This file is used to log errors that occur in the DHCP Server side of AICS. Currently this occurs while rolling up the data from the scanner in a format that is then passed to the PCE Device Interface. Under normal circumstances very few errors should occur, however, if they do occur, the workstation software (client side) will be notified and the error can be found in this file and if possible resolved. Normally each error represents one piece of data that was ignored by the server software and can easily be entered into PCE using one of the data entry methodologies. Entries in this file may be deleted after any corrective action that needs to be taken is complete.
.01error date/time(+)0;1DATE-TIMEBEnter the date and time that the error occured. Normally errors are filed automatically by the computer when the error occurs.
.02patient0;2POINTER2CThis is the name of the patient that was being processed when the error occured.
.03encounter date/time0;3DATE-TIMEThis is the date/time of the encounter that was being processed when the error occured.
.04form definition0;4FREE TEXTEnter the Form Definition file entry that was being processed when the error occured.
.05form tracking number0;5FREE TEXTDEnter the Form Tracking File number from the encounter form that was being processed when the error occured.
.06data internal number0;6NUMERICEnter the array number of the data element that was being processed when the error occured. This number is normally added by the system when an error occured. It can be used to debug the cause of the error when rescanning an encounter form.
.07data value0;7FREE TEXTEnter the value of the data that was being processed when the error occured.
.08error source0;8SET OF CODES1:AICS
This is the source of the data that caused the error, or may also be a listing of errors returned from PCE.
.09form name0;9POINTER357This is the name of the Encounter form that was being processed when the error occured.
.1package interface0;10POINTER357.6This is the name of the package interface for the data that was being processed when the error occured.
.11qualifier0;11FREE TEXTThis is the data qualifer, if any, that was being processed when the error occured.
.12data text0;12FREE TEXTThis is the text associated with the data value that was being processed when the error occured.
.13user0;13POINTER200ACEnter the user that was logged on when the error occured.
.16dialog number0;16NUMERICThis is the number of the dialog that was used to record this error.
.17page0;17NUMERICThis is the page of the form being scanned when the error occured.
.18workstation id0;18FREE TEXTThis is the ID from the AICS workstation. This is used to identify which workstation the error occured on.
1.01option1;1FREE TEXTThis is the free text name of the option that was being used when the error occured.
1.02date error corrected1;2DATE-TIME
1.03user correcting data1;3POINTER200Enter the name of the user who corrected the data.
1.04error reviewed or corrected1;4BOOLEAN1:YES
Enter whether or not this error has been reviewed or corrected.
9clinicCOMPUTEDThis field is a computed field that can be used on outputs via VA FileManager for use by VA Medical Centers.
10error message10;0WORD-PROCESSING

Not Referenced