ADDICTION SEVERITY INDEX FIFTH EDITION Locally Developed by D. LaLIBERTE White City VA Domiciliary National Mental Health Software Development: Allan Finkelstein, Ph.D. This is the main ASI file and contains all data for each administration. It is a flat file with one record per administration. Questions and format are determined by the publishers of the ASI and may not be locally modified.
.01id number(+)0;1NUMERICBThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: G1. I.D. Number
.02name0;2POINTER2CThis is the patients name. Pointer to Patient File.
.0203date of birthCOMPUTED
.02111street line 1COMPUTED
.02112street line 2COMPUTED
.02113street line 3COMPUTED
.033resolved adm date11;10FREE TEXT
.04class0;4SET OF CODES1:FULL
DThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: G8. Class: '1' FOR FULL '2' FOR LITE '3' FOR FOLLOWUP '4' FOR ASI-MV
.05date of interview0;5DATE-TIMEADThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: G5. Date of Interview
.051time interview began0;13FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: G5. TIME BEGUN
.052time interview ended2;4FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: G7. TIME ENDED?
.07contact code0;7SET OF CODES1:IN PERSON
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: G9. CONTACT CODE: '1' FOR In Person '2' FOR Phone '3' FOR ASIMV
.08gender0;8SET OF CODES1:MALE
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: G10. GENDER: 1 - Male 2 - Female
.09interviewer0;9POINTER200This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: G11. INTERVIEWER CODE NUMBER
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: G12. SPECIAL: 1 - Patient terminated 2 - Patient refused 3 - Patient unable to respond
.12record initialized date time0;12DATE-TIMEThis field contains the date/time the ASI was started.
.125record completed date time12;1DATE-TIME
.14record initialized by (trans)0;14POINTER200This field contains the pointer value of the transcriber(user who enters the data) of the ASI.
.16race0;16SET OF CODES1:WHITE (not Hisp)
2:BLACK (not Hisp)
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: G17. RACE 1 WHITE (not Hisp) 2 BLACK (not Hisp) 3 AMERICAN INDIAN 4 ALASKAN NATIVE 5 ASIAN/PACIFIC 6 HISPANIC-MEXICAN 7 HISPANIC-PUERTO RICAN 8 HISPANIC-CUBAN 9 HISPANIC-OTHER
.17religious preference0;17SET OF CODES1:PROTESTANT
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: G18. RELIGIOUS PREFERENCE 1 PROTESTANT 2 CATHOLIC 3 JEWISH 4 ISLAMIC 5 OTHER 6 NONE
.51electronically signed.5;1BOOLEAN0:NO
This field is a set of codes used to store the value of whether the ASI was electronically signed or not. '0' FOR no '1' FOR yes
.52e signature interviewer.5;2POINTER200This field contains the value of the interviewer/manager from file #200, field .01 who electronically signs the ASI.
.6general comment.6;0WORD-PROCESSINGThis field contains general comments the user can enter by "^C" at any prompt of the On-Line ASI.
.61cs medicalCOMPUTED
.62cs employmentCOMPUTED
.63cs alcoholCOMPUTED
.635cs drugCOMPUTED
.64cs legalCOMPUTED
.65cs familyCOMPUTED
.66cs psychiatricCOMPUTED
.71e signature transcriber.7;1POINTER200This field contains the pointer value to the New Person file #200 of the user transcribing the ASI and electronically signing when the ASI is completed.
.81person allowed to edit.8;1POINTER200This field contains the value of the person allowed to edit the ASI. A pointer to the New Person file (#200).
1admission date0;10DATE-TIMEThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: G4. DATE OF ADMISSION This is not to be confused with the Inpatient Date of Admission in the Patient Movement file #405. This will be clinically defined.
1.201addr lived yrs1.2;1FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: G14. How long have you lived at this address? In years.
1.202addr lived mos1.2;2FREE TEXTPart of G14. How long have you lived at this address? In Months.
1.203addr own1.2;3SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: G15. Is this residence owned by you or your family? 0 - No 1 - Yes
2program0;15POINTER604.26This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: G3. PROGRAM NUMBER
2.01controlled environment2;1SET OF CODES1:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: G19. Have you been in a controlled environment in the past 30 days? 1 NO 2 JAIL 3 ALCOHOL OR DRUG TREATMENT 4 MEDICAL TREATMENT 5 PSYCHIATRIC TREATMENT 6 OTHER
2.02other2;2FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: G19. If "other" is selected the user can enter a comment to explain.
2.03how many days2;3FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: G20. How many days?
3.01shipley c.q.3;1NUMERICThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: G21. Shipley C.Q.
3.02shipley i.q.3;2NUMERICThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: G22. Shipley I.Q.
3.03beck total score3;3NUMERICThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: G23. Beck Total Score
5.5awaiting transmission5;3SET OF CODES1:AWAITING TRANSMISSION
5.6transmission date5;4DATE-TIME
8.01hospitalizations8;1FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: M1. How many times in your life have you been hospitalized for medical problems? (Include o.d.'s, d.t.'s, exclude detox.)
8.02last hospitalization yrs8;2FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: M2. How long ago was your last hospitalization for a physical problem? In Yrs.
8.025last hospitalization mos8;10FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: M2. How lon was your last hospitalization for a physical problem? In Mos.
8.03chronic problem8;3SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: M3. Do you have any chronic medical problems which continue to interfere with your life? 0 - No 1 - Yes
8.04chronic medical specify8;4FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: M3. If the answer to this question is 1 - Yes, please specify.
8.05medication8;5SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: M4. Are you taking any prescribed medications on a regular basis for a physical problem? 0 - No 1 - Yes
8.06disability pension8;6SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: M5. Do you receive a pension for a physical disability? (Exclude psychiatric disability.) 0 - N0 1 - Yes
8.07specify pension8;7FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: M5. If the answer was 1 - Yes, specify the amount of the pension.
8.08problem past 30 days8;8FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: M6. How many days have you experienced medical problems in the past 30?
