(+).31;11SET OF CODESY:YES
Enter 'Y' if this applicant is covered by a health insurance policy regardless of who holds policy (applicant, spouse, employer, etc.), 'N' if s/he isn't covered by any policy, or 'U' if unknown.
.32101vietnam service indicated?(+).321;1SET OF CODESY:YES
For this veteran applicant enter 'Y' if s/he actually served in the Republic of Vietnam, 'N' if not, or 'U' if unknown. Once the service record has been verified only users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field.
.32102agent orange expos. indicated?(+).321;2SET OF CODESY:YES
For this veteran applicant enter 'Y' if s/he was exposed to the chemical agent orange, 'N' if not, or 'U' if unknown. Exposure cannot be claimed unless the Period of Service (field .323) is answered VIETNAM ERA, which entails those serving in the Korean DMZ between January 1, 1968 and December 31, 1969 or Vietnam. Once the service record has been verified only users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field.
.32103radiation exposure indicated?(+).321;3SET OF CODESY:YES
Enter 'Y' if the veteran was exposed to ionizing radiation 1) at a nuclear device testing site (e.g. the Pacific Islands, NM or NV) or 2) as a POW or while serving in Hiroshima and/or Nagasaki, Japan from August 6, 1945 through July 1, 1946, or 3) served at Department of Energy plants at Paducah, KY, Portsmouth, OH or the K25 area at Oak Ridge, TN for at least 250 days before February 1, 1992 or 4) served at Longshot, Milrow, or Cannikin underground nuclear tests at Amchitka Island, AK prior to January 1, 1974. Veterans exposed by method #3 or #4 are not eligible for copay exemption or enrollment in priority 6 based on their IR exposure. Enter 'N' if not exposed or 'U' if unknown. Once the record has been verified only HEC users may enter/edit this field.
.32104vietnam from date(+).321;4DATE-TIMEFor this veteran applicant who served in the Republic of Vietnam (DID YOU SERVE IN VIETNAM prompt must be answered YES) enter the date on which service in vietnam commenced [between February 28, 1961 and May 7, 1975]. Once the service record is verified only users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field. As long as Vietnam service is indicated this date may not be deleted.
.32105vietnam to date(+).321;5DATE-TIMEFor this veteran applicant who served in the Republic of Vietnam (DID YOU SERVE IN VIETNAM prompt must be answered YES) enter the date on which service in Vietnam ended [between February 28, 1961 and May 7, 1975]. Once the service record is verified only user who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field. As long as Vietnam service is indicated this date may not be deleted.
.32107agent orange registration date.321;7DATE-TIMEFor this veteran applicant who was exposed to agent orange (EXPOSED TO AGENT ORANGE prompt must be answered YES) enter the date registered. Once the service record is verified only users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field. As long as agent orange exposure is indicated this field may not be deleted.
.32108agent orange reported to c.o..321;8DATE-TIMEEnter the date on which this patient's claim of exposure to Agent Orange was initially reported to VA Central Office.
.32109agent orange exam date.321;9DATE-TIMEFor this veteran applicant who was exposed to agent orange (EXPOSED TO AGENT ORANGE prompt must be answered YES) enter the date s/he was examined for this exposure, if any. Once the service record is verified only users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field. As long as agent orange exposure is indicated this field may not be deleted.
.3211agent orange registration #.321;10NUMERICFor this veteran applicant who was exposed to agent orange (EXPOSED TO AGENT ORANGE prompt must be answered YES) enter the registration number assigned [a number between 1-999999]. Once the service record has been verified only users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field. This field cannot be deleted as long as agent orange exposure is indicated.
.32111radiation registration date.321;11DATE-TIMEFor this veteran applicant who was exposed to ionizing radiation (WERE YOU EXPOSED TO RADIATION prompt must be answered YES) enter the date registered. Once the service record is verified only users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field. This field cannot be deleted as long as ionizing radiation exposure is indicated.
.32115proj 112/shad.321;15BOOLEAN1:YES
.3212radiation exposure method.321;12SET OF CODES2:HIROSHIMA/NAGASAKI
This field represents the method by which the exposure to ionizing radiation occurred.
.3213agent orange exposure location(+).321;13SET OF CODESK:KOREAN DMZ
For this veteran applicant who was exposed to agent orange (EXPOSED TO AGENT ORANGE prompt must be answered YES) enter the location where the exposure occurred. Once the service record has been verified only users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field. This field cannot be deleted as long as agent orange exposure is indicated.
.3214filipino veteran proof.321;14SET OF CODESPP:US PASSPORT
Enter in this field the documentation that was provided in order to establish US citizenship, lawful permanent US residency, and/or VA Compensation at full-dollar rate for a Filipino Veteran (i.e., a veteran whose Branch of Service is F. Commonwealth, F. Guerilla, or F. Scouts New)
.3215service [oef or oif].3215;0MULTIPLE2.3215This contains the information relating to the deployment of the patient to a conflict location for the operations Iraqi and Enduring Freedom (OIF, OEF respectively). It also includes records of conflict that can be identified as being EITHER OIF OR OEF, but the specific location cannot be determined.
.3216military service episode.3216;0MULTIPLE2.3216This contains the definitive military service episode history for the patient and is updated from the Health Eligibility Center (HEC) system. HEC is the authoritative source for this data and it may not be edited in VistA except to add new episodes.
.322service verification date.32;2DATE-TIMEOnce the service record has been verified enter the date of verification. All service record data will become uneditable to any user who does not hold the designated security key once the service record is verified. Only users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field.
.32201persian gulf service?(+).322;10SET OF CODESY:YES
If this patient served in the Persian Gulf during the war (anytime after August 2, 1990), enter yes here. If the patient did not serve in the Persian Gulf during this timeframe, enter no. Enter unknown if this information could not be obtained from the patient.
.322011persian gulf from date(+).322;11DATE-TIMEIf this patient served in the Persian Gulf during the war (PERSIAN GULF SERVICE? is answered YES), respond with the date the patient began serving there. The date must be on or after August 2, 1990.
.322012persian gulf to date(+).322;12DATE-TIMEIf this patient served in the Persian Gulf during the war, enter the date the patient's service in that region ended. The date must be after the date selected as PERSIAN GULF FROM DATE which must be on or after August 2, 1990.
.322013southwest asia conditions?(+).322;13SET OF CODESY:YES
Enter "Y" if veteran claims need for care of conditions related to service in SW Asia. Enter "N" if veteran did not serve in SW Asia or does not claim need for care of conditions related to service in SW Asia. Enter "U" when veteran served in SW Asia, but is unsure of whether conditions may be related to that service. SW Asia Theater of operations is defined as: Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, the neutral zone between Iraq and Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, the Gulf of Aden, the Gulf of Oman, the Persian Gulf, the Arabian Sea, the Red Sea, and the airspace above these locations.
.322014sw asia cond registration date.322;14DATE-TIMEThis is the date on which the patient registered for being exposed to Conditions related to service in SW Asia. This date must be after 8/1/1990.
.322015sw asia cond exam date.322;15DATE-TIMEThis is the date on which an examination for exposure to Conditions related to service in SW Asia was performed on the patient.
.322016somalia service indicated?(+).322;16SET OF CODESY:YES
If this patient served in the Somalia, enter yes here. If the patient did not serve in Somalia, enter no. Enter unknown if this information could not be obtained from the patient.
.322022somalia from date(+).322;17DATE-TIMEIf this patient served in Somalia (SOMALIA SERVICE INDICATED? is answered YES), enter the date this patient's service in Somalia began. This date must be on or after September 28, 1992.
.322018somalia to date(+).322;18DATE-TIMEThis is the last date of service in Somalia. This date must be on or after September 28, 1992.
.322019yugoslavia service indicated?.322;19SET OF CODESY:YES
Field stores code indicating if patient served in the Yugolslavia Conflict.
.32202yugoslavia from date(+).322;20DATE-TIMEEnter the date that service in the Yugoslavia Conflict began for this patient. Earliest possible date is 6/22/1992.
.322021yugoslavia to date(+).322;21DATE-TIMEThe date service in the Yugoslavia Conflict ended for this patient.
.3221lebanon service indicated?(+).322;1SET OF CODESY:YES
Did this patient serve in Lebanon between the dates of August 23, 1982 and February 26, 1984?
.3222lebanon from date(+).322;2DATE-TIMEFor this veteran applicant who served in Lebanon, enter the date which the applicant's service in Lebanon began. The date must be on or after October 1, 1983. .
.3223lebanon to date(+).322;3DATE-TIMEFor this patient, enter the date the patient's service in Lebanon ended. The 'LEBANON SERVICE INDICATED?' field must be answered yes and the date in this field must be after October 1, 1983.
.3224grenada service indicated?(+).322;4SET OF CODESY:YES
Enter yes if this patient served in Grenada between the dates of October 23, 1983 and November 21, 1983.
.3225grenada from date(+).322;5DATE-TIMEEnter the date which this patient began service in Grenada. The 'GRENADA SERVICE INDICATED?' field must be answered YES and the date entered here must be between October 23, 1983 and November 21, 1983.
.3226grenada to date(+).322;6DATE-TIMEEnter the date which this patient's service in Grenada ended. The 'GRENADA SERVICE INDICATED?' field must be yes and this date must be between October 23, 1983 and November 21, 1983.
.3227panama service indicated?(+).322;7SET OF CODESY:YES
Respond yes if this patient served in Panama between the dates of December 20, 1989 and January 31, 1990. Enter no if the patient did not serve in Panama during this timeframe. Otherwise, enter unknown if this information could not be obtained from the patient.
.3228panama from date(+).322;8DATE-TIMEIf this patient served in Panama (PANAMA SERVICE INDICATED? is answered YES), enter the date this patient's service in Panama began. The date must be between December 20, 1989 and January 31, 1990.
.3229panama to date(+).322;9DATE-TIMEIf this patient served during the conflict in Panama (PANAMA SERVICE INDICATED? is YES), enter the date the patient's service there ended. The date must be between December 20, 1989 and January 31, 1990.
