This file contains any site parameters which may apply to the Health Summary package.
.01name(+)0;1FREE TEXTBThis is the name of the entry in the Health Summary parameters file. The input transform will restrict entry to one record only, which must be named "HOSPITAL."
.02prompt for action profile0;2BOOLEANY:yes
If this parameter is set to Y or YES, the user will be prompted to include the Outpatient Pharmacy Action Profile when printing Health Summaries by location (both interactive and batch mode) and by patient.
.03include comments for labs0;3BOOLEANY:yes
If this parameter is set to Y or YES, the Chemistry & Hematology, the Lab Tests Selected and the Lab Cumulative Selected components will present comments for results. For the Chemistry & Hematology and the Lab Tests Selected components the comments will be displayed immediately following the results. For the Lab Cumulative Selected components a lower case letter will be displayed to the left of the date for entries with comments. Comments will be displayed after all the results are displayed with the comments being linked by the lower case letter. Up to 26 comments can be included. If blank, N or NO, the Chemistry & Hematology and the Lab Tests Selected components will present the symbol "!!" next to tests which include comments, and a footnote referring the user to the Lab Interim Report.
.04spool device0;4POINTER3.5This is the SPOOL DEVICE to which Health Summary output can be directed during a PDX request for one or more Health Summary Components.
.05include bar codes on act prof0;5BOOLEANY:yes
If this parameter is set to YES or YES, Bar Codes will be included when Outpatient Pharmacy Action Profiles are printed from Health Summary.
.06error message recipient0;6VARIABLE-POINTER200, 3.8This is the user or mail group that will recieve error messages from the Health Summary Package when they are sent. Instances of when error messages are sent would be when a tasked batch print job needs to exit without producing a report.
.07short hs by loc covers0;7BOOLEANN:No
This parameter is to be used in conjunction with the Hospital Location Health Summary [GMTS HS BY LOC] report to shorten the cover page for each location. When printing in standard Letter (8.5 x 11) format, the name of the hospital location is printed six times which results in an overflow onto the next page. If this parameter is set to 'Y' the name will only print one time, thus saving paper.

Not Referenced