8.09scale med problem past 30d8;9POINTER604.45This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: M7. How troubled or bothered have you been by these medical problems in the past 30 days? For question M7 please ask patient to use the Patient's Rating Scale
8.11importance medical treatment8;11POINTER604.45This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: M8. How important to you is treatment for these medical problems? For question M8 please ask patient to use thhe Patient's Rating Scale
8.12interviewer's rating medical8;12FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: INTEREVIEWER SEVERITY RATING M9. How would you rate the patient's need for medical treatment?
8.14patient misrep medical8;14SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: M10. Patients misrepresentation? 0 - No 1 - Yes
8.15patient inab undstnd medical8;15SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: M11. Patient's inability to understand? 0 - No 1 - Yes
8.5medical comment8.5;0WORD-PROCESSINGThis field contains any comments on the patient's medical status.
9.01years education completed9;1FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: E1. Education completed YRS (GED = 12 years)
9.02months education completed9;2FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: E1. Education completed MOS.
9.03months training or tech9;3FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: E2. Training or technical education completed MOS.
9.04profession trade or skill9;4SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: E3. Do you have a profession, trade or skill? 0 - No 1 - Yes
9.05specify pts9;5FREE TEXTIf question E3 is answered 1 - Yes, specify the profession, trade or skill.
9.06valid drivers license9;6SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: E4. Do you have a valid driver's license? 0 - No 1 - Yes
9.09automobile9;9SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: E5. Do you have an automobile available for use? (Answer No if no valid driver's license) 0 - No 1 - Yes
9.11longest full-time job yrs9;11FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: E6. How long was your longest full-time job? YRS.
9.12longest full-time job mos9;12FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: E6. In MOS.
9.14usual or last occupation9;14FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: E7. Usual (or last) occupation. This is selected from the Hollingshead categories.
9.145usual or last occ text9;10FREE TEXTThis field contains the description of the patients Usual (or last) occupation.
9.15support9;15SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: E8. Does someone contribute to your support in any way? 0 - No 1 - Yes
9.16majority of support9;16SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: E9. (ONLY IF ITEM 8 IS YES) Does this constitute the majority of your support? 0 - No 1 - Yes
9.17employment pattern9;17SET OF CODES1:FULL TIME (40 HRS./WK)
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: E10. Usual employment pattern, past 3 years. Choose from: 1 FULL TIME (40 HRS./WK) 2 PART TIME (REG. HRS.) 3 PART TIME (IRREG., DAYWORK) 4 STUDENT 5 SERVICE 6 RETIRED/DISABILITY 7 UNEMPLOYED 8 IN CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT
9.18days paid last 30 days9;18FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: E11. How many days were you paid for working in the past 30? (Include "under the table" work.)
9.19employment income9;19FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: How much money did you receive in the last 30 days? E12. Employment (net income)
9.21unemployment compensation9;21FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: How much money did you receive in the last 30 days? E13 Unemployment compensation
9.22welfare income9;22FREE TEXT
9.23pension9;23FREE TEXT
9.24mate family friends income9;24FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: How much money did you receive in the last 30 days? E16. Mate, family, or friends (Money for personal expenses).
9.245mate family friends specify11;20FREE TEXT
9.25illegal income9;25FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: How much money did you receive in the last 30 days? E17. Illegal
9.29number of dependents9;29FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: E18. How many people depend on you for the majority of their food, shelter, etc.?
9.31days emp prob last 309;31FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: E19. How many days have you experienced employment problems in the past 30?
9.32employment prob 30 days9;32POINTER604.45This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: For question E20 please ask patient to use the Patient's rating scale E20. How troubled or bothered have you been by these employment problems in the past 30 days?
9.33emp counseling important9;33POINTER604.45This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: For question E21 please ask patient to use the Patient's rating scale E21. How important to you now is counseling for these employment problems?
9.34interviewer's rating empl9;34FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: E22. How would you rate the patient's need for employment counseling?
9.35patient misrep emp9;35SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: E23. Patients misrepresentation? 0 - No 1 - Yes
9.36patient inab undstnd emp9;36SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: E24. Patient's inability to understand? 0 - No 1 - Yes
9.5employment comment9.5;0WORD-PROCESSING
10.01alcohol any use l30days10;1FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D1. Alcohol - any use at all PAST 30 days
10.02alcohol any use lifetime yrs10;2FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D1. Alcohol - any use at all LIFETIME Yrs.
10.03alcohol any use roa10;3POINTER604.48This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D1. Alcohol - any use at all USE Rt of adm.
10.04alcohol intox use l30days10;4FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D2. Alcohol - To intoxication PAST 30 Days
10.05alcohol intox lifetime yrs10;5FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D2. Alcohol - To intoxication LIFETIME Yrs.
10.06alcohol intox roa10;6POINTER604.48This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D2. Alcohol - To intoxication USE Rt of adm.
10.07heroin l30days10;7FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D3. Heroin PAST 30 Days
10.08heroin lifetime yrs10;8FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D3. Heroin LIFETIME Yrs.
10.09heroin roa10;9POINTER604.48This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D3. Heroin USE Rt of adm.
10.11methadone l30days10;11FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D4. Methadone PAST 30 Days
10.12methadone lifetime yrs10;12FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D4. Methadone LIFETIME Yrs.
10.14methadone roa10;14POINTER604.48This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D4. Methadone USE Rt of adm.
10.15other opiates/ana l30days10;15FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D5. Other opiates/analgesics PAST 30 Days
10.16other opiates/ana lifetime yrs10;16FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D5. Other opiates/analgesics LIFETIME Yrs.
10.17other opiates/ana roa10;17POINTER604.48This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D5. Other opiates/analgesics USE Rt of adm.
10.18barbituates l30days10;18FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D6. Barbiturates PAST 30 Days
10.19barbituates lifetime yrs10;19FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D6. Barbiturates LIFETIME Yrs.
10.21barbituates roa10;21POINTER604.48This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D6. Barbiturates USE Rt of adm.
