This file contains Category II (Local) Patient Record Flags that can be assigned to a patient. Use the Record Flag Management [DGPF RECORD FLAG MANAGEMENT] option to create/edit entries in this file. Records in this file should not be added, edited, or deleted except through the use of the Patient Record Flag software that is part of Registration. Doing so would likely cause the Patient Record Flag database to become corrupted.
.01name(+)0;1FREE TEXTBThis field contains the locally assigned name of the Patient Record Flag.
.02status(+)0;2SET OF CODES0:INACTIVE
This field contains the ACTIVE or INACTIVE status of the Patient Record Flag. Changing this field from ACTIVE to INACTIVE will inactivate all patient record flag assignments associated with this flag.
.03type(+)0;3POINTER26.16This field identifies the usage classification of the Patient Record Flag.
.04review frequency days(+)0;4NUMERICThis field represents the number of days that may elapse between reviews of a Patient Record Flag Assignment. A value of zero ("0") indicates that no automatic review will occur. (example: 730 = 2 years)
.05notification days(+)0;5NUMERICThis field contains the number of days prior to a patient record flag assignment's Review date that a review notification is sent to the flag's Review Mail Group. A value of zero ("0") indicates that NO prior notification is required. This field should always be less than the Review Frequency field value.
.06review mail group0;6POINTER3.8This field contains the name of the mail group whose members will receive MailMan notification of Patient Record Flag Assignments that are due for review. The mail group name must begin with 'DGPF' and it is further recommended that locally-defined flag mail group names begin with 'DGPFZ' to prevent conflicts with nationally-released patient record flags.
.07tiu pn title(+)0;7POINTER8925.1This field contains the Category II Progress Note Title that is associated with this Patient Record Flag.
1description1;0WORD-PROCESSINGThis field contains the text that describes the purpose and instructions for application of this local Patient Record Flag to a patient.
2principal investigator(s)2;0MULTIPLE26.112This multiple field contains the principal investigator(s) names when the Flag TYPE is RESEARCH.

Referenced by 2 types

  1. PRF LOCAL FLAG HISTORY (26.12) -- flag name
  2. PRF ASSIGNMENT (26.13) -- flag name