.323period of service.32;3POINTER21APOSFrom the available listing select the period of service which best classifies this applicant. The selections displayed are limited based on the eligibility code which must have been entered in order to select a period of service. Once the service record is verified only those users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field.
.324service discharge type [last](+).32;4POINTER25For this veteran applicant select from the available listing the discharge type which s/he received for his/her most recent episode of military service. Once the service record is verified only those users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field.
.325service branch [last].32;5POINTER23For this veteran applicant select from the available listing the branch of service served in during his/her most recent episode of military service. Once the service record is verified only those users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field.
.326service entry date [last](+).32;6DATE-TIMEFor this veteran applicant enter the date s/he commenced his/her most recent episode of military service. If the military service component is ACTIVATED NATIONAL GUARD or ACTIVATED RESERVE, the period entered should be the period of activation, so this date is their first day of active duty for the episode. Once the service record is verified only those users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field.
.327service separation date [last](+).32;7DATE-TIMEFor this veteran applicant enter the date s/he ended his/her most recent episode of military service. If the military service component is ACTIVATED NATIONAL GUARD or ACTIVATED RESERVE, the period entered should be the period of activation, so this date is their last day of active duty for this episode. Once the service record is verified only those users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field.
.328service number [last].32;8FREE TEXTFor this veteran applicant enter the service number assigned during his/her most recent episode of military service as either 1-15 characters or enter 'SS' if the social security number and service number are the same. Once the service record has been verified only those users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field.
.3285service second episode?(+).32;19BOOLEANY:YES
For this veteran applicant enter 'Y' if s/he has more than one episode of military service, or 'N' if not. Once the service record is verified only users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field.
.329service discharge type [ntl](+).32;9POINTER25For this veteran applicant who has at least two episodes of military service (ANY OTHER PERIODS OF SERVICE prompt must be answered YES) select from the available listing the type of discharge received from his/her next to last episode of military service. Once the service record is verified only those users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field. This field cannot be deleted as long as more than one episode of military service is indicated.
.3291service branch [ntl].32;10POINTER23For this veteran applicant who has at least two episodes of military service (ANY OTHER PERIODS OF SERVICE prompt must be answered YES) select from the available listing the branch of service s/he served in during his/her next to last episode of military service. Once the service record is verified only those users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field. This field cannot be deleted as long as more than one episode of military service is indicated.
.32911service component [last].3291;1SET OF CODESR:REGULAR
For this veteran applicant enter the military service component for his/her most recent episode of military service. Once the service record has been verified only those users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field. NATIONAL GUARD IS ONLY VALID FOR BRANCH OF SERVICE ARMY AND AIR FORCE.
.32912service component [ntl].3291;2SET OF CODESR:REGULAR
For this veteran applicant who has at least two episodes of military service (ANOTHER PERIOD OF SERVICE prompt must be answered YES) enter the military service component for the next to last episode of service. Once the service record is verified only those users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field. This field cannot be deleted as long as more than two episodes of military service are indicated. NATIONAL GUARD IS ONLY VALID FOR BRANCH OF SERVICE ARMY AND AIR FORCE.
.32913service component [nntl].3291;3SET OF CODESR:REGULAR
For this veteran applicant who has at least three episodes of military service (ANOTHER PERIOD OF SERVICE prompt must be answered YES) enter the military service component for the third most recent episode of service. Once the service record is verified only those users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field. This field cannot be deleted as long as more than two episodes of military service are indicated. NATIONAL GUARD IS ONLY VALID FOR BRANCH OF SERVICE ARMY AND AIR FORCE.
.3292service entry date [ntl](+).32;11DATE-TIMEFor this veteran applicant who has at least two episodes of military service (ANY OTHER PERIODS OF SERVICE prompt must be answered YES) enter the date on which the next to last episode of service commenced. If the military service component is ACTIVATED NATIONAL GUARD or ACTIVATED RESERVE, the period entered should be the period of activation, so this date is their first day of active duty for the episode. Once the service record is verified only those users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field. This field cannot be deleted as long as more than one episode of military service is indicated.
.3293service separation date [ntl](+).32;12DATE-TIMEFor this veteran applicant who has at least two episodes of military service (ANY OTHER PERIODS OF SERVICE prompt must be answered YES) enter the date on which the next to last episode of service ended. If the military service component is ACTIVATED NATIONAL GUARD or ACTIVATED RESERVE, the period entered should be the period of activation, so this date is their last day of active duty for this episode. Once the service record is verified only those users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field. This field cannot be deleted as long as more than one episode of military service is indicated.
.3294service number [ntl].32;13FREE TEXTFor this veteran applicant who has at least two episodes of military service (ANY OTHER PERIODS OF SERVICE prompt must be answered YES) enter the service number assigned to that next to last episode of service [1-15 characters]. Once the service record is verified only those users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field. This field cannot be deleted as long as more than one episode of military service is indicated.
.32945service third episode?(+).32;20BOOLEANY:YES
Enter 'Y' if this veteran applicant has at least three episodes of military service, or 'N' if not. The ANY OTHER PERIODS OF SERVICE prompt must be answered YES in order to enter a third episode of military service. Once the service record is verified only those users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field.
.3295service discharge type [nntl](+).32;14POINTER25For this veteran applicant who has at least three episodes of military service (ANOTHER PERIOD OF SERVICE prompt must be answered YES) select from the available listing the discharge type received from the third most recent episode of military service. Once the service record is verified only those users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field. This field cannot be deleted as long as more than two episodes of military service are indicated.
.3296service branch [nntl].32;15POINTER23For this veteran applicant who has at least three episodes of military service (ANOTHER PERIOD OF SERVICE prompt must be answered YES) select from the available listing the service branch served in during his/her third most recent episode of service. Once the service record is verified only those users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field. This field cannot be deleted as long as more than two episodes of military service are indicated.
.3297service entry date [nntl](+).32;16DATE-TIMEFor this veteran applicant who has at least three episodes of military service (ANOTHER PERIOD OF SERVICE prompt must be answered YES) enter the date on which the third most recent episode of service commenced. If the military service component is ACTIVATED NATIONAL GUARD or ACTIVATED RESERVE, the period entered should be the period of activation, so this date is their first day of active duty for the episode. Once the service record is verified only those users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field. This field cannot be deleted as long as more than two episodes of military service are indicated.
.3298service separation date [nntl](+).32;17DATE-TIMEFor this veteran applicant who has at least three episodes of military service (ANOTHER PERIOD OF SERVICE prompt must be answered YES) enter the date on which the third most recent episode of service ended. If the military service component is ACTIVATED NATIONAL GUARD or ACTIVATED RESERVE, the period entered should be the period of activation, so this date is their last day of active duty for this episode. Once the service record is verified only those users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field. This field cannot be deleted as long as more than two episodes of military service are indicated.
.3299service number [nntl].32;18FREE TEXTFor this veteran applicant who has at least three episodes of military service (ANOTHER PERIOD OF SERVICE prompt must be answered YES) enter the service number assigned for the third most recent episode of service [1-15 characters]. Once the service record is verified only those users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field. This field cannot be deleted as long as more than two episodes of military service are indicated.
.33011e-work phone number.33;11FREE TEXTIf the emergency contact for this patient is employed, enter the phone number at which this individual may be reached while at work.
.33012e-contact change date/time.332;1DATE-TIMEThis field will hold the date and time of the last Emergency Contact Update. Any change to the following Emergency Contact fields will trigger an update: E-Name, E-Relationship To Patient, E-Street Address [Line 1], E-Street Address [Line 2], E-Street Address [Line 3], E-City, E-State, E-Zip Code, E-Phone Number, E-Emer. Contact Same As NOK? and E-Work Phone Number
.3305e-emer. contact same as nok?(+).33;10BOOLEANY:YES
If a primary NOK is defined enter 'Y' if that person is also the primary emergency contact, otherwise enter 'N' for no.
.331e-name.33;1FREE TEXTEnter the primary emergency contact's name in 'LAST,FIRST MIDDLE SUFFIX' format. This value must be 3-35 characters in length and may contain only uppercase alpha characters, spaces, apostrophes, hyphens and one comma. All other characters and parenthetical text will be removed.
.331011e2-work phone number.331;11FREE TEXTIf the person designated as the secondary emergency contact is employed, enter the person's work phone number.
.3311e2-name of secondary contact.331;1FREE TEXTEnter the secondary emergency contact's name in 'LAST,FIRST MIDDLE SUFFIX' format. This value must be 3-35 characters in length and may contain only uppercase alpha characters, spaces, apostrophes, hyphens and one comma. All other characters and parenthetical text will be removed.
.33112e2-contact change date/time.332;2DATE-TIMEThis field will hold the date and time of the last Secondary Emergency Contact Update. Any change to the following Secondary Emergency Contact fields will trigger an update: E2-Name Of Secondary Contact, E2-Relationship To Patient, E2-Street Address [Line 1], E2-Street Address [Line 2], E2-Street Address [Line 3], E2-City, E2-State, E2-Zip Code, E2-Phone Number and E2-Work Phone Number
.3312e2-relationship to patient.331;2FREE TEXTIf a secondary emergency contact is specified enter the relationship of that person to the applicant [2-30 characters], otherwise nothing may be entered. This field cannot be deleted as long as a secondary emergency contact is on file.
.3313e2-street address [line 1].331;3FREE TEXTIf a secondary emergency contact is specified enter the first line of that person's street address [3-30 characters], otherwise nothing may be entered. This field cannot be deleted as long as a secondary emergency contact is on file.
.3314e2-street address [line 2].331;4FREE TEXTIf a secondary emergency contact is specified enter the second line of that person's street address [3-30 characters], if necessary, otherwise nothing may be entered. This field cannot be deleted as long as a secondary emergency contact is on file.
.3315e2-street address [line 3].331;5FREE TEXTIf a secondary emergency contact is specified enter the third line of that person's street address [3-30 characters], if necessary, otherwise nothing may be entered. This field cannot be deleted as long as a secondary emergency contact is on file.