10.22other s h t l30days10;22FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D7. Other sed/hyp/tranq. PAST 30 Days
10.23other s h t lifetime yrs10;23FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D7. Other sed/hyp/tranq. LIFETIME Yrs.
10.24other s h t roa10;24POINTER604.48This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D7. Other sed/hyp/tranq. USE Rt of adm.
10.25cocaine l30days10;25FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D8. Cocaine PAST 30 Days
10.26cocaine lifetime yrs10;26FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D8. Cocaine LIFETIME Yrs.
10.27cocaine roa10;27POINTER604.48This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D8. Cocaine USE Rt of adm.
10.28amphetamines l30days10;28FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D9. Amphetamines PAST 30 Days
10.29amphetamines lifetime yrs10;29FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D9. Amphetamines LIFETIME Yrs.
10.31amphetamines roa10;31POINTER604.48This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D9. Amphetamines Rt of adm.
10.32cannabis l30days10;32FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D10. Cannabis PAST 30 Days
10.33cannabis lifetime yrs10;33FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D10. Cannabis LIFETIME Yrs
10.34cannabis roa10;34POINTER604.48This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D10. Cannabis USE Rt of adm.
10.35hallucinogens l30days10;35FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D11. Hallucinogens PAST 30 Days
10.36hallucinogens lifetime yrs10;36FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D10. Hallucinogens LIFETIME Yrs.
10.37hallucinogens roa10;37POINTER604.48This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D11. Hallucinogens USE Rt of adm.
10.38inhalants l30days10;38FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D12. Inhalants PAST 30 Days
10.39inhalants lifetime yrs10;39FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D12. Inhalants LIFETIME Yrs.
10.41inhalants roa10;41POINTER604.48This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D12. Inhalants USE Rt of adm.
10.42mt1pd l30days10;42FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D13. More than one substance per day (Incl. alcohol) PAST 30 Days
10.43mt1pd lifetime yrs10;43FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D13. More than one substance per day (Incl. alcohol). LIFETIME Yrs.
10.45major problem10;45POINTER604.77This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D14. Which substance is the major problem? Please code as above or 00-No problem;15-Alcohol & Drug (Dual addiction); 16-Polydrug; when not clear ask patient.
10.5drug/alcohol comment10.5;0WORD-PROCESSINGThis field contains the comments made by the interviewer from the patients drug/alcohol use section of the ASI.
11.01abstinent months11;1FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D15. How long was your last period of voluntary abstinence from this major substance? (00 - never abstinent) MOS.
11.02abstinent ended months ago11;2FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D16 How many months ago did this abstinence end? (00 - still abstinent)
11.03times had alcohol d.t.'s11;3FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D17. How many times have you: Had alcohol d.t's.
11.04times overdosed on drugs11;4FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D18. How many times have you: Overdosed on drugs
11.05alcohol abuse lifetime11;5FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D19. How many times in your life have you been treated for: Alcohol Abuse:
11.06drug abuse lifetime11;6FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D20. How many times in your life have you been treated for: Drug Abuse:
11.07times detox only alcohol11;7FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D21. How many of these were detox only? Alcohol
11.08times detox only drug11;8FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D22. How many of these were detox only? Drug?
11.09spent l30d alcohol11;9FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D23. How much would you say you spent during the past 30 days on: Alcohol
11.11spent l30d drugs11;11FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D24. How much would you say you spent during the past 30 days on: Drugs
11.12days tmt d/a l30d outp11;12FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D25. How many days have you been treated in an outpatient setting for alcohol or drugs in the past 30 days (Include NA, AA).
11.14days l30d alcohol prob11;14FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D26. How many days in the past 30 have you experienced: Alcohol Problems
11.15days l30d drug prob11;15FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: D27. How many days in the past 30 have you experienced: Drug Problems
11.16troubled alcohol l30d11;16POINTER604.45This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: FOR QUESTION D28 PLEASE ASK PATIENT TO USE THE PATIENTS RATING SCALE D28. How troubled or bothered have you been in the past 30 days by these: Alcohol Problems
11.165tmt important alcohol11;24POINTER604.45This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: FOR QUESTION D30 PLEASE ASK PATIENT TO USE THE PATIENTS RATING SCALE D30. How important to you now is treatment for these: Alcohol Problems
11.17troubled drug l30d11;17POINTER604.45This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: FOR QUESTION D29 PLEASE ASK PATIENT TO USE THE PATIENTS RATING SCALE D29. How troubled or bothered have you been in the past 30 days by these: Drug Problems
11.175tmt important drug11;25POINTER604.45This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: FOR QUESTION D31 PLEASE ASK PATIENT TO USE THE PATIENTS RATING SCALE D31. How important to you now is treatment for these: Drug Problems
11.18interviewer's rating alcohol11;18FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: INERVIEWER SEVERITY RATING D31. How would you rate the patient's need for treatment for: Alcohol Abuse
11.185interviewer's rating drug11;13FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: INERVIEWER SEVERITY RATING D33. How would you rate the patient's need for treatment for: Drug Abuse
11.19patient misrep d/a11;19SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: CONFIDENCE RATINGS Is the above information significantly distorted by: D34. Patient's misrepresentation? 0 - No 1 - Yes
11.21patient inab undstnd d/a11;21BOOLEAN0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: CONFIDENCE RATINGS Is the above information significantly distorted by: D35. Patient's inability to understand? 0 - No 1 - Yes
14.01adm prompted by cjs14;1SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: L1. Was this admission prompted or suggested by the criminal justice system (judge, probation/parole officer, etc.) 0 - No 1 - Yes
14.02on probation or parole14;2SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: L2. Are you on probation or parole? 0 - No 1 - Yes
14.03shoplifting/vandalism14;3FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: How many times in your life have you been arrested and charged with the following: L3 - shoplifting,vandalism
14.04parole/probation violations14;4FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: How many times in your life have you been arrested and charged with the following: L4 - parole/probation violations
14.05drug charges14;5FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: How many times in your life have you been arrested and charged with the following: L5 - drug charges
14.06forgery14;6FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: How many times in your life have you been arrested and charged with the following: L6 - forgery
14.07weapons offense14;7FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: How many times in your life have you been arrested and charged with the following: L7 - weapons offense
14.08burglary larceny b & e14;8FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: How many times in your life have you been arrested and charged with the following: L8 - burglary, larceny, B & E
14.09robbery14;9FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: How many times in your life have you been arrested and charged with the following: L9 - robbery
14.11assault14;11FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: How many times in your life have you been arrested and charged with the following: L10 - assault
14.12arson14;12FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: How many times in your life have you been arrested and charged with the following: L11 - arson
14.14rape14;14FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: How many times in your life have you been arrested and charged with the following: L12 - rape
14.15homicide manslaughter14;15FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: How many times in your life have you been arrested and charged with the following: L13 - homicide, manslaugter
14.16prostitution14;16FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: How many times in your life have you been arrested and charged with the following: L14 - prostitution
14.17contempt of court14;17FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: How many times in your life have you been arrested and charged with the following: L15 - contempt of court
14.18other charges14;18FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: How many times in your life have you been arrested and charged with the following: L16 - other
14.19convictions14;19FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: L17. How many of these charges resulted in convictions?
