.01error events0;1FREE TEXTBThis is the list of captured errors of this type in the form of +$H:NN where $H is the +$Horolog day count, and NN is the sequence number that records the nnth error for that day. So if the error is still available, then, the details can be collected. This scheme will ensure that each occurrence is unique.
1date/time of error0;2DATE-TIMEDThis is the date and time as described in the error report, but converted to FileMan format.
2line if different1;E1,245FREE TEXTThis is the offending line of code as captured by the interpreter.
3last global if different2;1FREE TEXT
4$zhorolog detail0;3FREE TEXT
5user duz0;4FREE TEXTThis is the user who experienced the problem. This will make it easier for us to check if this is a needs problem or a training problem.
6stack path6;1FREE TEXTThis is the path by which the error level of execution was accessed. It is a series of segments, each representing a level of execution in the model as it was being performed. Occasionally this list of segments will exceed the string length so some judicious exiting has been done to keep the stack list manageable. Should the list need to be trimmed, segments will be taken out of the middle of the stack to accommodate the string limits. These omissions are marked with an ellipsis "..." where a segment or segments have been deleted. A segment looks like this; LABEL[+offset]^RTN:command step The set of segments is wrapped in square brackets and stored in its entirety in the event node for comparison with other events.
11user name3;1POINTER200USERUser Pointer who was on when the error occurred.
12option used3;2POINTER19This is the POINTER to the Option File that was being used at the time of the error.
13option name3;3FREE TEXTThis is the name of the option pointed to in field 2.
14task referenced3;4POINTER14.4This is the task being performed (if it was a task).
15global volume3;5FREE TEXTThis is the Global Volumes being accessed when the task started.
16routine volume3;6FREE TEXTThis is the Routine Set being used when the Error Occurred.
17host cpu3;7FREE TEXTThis is the Name of the CPU the program was running on.
18rpc broker state3;8FREE TEXTThis is the description of the Broker Task being performed.
This field tells if this error has been reported to a central repository.

Error: Invalid Global File Type: 3.07701