.3316e2-city.331;6FREE TEXTIf a secondary emergency contact is specified enter the city in which that person resides [3-30 characters], otherwise nothing may be entered. This field cannot be deleted as long as a secondary emergency contact is on file.
.3317e2-state.331;7POINTER5If a secondary emergency contact is specified select from the available listing the state in which that person resides, otherwise nothing may be entered. This field cannot be deleted as long as a secondary emergency contact is on file.
.3318e2-zip code.331;8FREE TEXTIf a secondary emergency contact is specified enter the zip code for the city in which s/he resides [5 numerics], otherwise nothing may be entered. This field cannot be deleted as long as a secondary emergency contact is on file.
.3319e2-phone number.331;9FREE TEXTIf a secondary emergency contact is specified enter the telephone number at which that person may be reached [3-20 characters], otherwise nothing may be entered. This field cannot be deleted as long as a secondary emergency contact is on file.
.332e-relationship to patient.33;2FREE TEXTIf a primary emergency contact is specified enter the relationship of that person to the applicant [3-35 characters], otherwise nothing may be entered. This field cannot be deleted as long as a primary emergency contact is on file.
.333e-street address [line 1].33;3FREE TEXTIf a primary emergency contact is specified enter the first line of that person's street address [3-30 characters], otherwise nothing may be entered. This field cannot be deleted as long as a primary emergency contact is on file.
.334e-street address [line 2].33;4FREE TEXTIf a primary emergency contact is specified enter the second line of that person's street address [3-30 characters], if necessary, otherwise nothing may be entered. This field cannot be deleted as long as a primary emergency contact is on file.
.335e-street address [line 3].33;5FREE TEXTIf a primary emergency contact is specified enter the third line of that person's street address [3-30 characters], if necessary, otherwise nothing may be entered. This field cannot be deleted as long as a primary emergency contact is on file.
.336e-city.33;6FREE TEXTIf a primary emergency contact is specified enter the city in which that person resides [3-30 characters], otherwise nothing may be entered. This field cannot be deleted as long as a primary emergency contact is on file.
.337e-state.33;7POINTER5If a primary emergency contact is specified select from the available listing the state in which that person resides, otherwise nothing may be entered. This field cannot be deleted as long as a primary emergency contact is on file.
.338e-zip code.33;8FREE TEXTIf a primary emergency contact is specified enter the zip code for the city in which s/he resides [5 numerics], otherwise nothing may be entered. This field cannot be deleted as long as a primary emergency contact is on file.
.339e-phone number.33;9FREE TEXTIf a primary emergency contact is specified enter the telephone number [3-20 characters] at which that person may be reached, otherwise nothing may be entered. This field cannot be deleted as long as a primary emergency contact is on file.
.34011d-work phone number.34;11FREE TEXTIf the person designated to receive the patient's personal effects is employed, enter the phone number at which that person may be reached while at work.
.3405d-designee same as nok?(+).34;10BOOLEANY:YES
If a primary NOK is defined enter 'Y' if that person is also the designee appointed by the applicant, otherwise enter 'N' for no.
.341d-name of designee.34;1FREE TEXTEnter the designee's name in 'LAST,FIRST MIDDLE SUFFIX' format. This value must be 3-35 characters in length and may contain only uppercase alpha characters, spaces, apostrophes, hyphens and one comma. All other characters and parenthetical text will be removed.
.3412designee change date/time.332;3DATE-TIMEThis field will hold the date and time of the last Designee Update. Any change to the following Designee fields will trigger an update: D-Name Of Designee, D-Relationship To Patient, D-Street Address [Line 1], D-Street Address [Line 2], D-Street Address [Line 3], D-City, D-State, D-Zip Code, D-Phone Number, D-Designee Same As Nok?, D-Work Phone Number
.342d-relationship to patient.34;2FREE TEXTIf a designee is specified enter the relationship of that person to the applicant [3-30 characters], otherwise nothing may be entered. This field cannot be deleted as long as a designee is on file.
.343d-street address [line 1].34;3FREE TEXTIf a designee is specified enter the first line of that person's street address [3-30 characters], otherwise nothing may be entered. This field cannot be deleted as long as a designee is on file.
.344d-street address [line 2].34;4FREE TEXTIf a designee is specified enter the second line of that person's street address [3-30 characters], if necessary, otherwise nothing may be entered. This field cannot be deleted as long as a designee is on file.
.345d-street address [line 3].34;5FREE TEXTIf a designee is specified enter the third line of that person's street address [3-30 characters], if necessary, otherwise nothing may be entered. This field cannot be deleted as long as a designee is on file.
.346d-city.34;6FREE TEXTIf a designee is specified enter the city in which that person resides [1-30 characters], otherwise nothing may be entered. This field cannot be deleted as long as a designee is on file.
.347d-state.34;7POINTER5If a designee is specified select from the available listing the state in which that person resides. This field cannot be deleted as long as a designee is on file.
.348d-zip code.34;8FREE TEXTIf a designee is specified enter the zip code for the city in which s/he resides [5 numerics], otherwise nothing may be entered. This field cannot be deleted as long as a designee is on file.
.349d-phone number.34;9FREE TEXTIf a designee is specified enter the telephone number at which that person may be reached [3-20 characters], otherwise nothing may be entered. This field cannot be deleted as long as a designee is on file.
.351date of death.35;1DATE-TIMEAEXP1Enter the date the patient died. Date needs to be a precise date, i.e. a day, month, and year MUST be included. Date of Death can not be prior to P&T Effective Date Date Ruled Incompetent (Civil and VA) Date of Birth
.352death entered by.35;2POINTER200This field records the date a patient's death was initially entered into the DHCP system. This field is created automatically by the MAS module when a date of death is entered either through the 'Death Entry' option or through the 'Discharge a Patient' option.
.353source of notification.35;3SET OF CODES1:INPATIENT AT VAMC
This is a set of codes that represents who/what notified the VA of the Date of Death.
.354date of death last updated.35;4DATE-TIMEThis is a date/time value that represents the date/time the date of death field (.351) was last modified/entered/deleted.
.355last edited by.35;5POINTER200This is the local user ID of the person that last made a modification to the date of death (.351) field.
.3601collateral sponsor's name(+).36;11POINTER2If this patient is a collateral responsible for picking up medications or information regarding another patient, that patient's name should be entered here. This sponsor must be a veteran and must exist in the patient file.
.3602military disability retirement.36;12BOOLEAN1:YES
.3603discharge due to disability.36;13BOOLEAN1:YES
.361primary eligibility code.36;1POINTER8Select from the available listing the appropriate eligibility code for this applicant. For non-veteran applicants a wide variety of choices are available. For veteran applicants the choices are screened [in the following order] dependent on the responses to other prompts: 1. If the SERVICE CONNECTED prompt (field .301) is answered YES only the following two choices are available: a. If the SERVICE CONNECTED PERCENTAGE prompt (field .302) entered is 50% or greater 'SERVICE CONNECTED 50% TO 100%' can be selected. b. Otherwise, the percentage is assumed to be less than 50% and only 'SC, LESS THAN 50%' may be entered. 2. If the response to the WERE YOU A PRISONER OF WAR field (# .525) is YES and the veteran is not service connected, you must select PRISONER OF WAR as the eligibility code. 3. If the response to the CURRENT PH INDICATOR field (#.531) is YES and the veteran is not service connected and is not a Prisoner of War, you must select PURPLE HEART RECIPIENT as the eligibility code. 4. If the veteran is receiving VA benefits, but does not meet the criteria in items 1 and 2 above, then the following choices may be presented for selection: If RECEIVING A&A BENEFITS is answered YES, the eligibility code AID & ATTENDANCE may be selected. If the RECEIVING HOUSEBOUND BENEFITS is answered YES ,the eligibility code HOUSEBOUND may be selected. If the above two prompts were answered NO, but the RECEIVING A VA PENSION prompt was answered YES, only the NSC, VA PENSION prompt may be selected. 5. If none of the above pertain to this veteran, then the NSC eligibility will be available for selection. ** Dependent on the birthdate of the applicant, the following two eligibility codes may be displayed along with those shown in items 3 through 5 above: WORLD WAR I and MEXICAN BORDER WAR. These would display for veterans not meeting the criteria in items 1 and 2, but whose date of birth is prior to 1907.
.3611eligibility status.361;1SET OF CODESP:PENDING VERIFICATION
Select from the available listing the appropriate eligibility status for this applicant. Only users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field.
.3612eligibility status date.361;2DATE-TIMEEnter the effective date of the eligibility status (ELIG STATUS prompt). Only users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field.
.3613eligibility verif. source.361;3SET OF CODESH:HEC
This field is used to restrict site ability to edit certain data elements when HEC has verified eligibility data.
.3614eligibility interim response.361;4DATE-TIMEIf an interim response has been received concerning this applicant's eligibility status enter the date received. Only users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field.
.3615eligibility verif. method.361;5FREE TEXTEnter the method in which the eligibility for this applicant was verified [between 2-50 characters]. Only users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field.
.3616eligibility status entered by.361;6POINTER200When eligibility is verified (ELIG STATUS="VERIFIED") the name of the user who certified the verification.
.3617user enrollee valid through.361;7DATE-TIMEThis field contains the Fiscal Year that the veteran's User Enrollee Status is valid through. This field is populated by the system, no user input is required.
.3618user enrollee site.361;8POINTER4This field contains the Site that determined the User Enrollee information for the Veteran. This field is populated by the system, no user input is required.
.362disability ret. from military?(+).36;2SET OF CODES0:NO
.36205receiving a&a benefits?.362;12SET OF CODESY:YES
For this veteran applicant enter 'Y' if s/he is on A&A, 'N' if not, or 'U' if unknown. Once monetary benefits have been verified only users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field.