14.21dcvpi14;21FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: How many times in your life have you been charged with the following: L18. Disorderly conduct, vagrancy, public intoxication
14.22driving while intoxicated14;22FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: How many times in your life have you been charged with the following: L19. Driving while intoxicated
14.23major driving violations14;23FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: How many times in your life have you been charged with the following: L20. Major driving violations (reckless driving, speeding, no license, etc.)
14.24month incarcerated lifetime14;24FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: L21. How many months were you incarcerated in your life? MOS.
14.25months last incarceration14;25FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: L22. How long was your last incarceration? MOS.
14.26last incarcerated for14;26POINTER604.3This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: L23. What was it for? (Use ocde 3-16, 18-20. If multiple charges, code most severe)
14.265incarceration codeCOMPUTED
14.27awaiting cts14;27SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: L24. Are you presently awaiting charges, trial or sentence? 0 - No 1 - Yes
14.28for what14;28POINTER604.3This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: L25. What for (If multiple charges, use most severe).
14.29detained/incarcerated l30d14;29FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: L26. How many days in the past 30 were you detained or incarcerated?
14.31illegal activities/profit l30d14;31FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: L27. How many days in the past 30 have you engaged in illegal activities for profit?
14.32legal prob scale14;32POINTER604.45This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: FOR QUESTION L28 PLEASE ASK PATIENT TO USE THE PATIENT'S RATING SCALE L28. How serious do you feel your present legal problems are? (Exclude civil problems)
14.33legal importance scale14;33POINTER604.45This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: FOR QUESTION L29 PLEASE ASK PATIENT TO USE THE PATIENT'S RATING SCALE L29. How important to you now is counseling or referral for these legal problems?
14.34interviewer's rating legal14;34FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: L30. How would you rate the patient's need for legal services or counseling?
14.35patient misrep legal14;35SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: L30. Patient's misrepresentation? 0 - No 1 - Yes
14.36patient inab undstnd legal14;36SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: L32. Patient's inability to understand? 0 - No 1 - Yes
14.5legal comment14.5;0WORD-PROCESSINGThis field contains comments on the patient's Legal Status.
15.01ms grandmother alc15;1POINTER604.5This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have any of your relatives had what you call a significant drinking, drug use or psych problem - one that did or should have led to treatment? Mother's Side H1. Grandmother Alcohol Direction: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in the category;"1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Code most problematic relative in cases of multiple members per category.
15.02ms grandmother drug15;2POINTER604.5This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have any of your relatives had what you call a significant drinking, drug use or psych problem - one that did or should have led to treatment? Mother's Side H1. Grandmother Drug Direction: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in the category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Code most problematic relative in cases of multiple members per category.
15.03ms grandmother psych15;3POINTER604.5This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have any of your relatives had what you call a significant drinking, drug use or psych problem - one that did or should have led to treatment? Mother's Side H. Grandmother Psych Direction: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in the category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Code most problematic relative in cases of multiple members per category.
15.04ms grandfather alc15;4POINTER604.5This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have any of your relatives had what you call a significant drinking, drug use or psych problem - one that did or should have led to treatment? Mother's Side H2. Grandfather Alcohol Direction: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in the category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Code most problematic relative in cases of multiple members per category.
15.05ms grandfather drug15;5POINTER604.5This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have any of your relatives had what you call a significant drinking, drug use or psych problem - one that did or should have led to treatment? Mother's Side H2. Grandfather Drug Direction: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in the category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Code most problematic relative in cases of multiple members per category.
15.06ms grandfather psych15;6POINTER604.5This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have any of your relatives had what you call a significant drinking, drug use or psych problem - one that did or should have led to treatment? Mother's Side H2. Grandfather Psych Direction: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in the category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Code most problematic relative in cases of multiple members per category.
15.07ms mother alc15;7POINTER604.5This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have any of your relatives had what you call a significant drinking, drug use or psych problem - one that did or should have led to treatment? Mother's Side H3. Mother Alcohol Direction: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in the category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Code most problematic relative in cases of multiple members per category.
15.08ms mother drug15;8POINTER604.5This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have any of your relatives had what you call a significant drinking, drug use or psych problem - one that did or should have led to treatment? Mother's Side H3. Mother Drug Direction: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in the category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Code most problematic relative in cases of multiple members per category.
15.09ms mother psych15;9POINTER604.5This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have any of your relatives had what you call a significant drinking, drug use or psych problem - one that did or should have led to treatment? Mother's Side H3. Mother Psych Direction: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in the category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Code most problematic relative in cases of multiple members per category.
15.11ms aunt alc15;11POINTER604.5This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have any of your relatives had what you call a significant drinking, drug use or psych problem - one that did or should have led to treatment? Mother's Side H4. Aunt Alcohol Direction: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in the category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Code most problematic relative in cases of multiple members per category.
15.12ms aunt drug15;12POINTER604.5This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have any of your relatives had what you call a significant drinking, drug use or psych problem - one that did or should have led to treatment? Mother's Side H4. Aunt Drug Direction: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in the category;"1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Code most problematic relative in cases of multiple members per category.
15.14ms aunt psych15;14POINTER604.5This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have any of your relatives had what you call a significant drinking, drug use or psych problem - one that did or should have led to treatment? Mother's Side H4. Aunt Psych Direction: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in the category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Code most problematic relative in cases of multiple members per category.
15.15ms uncle alc15;15POINTER604.5This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have any of your relatives had what you call a significant drinking, drug use or psych problem - one that did or should have led to treatment? Mother's Side H5. Uncle Alcohol Direction: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in the category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Code most problematic relative in cases of multiple members per category.
15.16ms uncle drug15;16POINTER604.5This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have any of your relatives had what you call a significant drinking, drug use or psych problem - one that did or should have led to treatment? Mother's Side H5. Uncle Drug Direction: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in the category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Code most problematic relative in cases of multiple members per category.
15.17ms uncle psych15;17POINTER604.5This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have any of your relatives had what you call a significant drinking, drug use or psych problem - one that did or should have led to treatment? Mother's Side H5. Uncle Psych Direction: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in the category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Code most problematic relative in cases of multiple members per category.
15.18fs grandmother alc15;18POINTER604.5This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have any of your relatives had what you call a significant drinking, drug use or psych problem - one that did or should have led to treatment? Father's Side H6. Grandmother Alcohol Direction: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in the category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Code most problematic relative in cases of multiple members per category.
15.19fs grandmother drug15;19POINTER604.5This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have any of your relatives had what you call a significant drinking, drug use or psych problem - one that did or should have led to treatment? Father's Side H6. Grandmother Drug Direction: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in the category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Code most problematic relative in cases of multiple members per category.
15.21fs grandmother psych15;21POINTER604.5This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have any of your relatives had what you call a significant drinking, drug use or psych problem - one that did or should have led to treatment? Father's Side H6. Grandmother Psych Direction: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in the category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Code most problematic relative in cases of multiple members per category.
15.22fs grandfather alc15;22POINTER604.5This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have any of your relatives had what you call a significant drinking, drug use or psych problem - one that did or should have led to treatment? Father's Side H7. Grand Alcohol Direction: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in the category;"1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Code most problematic relative in cases of multiple members per category.
15.23fs grandfather drug15;23POINTER604.5This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have any of your relatives had what you call a significant drinking, drug use or psych problem - one that did or should have led to treatment? Father's Side H7. Grandfather Drug Direction: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in the category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Code most problematic relative in cases of multiple members per category.
15.24fs grandfather psych15;24POINTER604.5This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have any of your relatives had what you call a significant drinking, drug use or psych problem - one that did or should have led to treatment? Father's Side H7. Grandfather Psych Direction: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in the category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Code most problematic relative in cases of multiple members per category.
15.25fs father alc15;25POINTER604.5This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have any of your relatives had what you call a significant drinking, drug use or psych problem - one that did or should have led to treatment? Father's Side H6. Father Alcohol Direction: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in the category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Code most problematic relative in cases of multiple members per category.
15.26fs father drug15;26POINTER604.5This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have any of your relatives had what you call a significant drinking, drug use or psych problem - one that did or should have led to treatment? Father's Side H8. Father Drug Direction: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in the category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Code most problematic relative in cases of multiple members per category.
15.27fs father psych15;27POINTER604.5This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have any of your relatives had what you call a significant drinking, drug use or psych problem - one that did or should have led to treatment? Father's Side H8. Father Psych Direction: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in the category;"1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Code most problematic relative in cases of multiple members per category.
16.01fs aunt alc16;1POINTER604.5This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have any of your relatives had what you call a significant drinking, drug use or psych problem - one that did or should have led to treatment? Father's Side H9. Aunt Alcohol Direction: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in the category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Code most problematic relative in cases of multiple members per category.
16.02fs aunt drug16;2POINTER604.5This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have any of your relatives had what you call a significant drinking, drug use or psych problem - one that did or should have led to treatment? Father's Side H9. Aunt Drug Direction: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in the category;"1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Code most problematic relative in cases of multiple members per category.
16.03fs aunt psych16;3POINTER604.5This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have any of your relatives had what you call a significant drinking, drug use or psych problem - one that did or should have led to treatment? Father's Side H9. Aunt Psych Direction: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in the category;"1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Code most problematic relative in cases of multiple members per category.
16.04fs uncle alc16;4POINTER604.5This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have any of your relatives had what you call a significant drinking, drug use or psych problem - one that did or should have led to treatment? Father's Side H10. Uncle Alcohol Direction: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in the category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Code most problematic relative in cases of multiple members per category.
16.05fs uncle drug16;5POINTER604.5This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have any of your relatives had what you call a significant drinking, drug use or psych problem - one that did or should have led to treatment? Father's Side H10. Uncle Drug Direction: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in the category;"1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Code most problematic relative in cases of multiple members per category.
16.06fs uncle psych16;6POINTER604.5This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have any of your relatives had what you call a significant drinking, drug use or psych problem - one that did or should have led to treatment? Father's Side H10. Uncle Psych Direction: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in the category;"1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Code most problematic relative in cases of multiple members per category.
16.07brother alc16;7POINTER604.5This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have any of your relatives had what you call a significant drinking, drug use or psych problem - one that did or should have led to treatment? Siblings H11. Brother Alcohol Direction: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in the category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Code most problematic relative in cases of multiple members per category.
16.08brother drug16;8POINTER604.5This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have any of your relatives had what you call a significant drinking, drug use or psych problem - one that did or should have led to treatment? Siblings H11. Brother Drug Direction: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in the category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Code most problematic relative in cases of multiple members per category.
16.09brother psych16;9POINTER604.5This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have any of your relatives had what you call a significant drinking, drug use or psych problem - one that did or should have led to treatment? Siblings H11. Brother Psych Direction: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in the category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Code most problematic relative in cases of multiple members per category.