.3621amount of aid & attendance.362;1NUMERICFor this veteran applicant who is receiving A&A benefits (ARE YOU IN RECEIPT OF A&A prompt must be answered YES) enter the amount received [numeric 0-99999]. Once monetary benefits are verified only users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field. Any dollar amount on file cannot be deleted as long as receipt of A&A benefits is indicated. f you wish to enter a monthly amount either preceed or follow the dollar figure with an asterisk and I'll multiply it out for you.
.36215receiving housebound benefits?.362;13SET OF CODESY:YES
For this veteran applicant enter 'Y' if s/he is housebound, 'N' if not, or 'U' if unknown. Once monetary benefits have been verified only users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field.
.3622amount of housebound.362;2NUMERICFor this veteran applicant who is housebound (ARE YOU IN RECEIPT OF HB BENEFITS prompt must be answered YES) enter the amount received [a number between 0-99999]. Once monetary benefits are verified only users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field. This field cannot be deleted as long as receipt of housebound benefits is indicated. If you wish to enter a monthly amount either preceed of follow it with an asterisk and I'll multiply it out for you.
.36225receiving social security?.362;15SET OF CODESY:YES
For this veteran applicant enter 'Y' is s/he is in receipt of social security benefits, 'N' if not, or 'U' if unknown. Once monetary benefits have been verified only users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field.
.3623*amount of social security.362;3NUMERICFor this veteran applicant who is in receipt of social security insurance (IN RECEIPT OF SOCIAL SECURITY prompt must be answered YES) enter the amount received [a number between 0-99999]. Once monetary benefits are verified only users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field. This field may not be deleted as long as receipt of social security benefits is indicated. If you wish to enter a monthly amount either preceed or follow it with an asterisk and I'll multiply it out for you.
.36235receiving a va pension?.362;14SET OF CODESY:YES
For this veteran applicant enter 'Y' if s/he is in receipt of a pension from the Dept of Veterans Affairs, 'N' if not, or 'U' if unknown. Answering "yes" will prompt you to enter a Pension Award Effective Date and Pension Award Reason. Once monetary benefits have been verified only users holding the designated security key may enter/edit this field.
.3624amount of va pension.362;4NUMERICFor this veteran applicant who is in receipt of a pension from the Dept of Veterans Affairs (ARE YOU RECEIVING A VA PENSION prompt must be answered YES) enter the amount received [a number between 0-99999]. Once monetary benefits are verified only users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field. This field may not be deleted as long as receipt of VA pension is indicated. If you wish to enter a monthly amount either precede or follow it with an asterisk and I'll multiply it out for you.
.3625*amount of military retirement.362;5NUMERICFor this veteran who is in receipt of military retirement (IN RECEIPT OF MILIT RETIREMENT prompt must be answered YES) enter the amount received [a number between 0-99999]. Once monetary benefits are verified only users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field. This field cannot be deleted as long as receipt of military retirement is indicated. If you wish to enter a monthly amount either preceed or follow it with an asterisk and I'll multiply it out for you.
.36255receiving military retirement?.362;16SET OF CODESY:YES
For this veteran applicant enter 'Y' if s/he receives a military retirement, 'N' if not, or 'U' if unknown. Once monetary benefits have been verified only users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field.
.3626amount of gi insurance.362;6NUMERICFor this veteran applicant who does have GI insurance (DO YOU HAVE GI INSURANCE prompt must be answered YES) enter the amount received [a number between 1 and 999999]. Once monetary benefits are verified only users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field. This field cannot be deleted as long as the veteran is identified as holding GI insurance. If you wish to enter a monthly amount either preceed or follow it with an asterisk and I'll multiply it out for you.
.36265gi insurance policy?.362;17SET OF CODESY:YES
For this veteran applicant enter 'Y' if s/he has GI insurance, 'N' if not, or 'U' if unknown. Once monetary benefits have been verified only users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field.
.3627amount of ssi.362;7NUMERICFor this veteran applicant enter the dollar amount of social security insurance s/he receives [a number between 1-99999]. Leave blank if none received. Once monetary benefits have been verified only users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field. If you wish to enter a monthly amount either preceed or follow it with an asterisk and I'll multiply it out for you.
.36275receiving sup. security (ssi)?.362;19SET OF CODESY:YES
This field contains a yes or no reponse indicating whether this patient receives supplemental social security insurance. This field is being *'d for deletion and will be removed in a future release of MAS. This data is no longer updated by the MAS package.
.3628amount of other retirement.362;8NUMERICFor this veteran applicant enter the amount of other retirement s/he is in receipt of [a number between 1-99999]. Leave blank if none received. Once monetary benefits have been verified only users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field. If you wish to enter a monthly amount either preceed or follow it with an asterisk and I'll multiple it out for you.
.36285type of other retirement.362;18SET OF CODESB:BLACK LUNG
For this veteran applicant choose from the available list the type of other retirement s/he is in receipt of, if any. Once monetary benefits have been verified only users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field.
.3629amount of other income.362;9NUMERICFor this veteran applicant enter the amount of other personal income s/he is in receipt of [a number between 1-999999]. Leave blank if none. Once monetary benefits have been verified only users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field. If you wish to enter a monthly amount either preceed or follow it with an asterisk and I'll multiply it out for you.
.36295total annual va check amount.362;20NUMERICIf this applicant is receiving A&A, Housebound, Pension, and/or Disability payments from the VA (at least one of the YES/NO questions relating to the above must be answered YES), enter the annual amount received (0-99999). Once monetary benefits are verified, only users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field. This field may not be deleted as long as recipt of VA funds is indicated by one of the four fields related to A&A, Housebound, Pension, and Disability. If you wish to enter a monthly amount either precede or follow it with an asterisk and I'll multiply it out for you.
.363primary long id.36;3FREE TEXTThis field contains the patient's long ID associated with the patient's PRIMARY ELIGIBILITY CODE. For most patients this is the Social Security Number. No user input is needed for this field. It is automatically updated when the PRIMARY ELIGIBILITY CODE field is entered and edited.
.364primary short id.36;4FREE TEXTThis field contains the patient's short ID associated with the patient's PRIMARY ELIGIBILITY CODE. For most patients this is the last four digits of the Social Security Number. No user input is needed for this field. It is automatically updated when the PRIMARY ELIGIBILITY CODE field is entered and edited.
.368service dental injury?.36;8BOOLEANY:YES
For this veteran applicant enter 'Y' if a dental injury was incurred while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces, or 'N' if not. Once the service record is verified only users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field.
.369service teeth extracted?.36;9BOOLEANY:YES
For this veteran applicant enter 'Y' if teeth were extracted while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces, or 'N' if not. Once the service record is verified only users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field.
.37date of dental treatment.37;0MULTIPLE2.11For this veteran applicant who either incurred a dental injury (DENTAL INJURY IN SERVICE prompt must be answered YES) or had teeth extracted (TEETH EXTRACTED IN SERVICE prompt must be answered YES) while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces enter the date of dental treatment received. Once the service record is verified only users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field.
.3721rated disabilities (va).372;0MULTIPLE2.04From the available listing choose and enter conditions for which the applicant has been verified as being service connected. Only users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field.
.3731service connected conditions.373;0MULTIPLE2.05Enter conditions as stated by applicant for which s/he claims service connection [1-30 characters].
.381eligible for medicaid?(+).38;1BOOLEAN1:YES
Enter yes if this patient is eligible to receive medicaid coverage. Otherwise, answer no.
.382date medicaid last asked(+).38;2DATE-TIMEEnter the date/time the 'ELIGIBLE FOR MEDICAID' question was last asked of this veteran. This data must be asked on a yearly basis as it affects the requirement for a means test (a negative response results in a means test not being required). This field will be stored automatically by the MAS module when editing data on registration or load/edit screen 7. It will not appear for editing.
.383medicaid number.38;3FREE TEXTThis is the patient's assigned MEDICAID number.
.3851pension award effective date.385;1DATE-TIMEIt is the Effective Date that the patient was awarded VA Pension Entitlement of Original Award by VBA. This field is optional. But if entered, must be a precise date (Month/Day/Year) (00/00/0000). This date cannot be a future date. This date also cannot be before the veteran's 16th birthday.
.3852pension award reason.385;2POINTER27.18Enter the Pension Award Reason only if VA Pension (#.36235) field is equal to "Yes". VistA users are only allowed to enter a Pension Award Reason of "Original Award" (106). This field is optional. If Pension Award Reason is entered, an Award Date must be entered.
.3853pension terminated date.385;3DATE-TIMEThe date that the Pension was terminated. The Pension Terminated Date is not editable.
.3854pension terminated reason 1.385;4POINTER27.18The first Reason for the Pension Termination. This field is not editable.
.3855pension terminated reason 2.385;5POINTER27.18The second Reason for the Pension Termination. This field is not editable.
.3856pension terminated reason 3.385;6POINTER27.18The third Reason for the Pension Termination. This field is not editable.
.3857pension terminated reason 4.385;7POINTER27.18The fourth Reason for the Pension Termination. This field is not editable.
.3858class ii dental indicator.385;8BOOLEANY:YES
Class II Dental Indication is for Veterans having a SC non-compensable dental condition(s) or disability shown to have been in existence at the time of discharge or release from active duty (after September 30, 1981). Treatment may be authorized, as reasonably necessary, for a one-time correction of the SC non-compensable condition under certain conditions (38 CFR § 17.16).
.3859dental appl due before date.385;9DATE-TIMEAn application for Class II Dental treatment must be made within 180 days after discharge or release (38 CFR § 17.160).
.386pension indicator lock.385;10BOOLEANY:YES
This field is used to restrict the site's ability to edit the Pension Indicator field 'RECEIVING A VA PENSION?'(#.36253) field. Once an incoming message is received from ESR with any Pension Data, the Pension Indicator field becomes 'display only' and is not editable by the VistA user.