16.11sister alc16;11POINTER604.5This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have any of your relatives had what you call a significant drinking, drug use or psych problem - one that did or should have led to treatment? Siblings H12. Sister Alcohol Direction: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in the category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Code most problematic relative in cases of multiple members per category.
16.12sister drug16;12POINTER604.5This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have any of your relatives had what you call a significant drinking, drug use or psych problem - one that did or should have led to treatment? Siblings H12. Sister Drug Direction: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in the category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Code most problematic relative in cases of multiple members per category.
16.14sister psych16;14POINTER604.5This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have any of your relatives had what you call a significant drinking, drug use or psych problem - one that did or should have led to treatment? Siblings H12. Sister Psych Direction: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in the category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Code most problematic relative in cases of multiple members per category.
16.5family history comment16.5;0WORD-PROCESSINGThis field contains comments on the patient's Family History.
17.01maritial status17;1SET OF CODES1:MARRIED
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: F1. Marital Status 1 - Married 4 - Separated 2 - Remarried 5 - Divorced 3 - Widowed 6 - Never Married
17.02maritial status yrs17;2FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: F2. How long have you been in this marital status? YRS. (If never married, since age 18).
17.03maritial status mos17;3FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: F2. How long have you been in this marital status? MOS. (If never married, since age 18).
17.04satisfied with situation17;4SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: F3. Are you satisfied with this situation? 0 - No 1 - Indifferent 2 - Yes
17.05usual living argments p3y17;5POINTER604.4This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: F4. Usual living arrangements (past 3 yr.) 1 WITH SEXUAL PARTNER & CHILDREN 2 WITH SEXUAL PARTNER ALONE 3 WITH CHILDREN ALONE 4 WITH PARENTS 5 WITH FAMILY 6 WITH FRIENDS 7 ALONE 8 CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT 9 NO STABLE ARRANGEMENT
17.06arrangements lot yrs17;6FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: F5. How long have you lived in these arrangements? YRS. (If with parents or family, since age 18).
17.07arrangements lot mos17;7FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: F5. How long have you lived in these arrangements? MOS. (If with parents or family, since age 18).
17.08arrangements satisfaction17;8SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: F3. Are you satisfied with these living arrangements? 0 - No 1 - Indifferent 2 - Yes
17.09live w/ anyone w/ alc prob17;9SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Do you live wwith anyone who: 0 - No 1 - Yes F7. Has a current alcohol problem?
17.11live w/ anyone w/ drug prob17;11SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Do you live wwith anyone who: 0 - No 1 - Yes F8 Uses non-prescribed drugs?
17.12spend free time with17;12SET OF CODES1:FAMILY
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: F9. With whom do you spend most of your free time: 1 - Family 2 - Friends 3 - Alone
17.14satisfied spending free time17;14SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: F10. Are you satisfied with spending your free time this way? 0 - No 1 - Indifferent 2 - Yes
17.15how many close friends17;15FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: F11. How many close friends do you have?
17.16close with mother17;16POINTER604.5This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Direction for F12: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in that category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Would you say you have haf close, long, lasting, personal relationships with any of the following people in your life: F12. Mother
17.17close with father17;17POINTER604.5This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Direction for F13: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in that category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Would you say you have haf close, long, lasting, personal relationships with any of the following people in your life: F13. Father
17.18close with brothers/sisters17;18POINTER604.5This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Direction for F14: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in that category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Would you say you have haf close, long, lasting, personal relationships with any of the following people in your life: F14. Brothers/Sisters
17.19close with sex partner/spouse17;19POINTER604.5This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Direction for F15: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in that category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Would you say you have haf close, long, lasting, personal relationships with any of the following people in your life: F15. Sexual Partner/Spouse
17.21close with children17;21POINTER604.5This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Direction for F16: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in that category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Would you say you have haf close, long, lasting, personal relationships with any of the following people in your life: F16. Children
17.22close with friends17;22POINTER604.5This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Direction for F17: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in that category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Would you say you have haf close, long, lasting, personal relationships with any of the following people in your life: F17. Friends
18.01problem w/ mother p30d18;1SET OF CODES0:NO
X:uncertain/don't know
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Direction for F18: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in that category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Have you had significant periods in which you have experienced serious problems getting along with: 0 - No 1 - Yes PAST 30 DAYS F18. Mother
18.02problem w/ mother life18;2SET OF CODES0:NO
X:uncertain/don't know
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Direction for F19: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in that category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Have you had significant periods in which you have experienced serious problems getting along with: 0 - No 1 - Yes IN YOUR LIFE F18. Mother
18.03problem w/ father p30d18;3SET OF CODES0:NO
X:uncertain/don't know
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Direction for F19: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in that category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Have you had significant periods in which you have experienced serious problems getting along with: 0 - No 1 - Yes PAST 30 DAYS F19. Father
18.04problem w/ father life18;4SET OF CODES0:NO
X:uncertain/don't know
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Direction for F19: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in that category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Have you had significant periods in which you have experienced serious problems getting along with: 0 - No 1 - Yes IN YOUR LIFE F19. Father
18.05problem w/ bro/sis p30d18;5SET OF CODES0:NO
X:uncertain/don't know
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Direction for F20: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in that category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Have you had significant periods in which you have experienced serious problems getting along with: 0 - No 1 - Yes PAST 30 DAYS F20. Brothers/Sisters
18.06problem w/ bro/sis life18;6SET OF CODES0:NO
X:uncertain/don't know
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Direction for F20: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in that category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Have you had significant periods in which you have experienced serious problems getting along with: 0 - No 1 - Yes IN YOUR LIFE F20. Brothers/Sisters
18.07problem w/ sex partner/sp p30d18;7SET OF CODES0:NO
X:uncertain/don't know
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Direction for F21: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in that category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Have you had significant periods in which you have experienced serious problems getting along with: 0 - No 1 - Yes PAST 30 DAYS F21. Sexual partner/spouse
18.08problem w/ sex partner/sp life18;8SET OF CODES0:NO
X:uncertain/don't know
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Direction for F21: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in that category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Have you had significant periods in which you have experienced serious problems getting along with: 0 - No 1 - Yes IN YOUR LIFE F21. Sexual partner/ spouse
18.09problem w/ children p30d18;9SET OF CODES0:NO
X:uncertain/don't know
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Direction for F22: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in that category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Have you had significant periods in which you have experienced serious problems getting along with: 0 - No 1 - Yes PAST 30 DAYS F22. Children
18.11problem w/ children life18;11SET OF CODES0:NO
X:uncertain/don't know
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Direction for F22: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in that category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Have you had significant periods in which you have experienced serious problems getting along with: 0 - No 1 - Yes IN YOUR LIFE F22. Children
18.12problem w/ osf p30d18;12SET OF CODES0:NO
X:uncertain/don't know
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Direction for F23: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in that category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Have you had significant periods in which you have experienced serious problems getting along with: 0 - No 1 - Yes PAST 30 DAYS F23. Other significant family
18.125problem w/ osf specify18;10FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Direction for F23: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in that category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Have you had significant periods in which you have experienced serious problems getting along with: 0 - No 1 - Yes PAST 30 DAYS F23. This field contains the "Other significant family" member.
18.14problem w/ osf life18;14SET OF CODES0:NO
X:uncertain/don't know
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Direction for F23: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in that category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Have you had significant periods in which you have experienced serious problems getting along with: 0 - No 1 - Yes IN YOR LIFE F23. Other significant family
18.15problem w/ cf p30d18;15SET OF CODES0:NO
X:uncertain/don't know
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Direction for F24: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in that category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Have you had significant periods in which you have experienced serious problems getting along with: 0 - No 1 - Yes PAST 30 DAYS F24. Close Friends
18.16problem w/ cf life18;16SET OF CODES0:NO
X:uncertain/don't know
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Direction for F24: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in that category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Have you had significant periods in which you have experienced serious problems getting along with: 0 - No 1 - Yes INYOUR LIFE F24. Close friends
18.17problem w/ neighbors l30d18;17SET OF CODES0:NO
X:uncertain/don't know
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Direction for F25: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in that category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Have you had significant periods in which you have experienced serious problems getting along with: 0 - No 1 - Yes PAST 30 DAYS F25. Neighbors
18.18problem w/ neighbors life18;18SET OF CODES0:NO
X:uncertain/don't know
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Direction for F25: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in that category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Have you had significant periods in which you have experienced serious problems getting along with: 0 - No 1 - Yes IN YOUR LIFE F25. Neighbors
18.185problem w/co wkrs p30d18;13SET OF CODES0:NO
X:uncertain/don't know
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Direction for F26: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in that category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Have you had significant periods in which you have experienced serious problems getting along with: 0 - No 1 - Yes PAST 30 DAYS F26. Co-Workers
18.186problem w/co wkrs life18;20SET OF CODES0:NO
X:uncertain/don't know
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Direction for F26: Place "0" in relative category where the answer is clearly no for all relatives in that category; "1" where the answer is clearly yes for any relative within the category; "X" where the answer is uncertain or "I don't know" and "N" where there never was a relative from that category. Have you had significant periods in which you have experienced serious problems getting along with: 0 - No 1 - Yes IN YOU LIFE F26. Co-Workers
18.19abuse emotionally l30d18;19SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Did any of these people (F18-F26) 0 - No 1 - Yes PAST 30 DAYS F27. Emotionally (make you fell bad through harsh words)?
18.195abuse emotionally life18;30SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Did any of these people (F18-F26) abuse you: 0 - No 1 - Yes IN YOUR LIFE F27. Emotionally (make you feel bad through harsh words)?
18.21abuse physically l30d18;21SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Did any of these people (F18-F26) abuse you: 0 - No 1 - Yes PAST 30 DAYS F28. Physically (cause you physical harm)?
18.215abuse physically life18;33SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Did any of these people (F18-F26) abuse you: 0 - No 1 - Yes IN YOUR LIFE F28. Physically (cause you physical harm)?
18.22abuse sexually l30d18;22SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Did any of these people (F18-F26) abuse you: 0 - No 1 - Yes PAST 30 DAYS F29. Sexually (force sexual advances or sexual acts)?
18.225abuse sexually life18;34SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Did any of these people (F18-F26) abuse you: 0 - No 1 - Yes IN YOUR LIFE F29. Sexually (force sexual advances or sexual acts)?
18.23conflict family p30d18;23FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: How many days in the past 30 have you had serious conflicts: F30. with your family?
18.24confilct other p30d18;24FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: How many days in the past 30 have you had serious conflicts: F31. with other people? (excluding family)
18.25troubled family problems18;25POINTER604.45This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: FOR QUESTION F32 PLEASE ASK PATIENT TO USE THE PATIENT'S RATING SCALE How troubled or bothered have you been in the past 30 days by these: F32. Family problems
18.26troubled social problems18;26POINTER604.45This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: FOR QUESTION F33 PLEASE ASK PATIENT TO USE THE PATIENT'S RATING SCALE How troubled or bothered have you been in the past 30 days by these: F33. Social problems
18.27treatment family problems18;27POINTER604.45This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: FOR QUESTION F34 PLEASE ASK PATIENT TO USE THE PATIENT'S RATING SCALE How important to you now is treatment or counseling for these: F34. Family problems
18.28treatment social problems18;28POINTER604.45This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: FOR QUESTION F34 PLEASE ASK PATIENT TO USE THE PATIENT'S RATING SCALE How troubled or bothered have you been in the past 30 days by these: F34. Social problems
18.29interviewer's rating family18;29FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: F36. How would you rate the patient's need for family and/or social counseling?
18.31family/soc confidence misrep18;31SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: F37. Patient Misrepresentation? 0 - No 1 - Yes
18.32family/soc confidence itu18;32SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: F38. Patient's inability to understand? 0 - No 1 - Yes
18.5family/social comment18.5;0WORD-PROCESSINGThis field contains comments about the patient's Family/Social relationships.