.3861pension award lock.385;11BOOLEANY:YES
This field is used to restrict the site's ability to edit the Pension Award fields 'PENSION AWARD EFFECTIVE DATE'(#.3851) field and 'PENSION AWARD REASON'(#.3852) field. Once an incoming message is received from ESR with a 'PENSION AWARD EFFECTIVE DATE'(#.3851) field and with a 'PENSION AWARD REASON' (#.3852) field of 'ORIGINAL AWARD', or with a 'PENSION TERMINATED REASON'(#.3854,#.3855, #.3856 or #.3857) field that does not have a NULL value, then the 'PENSION AWARD EFFECTIVE DATE' (#.3851) field and 'PENSION AWARD REASON' (#.3852) field become 'display only' and are not editable by the VistA user.
.39veteran catastrophically disabled?.39;6BOOLEANY:YES
This field states whether or not the patient is a veteran who has been determined to meet the criteria for CATASTROPHICALLY DISABLED.
.391decided by.39;1FREE TEXTThe name of the VA staff physician who made the determination that the patient was catastrophically disabled.
.392date of decision.39;2DATE-TIMEThe date the catastrophic disability determination was made.
.393facility making determination.39;3POINTER4The VAMC that made the catastrophic disability determination.
.394review date.39;4DATE-TIMEThe date that a review to determine Catastrophic Disability was made. This review may be a medical record review or physical exam review.
.395method of determination.39;5SET OF CODES2:MEDICAL RECORD REVIEW
Added in order to document the review method of how the decision to assign a CD status was determined. Determination may be made by reviewing the veteran's medical record or by performing a physical examination of the veteran. In the future, the capability to fully automate the record review process will be added to the system.
.3951date veteran requested cd eval.39;7DATE-TIMEDocuments the date the veteran requested Catastrophically Disabled evaluation.
.3952date facility initiated review.39;8DATE-TIMEDocuments the date the VA facility initiated the Catastrophically Disabled review.
.3953date veteran was notified.39;9DATE-TIMEDocuments the date the veteran was notified of the Catastrophically Disabled decision by the VA facility.
.396cd status diagnoses.396;0MULTIPLE2.396This file contains one or more Diagnoses, which provide the Catastrophic Disability Reasons the patient has been found to be catastrophically disabled.
.397cd status procedures.397;0MULTIPLE2.397The status procedure must be a valid procedure in the CD Reasons File (#27.17).
.398cd status conditions.398;0MULTIPLE2.398This field contains one or more Conditions, which provide the Catastrophic Disability Reasons the patient has been found to be catastrophically disabled.
.399cd history date.399;0MULTIPLE2.399Documents the Catastrophically Disabled History dates for the patient.
.401cd descriptors.401;0MULTIPLE2.401This field contains one or more Descriptors, which provide the Catastrophic Disability Reasons the patient has been found to be catastrophically disabled.
.525pow status indicated?(+).52;5SET OF CODESY:YES
For this veteran applicant enter 'Y' if s/he was confined as a prisoner of war, 'N' if not, or 'U' if unknown. Once the POW Status is verified by the HEC, it is no longer editable.
.526pow confinement location(+).52;6POINTER22For this veteran applicant who was confined as a prisoner of war (WERE YOU A PRISONER OF WAR prompt must be answered YES) enter the war during which confined. Once the service record is verified only those users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field. This field cannot be deleted as long as applicant is identified as a former POW.
.527pow from date(+).52;7DATE-TIMEFor this veteran applicant who was confined as a prisoner of war (WERE YOU A PRISONER OF WAR prompt must be answered YES) enter the date on which confinement commenced. Once the service record is verified only those users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field. This field cannot be deleted as long as applicant is identified as a former POW.
.528pow to date(+).52;8DATE-TIMEFor this veteran applicant who was confined as a prisoner of war (WERE YOU A PRISONER OF WAR prompt must be answered YES) enter the date on which confinement ended. Once the service record is verified only those users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field. This field cannot be deleted as long as applicant is identified as a former POW.
.529pow status verified.52;9DATE-TIMEThis field contains the date/time that the POW status was received from HEC. Once the POW status has been received from HEC, it can no longer be edited by the site.
.5291combat service indicated?(+).52;11BOOLEANY:YES
For this veteran applicant enter 'Y' if s/he served in a combat zone, or 'N' if not. Once the service record is verified only users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field.
.5292combat service location(+).52;12POINTER22For this veteran applicant who served in a combat zone (IN COMBAT prompt must be answered YES) enter the zone in which s/he served. Once the service record is verified only those users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field. This field cannot be deleted as long as combat service is indicated.
.5293combat from date(+).52;13DATE-TIMEFor this veteran who served in a combat zone (IN COMBAT prompt must be answered YES) enter the date on which combat service commenced. Once the service record is verified only those users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field. This field cannot be deleted as long as combat service is indicated.
.5294combat to date(+).52;14DATE-TIMEFor this veteran who served in a combat zone (IN COMBAT prompt must be answered YES) enter the date on which combat service ended. Once the service record is verified only those users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field. This field cannot be deleted as long as combat service is indicated.
.5295combat veteran end date.52;15DATE-TIMEThis field represents the last day for combat vet eligibility. This field will only be populated by cross-reference when the veteran's combat vet eligibility has been determined. This value will remain after the combat vet eligibility period has expired.
.5296cv date edited.52;16DATE-TIMEEThe CV DATE EDITED field will be stuffed with the current date whenever the COMBAT VET END DATE field (.5295) is changed.
.531current ph indicator.53;1BOOLEANY:YES
DThis field can be entered by the local site if currently null. Subsequent editing can be done only by the HEC. A response of 'Yes' can be entered only if the patient is a veteran,
.532current purple heart status.53;2SET OF CODES1:PENDING
CThis field cannot be edited locally. If Current Purple Heart Indicator is set to 'Yes' by the local site, a Current Purple Heart Status of 'Pending' will be stuffed into the field. Other editing or updating is done by the HEC.
.533current purple heart remarks.53;3SET OF CODES1:UNACCEPTABLE DOCUMENTATION
This field cannot be edited locally. If Current Purple Heart Indicator isset to 'No' by the local site, a Current Purple Heart Remarks of 'VAMC' will be stuffed into the field. Other editing or updating is done by the HEC.
.535ph division.53;4POINTER4When site enters a value for CURRENT PH Indicator, a prompt for PH Division will appear. This field will point to the INSTITUTION file (#4), and will hold the division where the PH request was initiated.
.541current moh indicator.54;1BOOLEANY:YES
This field cannot be edited in VistA. It is set by the Z11 Upload from HEC. A response of 'YES' or 'NO' is indicated only if the patient is a veteran.
.6test patient indicator0;21BOOLEAN1:YES
This field is set by the 'ATP' cross reference on the Social Security Number field (.09) when an SSN containing five leading zeros is entered.
1alias.01;0MULTIPLE2.01If this applicant is known by any name other than that entered in the NAME field enter that/those other name(s) here. Any entry to this field will be cross-referenced and the applicant may be called up using this alias.
1.01name componentsNAME;1POINTER20
1.02k-name componentsNAME;2POINTER20
1.03k2-name componentsNAME;3POINTER20
1.04father's name componentsNAME;4POINTER20
1.05mother's name componentsNAME;5POINTER20
1.06mothers maiden name componentsNAME;6POINTER20
1.07e-name componentsNAME;7POINTER20
1.08e2-name componentsNAME;8POINTER20
1.09d-name componentsNAME;9POINTER20
2race information.02;0MULTIPLE2.02
3enrollment clinicDE;0MULTIPLE2.001This multiple field contains the data relating to clinic enrollments for this patient.
6ethnicity information.06;0MULTIPLE2.06
27.01current enrollmentENR;1POINTER27.11The patient's current enrollment.
27.02preferred facilityENR;2POINTER4The facility that the patient chooses to designate as his preferred location for care. The facility must have one of the following facility types: CBOC (Community Based Outpatient Clinic) HCS (Health Care System) HEALTHCARE (VA Boston Health Care System) M&ROC (Medical and Regional Office Center) MOC (Mobile Outpatient Clinic) MORC (Mobile Outreach Clinic) NETWORK (VA Healthcare Network Upstate NY) NHC (Nursing Home Care) OC (Outpatient Clinic - Independent) OCMC (Outpatient Clinic - Subordinate) OCS (Outpatient Clinic Substation) OPC (Out Patient Clinic) ORC (Outreach Clinic) RO-OC (Regional Office - Outpatient Clinic) SATELLITE (Satellite Outpatient Clinic) SOC (Satellite Outpatient Clinic) VAMC (VA Medical Center) VANPH (Neural Psychiatric Hospital) VA ROSEBERG (VA Roseburg Health Care System)
27.03source designationENR;3SET OF CODESV:VISTA
Source designation contains the value of the place the Preferred Facility field (#27.02) was assigned for the patient. Source designation is automatically assigned by the system. The VistA system can only assign a Preferred Facility if the current Source Designation is VistA or Primary Care Provider (PCP) Inactive.
57.4spinal cord injury57;4SET OF CODES1:PARAPLEGIA-TRAUMATIC
If this patient does not have a spinal cord injury, enter X for not applicable in this field. Otherwise, if the patient does have a spinal cord injury, choose from the other available choices the one
63laboratory referenceLR;1POINTER63This field contains the internal entry number of this patient in the LAB DATA file. This data is entered and maintained by the laboratory package and must NOT be edited under any circumstances. Editing of this data could cause severe repercussions in the laboratory package.
67lab referral refLRT;1POINTER67This field contains the pointer reference to the Referral file of the Laboratory Package. This field is set by the laboratory accessioning software and should not be edited. Changing of this pointer will result IN misidentification of patients that could have dire medical repercussions.
148cnh currentNHC;1BOOLEANY:YES
This field is used to denote when a patient is currently in a contract nursing home. Answer yes if the patient is in a contract nursing home currently. Otherwise, answer no.
220dental classificationDENT;1POINTER220.2For Dental Package
220.1dental eligibility expirationDENT;2DATE-TIMEFor Dental Eligibility
361patient eligibilitiesE;0MULTIPLE2.0361This multiple contains all eligibilities under which this patient can receive care. This includes his primary eligibility and all other eligibilities he may have.
391type(+)TYPE;1POINTER391Enter the patient type for this patient. This is selectable from the distributed entries in the TYPE OF PATIENT file. The type selected should be the primary one selectable. For example, if the patient is both an NSC veteran and an employee, the patient type should be NSC VETERAN, not employee. This field is used by the registration screen processor to determine which screens will be editable for this patient. The selection of which screens can be viewed for which types of patients can be made through the 'Patient Type Update' option.
ASEnter 'S' if the patient is seriouslly ill and should be displayed on the Seriouslly Ill Roster. Enter '@' to delete patient from seriouslly ill status.
401.4date entered on si list(+)DAC;2DATE-TIMEEnter the date the patient was placed on the Seriouslly Ill list.
404.01*current pc practitionerPC;1POINTER200This field stores the patient's Current Primary Care Practitioner.
404.02*current pc teamPC;2POINTER404.51This field contains the patients's Primary Care Team.
534ph date/time updatedPH;0MULTIPLE2.0534
991.01integration control numberMPI;1NUMERICAICNMachine to machine identifier for a patient.
991.02icn checksumMPI;2FREE TEXTThis checksum is the calculated checksum for the Integration Control Number. It verifies the integrity of the ICN.
991.03coordinating master of recordMPI;3POINTER4ACMORThe coordinating site for the patient.
991.04locally assigned icnMPI;4BOOLEAN1:YES
991.05subscription control numberMPI;5POINTER774ASCN2This field points to a list of subscribers to this patient's data. For example, see details of the MPI/PD messaging implementation. The subscriber list is specific to this patient. Do not change the subscription control number without remembering to update the current subscriber list in file 774 (SUBSCRIPTION CONTROL). Use only documented API calls to create a new subscription control number for a patient.
991.06cmor activity scoreMPI;6NUMERICThis score is used to determine the Coordinating Master of Record.
991.07score calculation dateMPI;7DATE-TIMEThis is the last date that the CMOR ACTIVITY SCORE was calculated at this site.
991.08temporary id numberMPI;8FREE TEXTThe Department of Defense (DoD) Defense Eligibility Enrollment Reporting System (DEERS) uses a Temporary Identification Number for individuals (e.g., babies) who do not have or have not provided a Social Security Number (SSN) when the record is added to DEERS. It is used for military dependents only. This DoD TEMPORARY ID NUMBER will be used by the Master Veteran Index to support the linking of patient records across VA and DoD.
991.09foreign id numberMPI;9FREE TEXTThe Department of Defense (DoD) Defense Eligibility Enrollment Reporting System (DEERS) uses a Foreign Identification Number for foreign military and foreign nationals when the record is added to DEERS. This DoD FOREIGN ID NUMBER will be used by the Master Veteran Index to support the linking of patient records without a given Social Security Number (SSN) across VA and DoD.
991.1full icnMPI;10FREE TEXTAFICNThis field can only be edited by CIRN! The entire Integration Control Number (ICN), which is based on the ASTM E-1714 standard format of a 16 digit identifier, 1 character delimiter, 6 digit checksum, followed by an optional 6 digit encryption scheme. ICN is a machine to machine identifier for a patient.
991.91full icn historyMPIFICNHIS;0MULTIPLE2.0991Maintains the history of all of the full Integration Control Numbers (ICNs) assigned to patients.
992icn historyMPIFHIS;0MULTIPLE2.0992
993cmor historyMPICMOR;0MULTIPLE2.0993
994multiple birth indicatorMPIMB;1SET OF CODESN:NO
The MULTIPLE BIRTH INDICATOR will designate whether or not the patient is part of a multiple birth (i.e. to identify twins, etc.).
999absence divisionCOMPUTEDComputed field used in Absence list. For programmers only.
999.1inpatient wardCOMPUTEDFor use in historical inpatient list. For programmers only
999.2last means testCOMPUTED
1000disposition log-in date/timeDIS;0MULTIPLE2.101The date/time at which this applicant applied for medical benefits, e.g., was registered for care using the 'Registration' option of ADT. This multiple contains information on each registration entered for this patient including the date of registration, date of disposition, and type of disposition.
1010.15received va care previously?(+)1010.15;5BOOLEANY:YES
Enter 'Y' if this veteran has previously received care in another VA facility, otherwise enter 'N'.
1010.151most recent date of care1010.15;1DATE-TIMEIf this veteran has previously received care in another VA facility enter the date of care in that facility.
1010.1511appointment request date1010.15;11DATE-TIMEAEACLThis field contains the date the VA enrolling a patient for the first time was notified that the patient requests an appointment with a provider.
1010.152most recent location of care1010.15;2POINTER4If this veteran have previously received care in another VA facility select from the available listing the name of the facility (or facility number) in which care was rendered most recently.
1010.1532nd most recent date of care1010.15;3DATE-TIMEIf this applicant has received care in more than one other VA facility enter the date of care received in the next to most recent facility.
1010.1542nd most recent location1010.15;4POINTER4If this veteran has received care in more than one other VA facility select from the available listing the name of the facility (or facility number) in which the next to most recent care was received.
1010.156most recent 1010ez1010.15;6POINTER712This field was added via patch DG*5.3*597, distributed with EAS*1.0*51. The purpose of this field is to link the PATIENT file record with the Veteran's latest 1010EZ Application to this site. The 1010EZ data is retained in 1010EZ HOLDING File (#712). The internal entry number to file #712 is stored in the MOST RECENT 1010EZ field.
1010.157combat indicated on 1010ez1010.15;7BOOLEAN0:NO
This field was added via patch DG*5.3*597, distributed with EAS*1.0*51. The purpose of this field is to store within the PATIENT file the applicant's answer to the 1010EZ question: DID YOU SERVE IN COMBAT AFTER 11/11/1998? This field may contain any of the following: 0 for "NO" 1 for "YES" null (i.e., not answered)
1010.158disability discharge on 1010ez1010.15;8BOOLEAN0:NO
This field was added via patch DG*5.3*597, distributed with EAS*1.0*51. The purpose of this field is to store within the PATIENT file the applicant's answer to the 1010EZ question: WAS DISCHARGE FROM MILITARY FOR A DISABILITY INCURRED OR AGGRAVATED IN THE LINE OF DUTY? This field may contain any of the following: 0 for "NO" 1 for "YES" null (i.e., not answered)
1010.159appointment request on 1010ez1010.15;9BOOLEAN0:NO
Enter a 'Y' if the veteran applicant has requested an appointment with a VA doctor or provider and wants to be seen as soon as one becomes available. Enter a 'N' if the veteran applicant has not requested an appointment. This question may ONLY be entered ONCE for the veteran. The answer to this question CANNOT be changed after the initial entry.
1010.161appointment request status1010.16;1SET OF CODESC:CANCELLED
This field is the status of the veteran's new appointment requested. This field is entered by the user through the new enrollee appointment request option.
1010.162date status last edited1010.16;2DATE-TIMEThis is the date appointment request status was last edited. This field is updated by the computer whenever anyone edits the status information.
1010.163appointment request comment1010.16;3FREE TEXTThis field is entered by the user through the new enrollee appointment request option.
1010.164date comment last edited1010.16;4DATE-TIMEThis is the date appointment request comment was last edited. This field is updated by the computer whenever anyone edits the comment information.
1100.01fugitive felon flagFFP;1BOOLEAN1:YES
AXFFPThis field is in support of Pub. L. 107-103, section 505, and is used to flag a patient who has a fugitive felon warrant outstanding. This information will be provided to the appropriate personnel to enter. Access to this field requires the DGFFP ACCESS key. This field should not be updated directly, but should be entered through the appropriate Fugitive Felon Program options.
1100.02fff entered byFFP;2POINTER200This field contains the user who entered the current Fugtitive Felon Flag for this patient. It is automatically entered when the FUGITIVE FELON FLAG field (#1100.01) is entered.
1100.03fff date enteredFFP;3DATE-TIMEDate/Time the FUGITIVE FELON FLAG field (#1100.01) was entered. This field is automatically set when the FUGITIVE FELON FLAG field (#1100.01) is set.
1100.04fff removed byFFP;4POINTER200This field contains the user who removed the current Fugitive Felon Flag for this patient. It is automatically entered when the FUGITIVE FELON FLAG field (#1100.01) is deleted.
1100.05fff date removedFFP;5DATE-TIMEDate/Time the FUGITIVE FELON FLAG Field (#1100.01) was removed. This field is automatically set when the FUGITIVE FELON FLAG field (#1100.01) is deleted.
1100.09fff removal remarksFFP;9FREE TEXTIf the FFF flag has been cleared for this patient, this field contains a short reason as to why the flag was cleared. This is a free text field which allows up to 80 characters to be entered.
1900appointmentS;0MULTIPLE2.98This multiple contains information on appointments this patient has had or is scheduled to have. This information includes the date/time of the appointment, the clinic, and the reason for the appointment.
1901veteran (y/n)?(+)VET;1BOOLEANY:YES
Enter 'Y' if this applicant is over 17 years of age and is a veteran, 'N' if not. If applicant is under 17 years of age and is a veteran only those users holding the designated security may identify him/her as a veteran. Once eligibility is verified only those users who hold the designated security key may enter/edit this field.
1903archived dataARCH;0MULTIPLE2.12This multiple is not presently used by the MAS module. Archiving capabilities for the patient file are not yet available. This multiple was distributed in 1987, but the archiving routines were not distributed.
3000vts patient flag3000;1BOOLEAN0:NO
This field indicates whether or not the patient is or wants to be part of the Veteran Transportation Service (VTS).
11500.01initial ods treatment receivedODS;1DATE-TIMEEnter the date/time this patient was initially entered as ODS. This field will automatically be created when ODS is selected as the PERIOD OF SERVICE for this patient.
11500.02recalled to active dutyODS;2SET OF CODES0:NO
Was this operation desert shield patient recalled to active duty? If so select from national guard or reserves. If not, answer no.