19.01treated in hospital19;1FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: P1. How many times have you been treated for any psychological or emotional problems? In a hospital
19.02treated as opt or priv pt19;2FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: P1. How many times have you been treated for any psychological or emotional problems? As an Opt. or Priv. patient
19.03pension for psy dis19;3SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: P2. Do you receive a pension for a pschiatric disability? 0 - No 1 - Yes
19.04exp depression p30d19;4SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have you had a significant period, (that was not a direct result of drug/alcohol use), in which you have: 0 - No 1 - Yes PAST 30 DAYS P33. Experienced serious depression
19.05exp depression life19;5SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have you had a significant period, (that was not a direct result of drug/alcohol use), in which you have: 0 - No 1 - Yes IN YOUR LIFE P33. Experienced serious depression
19.06exp anxiety p30d19;6SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have you had a significant period, (that was not a direct result of drug/alcohol use), in which you have: 0 - No 1 - Yes PAST 30 DAYS P4. Experienced serious anxiety or tension
19.07exp anxiety life19;7SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have you had a significant period, (that was not a direct result of drug/alcohol use), in which you have: 0 - No 1 - Yes IN YOUR LIFE P4. Experienced serious anxiety or tension
19.08exp hallucinations l30d19;8SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have you had a significant period, (that was not a direct result of drug/alcohol use), in which you have: 0 - No 1 - Yes PAST 30 DAYS P5. Experienced Hallucinations
19.09exp hallucinations life19;9SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have you had a significant period, (that was not a direct result of drug/alcohol use), in which you have: 0 - No 1 - Yes IN YOUR LIFE P5. Experienced Hallucinations
19.11exp ucr l30d19;11SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have you had a significant period, (that was not a direct result of drug/alcohol use), in which you have: 0 - No 1 - Yes PAST 30 DAYS P6. Experienced trouble understanding, concetrating or remembering
19.12exp ucr life19;12SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have you had a significant period, (that was not a direct result of drug/alcohol use), in which you have: 0 - No 1 - Yes IN YOUR LIFE P6. Experienced trouble understanding, concetrating or remembering
19.14exp cont vio behavior l30d19;14SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have you had a significant period, (that was not a direct result of drug/alcohol use), in which you have: 0 - No 1 - Yes PAST 30 DAYS P7. Experienced trouble controlling violent behavior
19.15exp cont vio behavior life19;15SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have you had a significant period, (that was not a direct result of drug/alcohol use), in which you have: 0 - No 1 - Yes IN YOUR LIFE P7. Experienced trouble controlling violent behavior
19.16exp thoughts suicide l30d19;16SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have you had a significant period, (that was not a direct result of drug/alcohol use), in which you have: 0 - No 1 - Yes PAST 30 DAYS P8. Experienced serious thoughts of suicide
19.17exp thoughts sucide life19;17SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have you had a significant period, (that was not a direct result of drug/alcohol use), in which you have: 0 - No 1 - Yes IN YOUR LIFE P8. Experienced serious thoughts of suicide
19.18exp attempted suicide l30d19;18SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have you had a significant period, (that was not a direct result of drug/alcohol use), in which you have: 0 - No 1 - Yes PAST 30 DAYS P9. Attempted suicide
19.19exp attempted suicide life19;19SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have you had a significant period, (that was not a direct result of drug/alcohol use), in which you have: 0 - No 1 - Yes IN YOUR LIFE P9. Attempted suicide
19.21meds for psy prob l30d19;21SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have you had a significant period, (that was not a direct result of drug/alcohol use), in which you have: 0 - No 1 - Yes PAST 30 DAYS P10. Been prescribed medication for any psychological emotional problem
19.22meds for psy prob life19;22SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: Have you had a significant period, (that was not a direct result of drug/alcohol use), in which you have: 0 - No 1 - Yes IN YOUR LIFE P10. Been prescribed medication for any psychological emotional problem
19.23days exp prob l30d19;23FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: P11. How many days in the past 30 have you experienced these psychological or emotional problems?
19.24psy prob l30d rating19;24POINTER604.45This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: FOR QUESTION P12 PLEASE ASK PATIENT TO USE THE PATIENT'S RATING SCALE P12. How much have you been troubled or bothered by these psychological or emotional problems in the past 30 days?
19.25psy tmt rating19;25POINTER604.45This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: FOR QUESTION P13 PLEASE ASK PATIENT TO USE THE PATIENT'S RATING SCALE P13. How important to you now is treatment for these psychological problems?
19.26intv depressed/withdrawn19;26SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: At the time of the interview, is patient: 0 - No 1 - Yes P14. Obviously depressed/withdrawn
19.27intv hostile19;27SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: At the time of the interview, is patient: 0 - No 1 - Yes P15. Obviously hostile
19.28intv anxious/nervous19;28SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: At the time of the interview, is patient: 0 - No 1 - Yes P16. Obviously anxious/nervous
19.29intv trouble with rttdpt19;29SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: At the time of the interview, is patient: 0 - No 1 - Yes P17. Having trouble with reality testing thought disorders, paranoid thinking
19.31intv trouble ccr19;31SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: At the time of the interview, is patient: 0 - No 1 - Yes P18. Having trouble comprehending, concentrating, remembering.
19.32intv suicidal thoughts19;32SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: At the time of the interview, is patient: 0 - No 1 - Yes P19. Having suicidal thoughts
19.33interviewer's rating psy19;33FREE TEXTThis is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: P20. How would you rate the patient's need for psychiatric/psychological treatment?
19.34psy patient's misrepresentatin19;34SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: P21. Patient's misrepresentation? 0 - N0 1 - Yes
19.35psy patient's inability to und19;35SET OF CODES0:NO
This is the Addiction Severity Index Fifth Edition interview question: P22. Patient's inability to understand? 0 - No 1 - Yes
19.5psychiatric comment19.5;0WORD-PROCESSINGThis field contains comments about the patient's Psychiatric Status.
187leisure time issues200;0WORD-PROCESSINGThis field contains comments about the patient's Leisure Time Issues.
188spiritual issues201;0WORD-PROCESSINGThis field contains comments about the patient's Spiritual Issues.

Not Referenced