11500.03rankODS;3POINTER25002.1Enter the grade/rank of this operation desert shield patient.
537025network identifier537025;1FREE TEXTThis field holds the synonym values from the Network Health Exchange Authorized Site file indicating where a particular patient has been found to have data.

Referenced by 302 types

  1. PATIENT (2) -- patient merged to, collateral sponsor's name
  2. DUPLICATE RECORD (15) -- record1, record2, mfi patient
  3. MERGE IMAGES (15.4) -- merged from, merged to
  4. PRF ASSIGNMENT (26.13) -- patient name
  5. PRF HL7 EVENT (26.21) -- patient
  6. PATIENT ENROLLMENT (27.11) -- patient
  7. ENROLLMENT QUERY LOG (27.12) -- patient
  9. NOSE AND THROAT RADIUM HISTORY (28.11) -- patient
  10. MST HISTORY (29.11) -- name
  11. DG SECURITY LOG (38.1) -- patient name
  12. INCONSISTENT DATA (38.5) -- name
  13. ADT/HL7 TRANSMISSION (39.4) -- patient
  14. OPC (40.1) -- name
  15. OPC ERRORS (40.15) -- name
  16. SCHEDULED ADMISSION (41.1) -- patient
  17. PRE-REGISTRATION AUDIT (41.41) -- patient
  18. PRE-REGISTRATION CALL LIST (41.42) -- patient
  19. PRE-REGISTRATION CALL LOG (41.43) -- patient name
  20. MAS PARAMETERS (43) -- patient or clinic
  21. G&L CORRECTIONS (43.5) -- patient
  22. PTF (45) -- patient
  23. PTF MESSAGE (45.5) -- patient
  24. CENSUS WORKFILE (45.85) -- name
  25. PTF TRANSACTION REQUEST LOG (45.87) -- patient
  26. PAF (45.9) -- name
  27. RAI MDS ASIH PATIENT (46.14) -- name
  28. DUE ANSWER SHEET (50.0731) -- patient
  29. PRESCRIPTION (52) -- patient
  30. REMOTE PRESCRIPTION LOG (52.09) -- patient
  31. PATIENT NOTIFICATION (Rx READY) (52.11) -- patient
  32. RX VERIFY (52.4) -- patient name
  33. PENDING OUTPATIENT ORDERS (52.41) -- patient
  34. PRESCRIPTION REFILL REQUEST (52.43) -- patient
  35. RX SUSPENSE (52.5) -- patient
  36. PHARMACY EXTERNAL INTERFACE (52.51) -- patient
  37. PHARMACY ARCHIVE (52.8) -- patient #
  38. PSO AUDIT LOG (52.87) -- patient
  39. TPB ELIGIBILITY (52.91) -- patient
  40. NON-VERIFIED ORDERS (53.1) -- patient name
  41. BCMA MISSING DOSE REQUEST (53.68) -- patient
  42. BCMA REPORT REQUEST (53.69) -- patient
  43. BCMA UNABLE TO SCAN LOG (53.77) -- patient id
  44. BCMA MEDICATION VARIANCE LOG (53.78) -- patient name
  45. BCMA MEDICATION LOG (53.79) -- patient name
  46. PHARMACY PATIENT (55) -- name
  47. PADE INBOUND TRANSACTIONS (58.6) -- patient
  48. PADE OUTBOUND MESSAGES (58.72) -- patient
  50. CS WORKSHEET (58.85) -- patient
  51. CS DESTRUCTION (58.86) -- patient returning drug
  52. PBM PATIENT DEMOGRAPHICS (59.9) -- patient
  53. WKLD LOG FILE (64.03) -- patient name
  54. REFERRAL PATIENT (67) -- patient file ref, patient name
  55. RAD/NUC MED PATIENT (70) -- name
  56. NUC MED EXAM DATA (70.2) -- patient
  57. RADIATION ABSORBED DOSE (70.3) -- patient
  58. RAD/NUC MED REPORTS (74) -- patient name
  59. RAD/NUC MED ORDERS (75.1) -- name
  60. HL7 Message Exceptions File (79.3) -- patient
  61. MEDICAL RECORD (90) -- name
  62. PT. TEXT (99) -- name
  63. ORDER (100) -- object of order
  64. OE/RR PATIENT EVENT (100.2) -- patient
  65. ORDER PARAMETERS (100.99) -- or3 inpatient dfn up to
  66. ORDER DEA ARCHIVE INFO (101.52) -- patient
  67. PATIENT TASK (102.3) -- patient
  68. ORAM FLOWSHEET (103) -- patient
  69. NUTRITION PERSON (115) -- patient
  70. GMRV VITAL MEASUREMENT (120.5) -- patient
  71. PATIENT ALLERGIES (120.8) -- patient
  72. ADVERSE REACTION REPORTING (120.85) -- patient
  73. ADVERSE REACTION ASSESSMENT (120.86) -- name
  74. REQUEST/CONSULTATION (123) -- patient name
  75. GMR TEXT (124.3) -- patient
  76. GMRY PATIENT I/O FILE (126) -- patient
  77. SURGERY (130) -- patient
  79. SCD (SPINAL CORD) REGISTRY (154) -- patient
  80. OUTCOMES (154.1) -- patient
  81. SPN ADMISSIONS (154.991) -- patient
  82. ONCOLOGY PATIENT (160) -- name
  83. FEE BASIS PATIENT (161) -- name
  84. FEE BASIS PATIENT MRA (161.26) -- name
  85. FEE CH REPORT OF CONTACT (161.5) -- veteran
  86. FEE BASIS ID CARD AUDIT (161.83) -- name
  87. FEE BASIS PAID TO IB (161.9) -- patient
  88. FEE BASIS PAYMENT (162) -- patient
  89. FEE NOTIFICATION/REQUEST (162.2) -- veteran
  90. VA FORM 10-7078 (162.4) -- veteran
  91. FEE BASIS UNAUTHORIZED CLAIMS (162.7) -- veteran, claim submitted by
  92. RECORDS (190) -- associated entity or item, patient file pointer
  93. NURS PATIENT (214) -- name
  94. NURS CLASSIFICATION (214.6) -- name
  95. NURS REVIEW CLASSIFICATION (214.7) -- name
  96. DENTAL PATIENT (220) -- name
  97. DENTAL TREATMENT (AMIS) (221) -- patient (pointer)
  98. ED LOG (230) -- patient id
  99. ED LOG HISTORY (230.1) -- patient id
  100. CLINICAL EVENTS (234) -- patient
  101. IVM PATIENT (301.5) -- patient
  102. IVM BILLING TRANSMISSION (301.61) -- patient
  103. IVM FINANCIAL QUERY LOG (301.62) -- patient
  104. IVM EXTRACT MANAGEMENT (301.63) -- last patient processed
  105. IVM ADDRESS CHANGE LOG (301.7) -- patient
  106. AR DEBTOR (340) -- debtor
  107. INTEGRATED BILLING ACTION (350) -- patient
  108. IB SITE PARAMETERS (350.9) -- patient or insurance company
  109. MEANS TEST BILLING CLOCK (351) -- patient
  110. IB CONTINUOUS PATIENT (351.1) -- patient
  111. SPECIAL INPATIENT BILLING CASES (351.2) -- patient
  112. TRICARE PHARMACY TRANSACTIONS (351.5) -- patient
  113. TRANSFER PRICING PATIENT (351.6) -- patient
  114. LTC COPAY CLOCK (351.81) -- patient
  115. BILLING PATIENT (354) -- patient name
  116. IB PATIENT COPAY ACCOUNT (354.7) -- patient
  117. GROUP INSURANCE PLAN (355.3) -- individual policy patient
  118. INSURANCE VERIFICATION PROCESSOR (355.33) -- patient name
  119. INSURANCE CLAIMS YEAR TO DATE (355.5) -- patient
  120. PERSONAL POLICY (355.7) -- patient
  121. SPONSOR (355.8) -- sponsor
  122. SPONSOR RELATIONSHIP (355.81) -- patient
  123. CLAIMS TRACKING (356) -- patient
  124. INSURANCE REVIEW (356.2) -- patient
  125. HCS REVIEW TRANSMISSION (356.22) -- patient
  126. CLAIMS TRACKING ROI (356.25) -- patient
  127. CLAIMS TRACKING ROI CONSENT (356.26) -- patient
  128. ENCOUNTER FORM TRACKING (357.96) -- patient
  129. AICS ERROR AND WARNING LOG (359.3) -- patient
  130. EDI MESSAGES (364.2) -- patient
  131. IIV RESPONSE (365) -- patient
  132. IIV TRANSMISSION QUEUE (365.1) -- patient
  133. IB SSVI PIN/HL7 PIVOT (366) -- patient, event pointer
  135. HEALTH CARE CLAIM RFAI (277) (368) -- patient name [d]
  136. PFSS CHARGE CACHE (373) -- patient
  137. PFSS ACCOUNT (375) -- patient
  139. HOME TELEHEALTH PATIENT (391.31) -- patient
  140. ADT/HL7 PIVOT (391.71) -- patient, event pointer
  141. TREATING FACILITY LIST (391.91) -- patient
  142. PATIENT DATA EXCEPTION (391.98) -- patient
  143. BENEFICIARY TRAVEL CLAIM (392) -- name
  146. BT PATIENT ALTERNATE INCOME (392.9) -- bt patient
  147. INCOMPLETE RECORDS (393) -- patient
  148. *PDX TRANSACTION (394) -- patient pointer
  149. *PDX STATISTICS (394.4) -- patient pointer
  150. VAQ - TRANSACTION (394.61) -- patient ptr
  151. VAQ - WORKLOAD (394.87) -- patient ptr
  152. HINQ SUSPENSE (395.5) -- name
  153. HINQ AUDIT (395.7) -- patient
  154. FORM 7131 (396) -- patient name
  155. CAPRI TEMPLATES (396.17) -- name
  156. AMIE REPORT (396.2) -- name
  157. 2507 REQUEST (396.3) -- name
  158. FORM 28-8861 (396.9) -- patient
  159. BILL/CLAIMS (399) -- patient name
  160. RECALL REMINDERS (403.5) -- patient name
  161. RECALL REMINDERS REMOVED (403.56) -- patient name
  162. OUTPATIENT PROFILE (404.41) -- patient
  163. PATIENT TEAM ASSIGNMENT (404.42) -- patient
  164. PCMM HL7 TRANSMISSION LOG (404.471) -- patient
  165. PCMM HL7 EVENT (404.48) -- patient
  166. PCMM PATIENT EVENTS (404.54) -- patient
  167. PATIENT MOVEMENT (405) -- patient
  168. PATIENT RELATION (408.12) -- patient, person
  169. INCOME RELATION (408.22) -- patient
  170. ANNUAL MEANS TEST (408.31) -- patient
  171. MEANS TEST CHANGES (408.41) -- patient
  172. SD WAIT LIST (409.3) -- patient
  173. EWL CLEAN-UP (409.39) -- patient
  174. SDSC SERVICE CONNECTED CHANGES (409.48) -- patient
  175. SCHEDULING VISITS (409.5) -- patient
  177. OUTPATIENT ENCOUNTER (409.68) -- patient
  178. DELETED OUTPATIENT ENCOUNTER (409.74) -- patient
  179. ACRP TRANSMISSION HISTORY (409.77) -- patient
  180. SDEC PREFERENCES AND SPECIAL NEEDS (409.845) -- patient
  181. SDEC APPT REQUEST (409.85) -- patient
  182. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (430) -- patient
  183. DIRECT DELIVERY PATIENTS (440.2) -- name
  184. INTERNAL DISTRIBUTION ORDER/ADJ. (445.3) -- patient name
  186. PATIENT FUNDS (470) -- name
  187. PSYCH INSTRUMENT PATIENT (601.2) -- name
  188. INCOMPLETE PSYCH TEST PATIENT (601.4) -- name
  189. MH ADMINISTRATIONS (601.84) -- patient
  190. MH CR SCRATCH (601.94) -- patient
  191. CLOZAPINE PATIENT LIST (603.01) -- clozapine patient
  192. ADDICTION SEVERITY INDEX (604) -- name
  193. MH CLINICAL FILE (615) -- name
  194. SECLUSION/RESTRAINT (615.2) -- name
  195. MENTAL HEALTH INPT (618.4) -- patient
  196. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS - MENTAL HEALTH (627.8) -- patient name
  197. HBHC PATIENT (631) -- name
  198. HBHC VISIT (632) -- patient name
  199. HBHC EVALUATION/ADMISSION ERROR(S) (634.1) -- patient name
  200. HBHC VISIT ERROR(S) (634.2) -- patient name
  201. HBHC DISCHARGE ERROR(S) (634.3) -- patient name
  202. HBHC PSEUDO SSN ERROR(S) (634.5) -- patient name
  203. SOCIAL WORK CASE (650) -- patient name
  204. SOCIAL WORK PATIENT (655) -- name
  205. SWS ASSESSMENT DATA BASE (655.2) -- name
  206. PROSTHETICS PATIENT (665) -- name
  207. PROSTHETIC HOME/LIAISON VISITS (665.1) -- patient name/institution
  208. PROS LETTER TRANSACTION FILE (665.4) -- name
  209. PROSTHETIC SUSPENSE (668) -- veteran
  210. MEDICAL PATIENT (690) -- name
  211. CP TRANSACTION (702) -- patient
  212. CP RESULT REPORT (703.1) -- patient
  213. CP_HL7_LOG (704.002) -- patient
  214. CP_MOVEMENT_AUDIT (704.005) -- patient
  215. TERM_RANGE_CHECK (704.107) -- patient_id
  216. OBS_FLOWSHEET_SUPP_PAGE (704.1122) -- patient_id
  217. OBS_ALARM (704.115) -- patient_id
  218. OBS (704.117) -- patient_id
  219. CP_KARDEX_ACTION (704.121) -- patient_id
  220. HEMODIALYSIS ACCESS POINTS (704.201) -- patient_id
  221. HEMODIALYSIS STUDY (704.202) -- patient
  222. EDR EVENT (705) -- patient
  223. 1010EZ HOLDING (712) -- link to file #2
  224. EAS MT PATIENT STATUS (713.1) -- name
  225. EAS LTC MONTHLY MAX CALCULATIONS (714.5) -- patient name
  226. EVENT CAPTURE PATIENT (721) -- patient
  227. ADMISSION EXTRACT (727.802) -- patient no. - dfn
  228. CLINIC NOSHOW EXTRACT (727.804) -- patient no. - dfn
  229. NURSING EXTRACT (727.805) -- patient no. - dfn
  230. DENTAL EXTRACT (727.806) -- patient no. - dfn
  231. PHYSICAL MOVEMENT EXTRACT (727.808) -- patient no. - dfn
  232. UNIT DOSE LOCAL EXTRACT (727.809) -- patient no. - dfn
  233. PRESCRIPTION EXTRACT (727.81) -- patient no. - dfn
  234. SURGERY EXTRACT (727.811) -- patient no. - dfn
  235. MENTAL HEALTH EXTRACT (727.812) -- patient no. - dfn
  236. RADIOLOGY EXTRACT (727.814) -- patient no. - dfn
  237. EVENT CAPTURE LOCAL EXTRACT (727.815) -- patient no. - dfn
  238. CLINIC I EXTRACT (727.816) -- patient no. - dfn
  239. TREATING SPECIALTY CHANGE EXTRACT (727.817) -- patient no. - dfn
  240. CLINIC II EXTRACT (727.818) -- patient no. - dfn
  241. IV DETAIL EXTRACT (727.819) -- patient no. - dfn
  242. ADMISSION SETUP EXTRACT (727.82) -- patient no. - dfn
  243. PHYSICAL MOVEMENT SETUP EXTRACT (727.821) -- patient no. - dfn
  244. TREATING SPECIALTY CHANGE SETUP EXTRACT (727.822) -- patient no. - dfn
  245. PAI EXTRACT (727.823) -- patient no. - dfn
  246. LAB RESULTS EXTRACT (727.824) -- patient no. - dfn
  247. QUASAR EXTRACT (727.825) -- patient no. - dfn
  248. PROSTHETICS EXTRACT (727.826) -- patient no. dfn
  249. CLINIC EXTRACT (727.827) -- patient no. - dfn
  250. BLOOD BANK EXTRACT (727.829) -- patient no. - dfn
  251. NUTRITION EXTRACT (727.832) -- patient no. - dfn
  252. BCMA EXTRACT (727.833) -- patient no. - dfn
  253. IV EXTRACT DATA (728.113) -- dfn
  254. UNIT DOSE EXTRACT DATA (728.904) -- dfn
  255. QA OCCURRENCE SCREEN (741) -- qa patient
  256. QA PATIENT INCIDENT REVIEW (742) -- patient
  257. FALL OUT (743.1) -- patient
  258. CONSUMER CONTACT (745.1) -- patient name
  260. WV PATIENT (790) -- name
  261. WV LAB TESTS (790.08) -- patient
  262. ROR PATIENT EVENTS (798.3) -- patient name
  263. ROR PATIENT (798.4) -- patient name
  265. PCE PARAMETERS (815) -- patient, clinic or ward
  266. VPS MRAR PDO (853.5) -- patient
  267. VPS CLINICAL SURVEY (853.8) -- patient
  268. ORDER CHECK PATIENT ACTIVE DATA (860.1) -- patient
  269. MPIF CMOR REQUEST (984.9) -- patient
  270. WII ADMISSIONS DISCHARGES (987.5) -- patients internal entry number
  271. CIRN SITE PARAMETER (991.8) -- cmor last patient processed, cmor comp last patient, rel init last, mar init last, elig init last, pseudo init last
  272. NUPA SAVED NOTES (1927.09) -- patient
  273. NUPA CARE PLANS (1927.4) -- patient
  274. IMAGE (2005) -- patient
  275. IMAGE AUDIT (2005.1) -- patient
  276. IMAGING PATIENT REFERENCE (2005.6) -- patient file reference
  277. IMAGING DUPLICATE UID LOG (2005.66) -- patient
  278. PACS MESSAGE (2006.5) -- patient
  279. DICOM GATEWAY PARAMETER (2006.563) -- export patient
  280. EXPORT DICOM RUN (2006.565) -- patient
  281. IMAGING WINDOWS SESSIONS (2006.82) -- patient
  282. MAGV IMPORT STUDY LOG (2006.9421) -- patient
  283. IMAGE ACCESS LOG (2006.95) -- patient
  284. MULTI IMAGE PRINT (2006.961) -- patient
  285. VIST ROSTER (2040) -- name
  286. ANRV PATIENT REVIEW (2048) -- patient
  287. VBECS WORKLOAD CAPTURE (6002.01) -- dfn
  288. VBECS DSS EXTRACT (6002.03) -- dfn
  289. TIU AUDIT TRAIL (8925.5) -- initial patient, final patient
  290. ALERT TRACKING (8992.1) -- patient
  291. A&SP PATIENT (509850.2) -- name
  292. AUDIOMETRIC EXAM DATA (509850.9) -- patient
  293. STATION ORDER (791810) -- patient
  294. ROES ELIGIBILITY CONFIRMATION (791814) -- patient
  295. HMP PATIENT OBJECT (800000.1) -- patient
  296. HMP ACTIVITY (800001.5) -- patient name
  297. PATIENT/IHS (9000001) -- name
  298. BPS CERTIFICATION (9002313.31) -- patient ien
  299. BPS LOG OF TRANSACTIONS (9002313.57) -- patient
  300. BPS TRANSACTION (9002313.59) -- patient
  301. BPS REQUESTS (9002313.77) -- patient
  302. APSP INTERVENTION (9009032.4) -- patient