This file represents the HBHC Medical Foster Home (MFH) file and contains MFH data pertaining to the home itself.
.01name(+)0;1FREE TEXTBThis field represents the HBHC Medical Foster Home (MFH) Name.
1opened date(+)0;2DATE-TIMEThis field represents the Date the Medical Foster Home was Opened.
2primary caregiver name(+)0;3FREE TEXTThis field represents the Primary Caregiver Name for the Medical Foster Home (MFH).
3maximum patients(+)0;4NUMERICThis field represents the Maximum Patients for the Medical Foster Home (MFH).
4bedbound patient maximum(+)0;5NUMERICThis field represents the Bedbound Patient Maximum for the Medical Foster Home (MFH).
5closure date0;6DATE-TIMEThis field represents Date of Medical Foster Home (MFH) Closure.
6voluntary closure0;7BOOLEANY:Yes
This field represents whether Medical Foster Home (MFH) Closure was Voluntary.
7address(+)0;8FREE TEXTThis field represents the Medical Foster Home (MFH) street Address.
8city(+)0;9FREE TEXTThis field represents the Medical Foster Home (MFH) City.
9state code(+)0;10POINTER631.8This field represents the 2 digit numeric State Code where Medical Foster Home (MFH) is located. All State Codes must exist in State file (#5). State Code must exist in HBHC VALID STATE CODE file (#631.8).
10zip code(+)0;11FREE TEXTThis field represents either the 5 digit or 9 digit ZIP Code of Medical Foster Home (MFH).
11license required(+)0;12BOOLEANY:Yes
This field represents the 1 digit alphanumeric code indicating whether Medical Foster Home (MFH) Requires a License.
12license expiration date0;13DATE-TIMEThis field represents the Medical Foster Home (MFH) License Expiration Date.
13nurse inspection1;0MULTIPLE633.213This subfile represents the Medical Foster Home (MFH) Nurse Inspection multiple.
14social work inspection2;0MULTIPLE633.214This subfile represents Medical Foster Home (MFH) Social Work Inspection multiple.
15dietitian inspection3;0MULTIPLE633.215This subfile represents the Medical Foster Home (MFH) Dietitian Inspection multiple.
16fire/safety inspection4;0MULTIPLE633.216This subfile represents the Medical Foster Home (MFH) Fire/Safety Inspection multiple.
17phone number(+)0;14FREE TEXTThis field represents the Phone Number of the Medical Foster Home (MFH).
18home operation training date5;0MULTIPLE633.218This subfile represents the Medical Foster Home (MFH) Home Operation Training Date multiple.
19fire/safety training date6;0MULTIPLE633.219This subfile represents the Medical Foster Home (MFH) Fire/Safety Training Date multiple.
20medication management trn date7;0MULTIPLE633.21This subfile represents the Medical Foster Home (MFH) Medication Management Training Date multiple.
21personal care training date8;0MULTIPLE633.221This subfile represents the Medical Foster Home (MFH) Personal Care Training Date multiple.
22infection control train date9;0MULTIPLE633.222This subfile represents the Medical Foster Home (MFH) Infection Control Training Date multiple.
23end of life issues train date10;0MULTIPLE633.223This subfile represents the Medical Foster Home (MFH) End of Life Issues Training Date multiple.
24other training date11;0MULTIPLE633.224This subfile represents the Medical Foster Home (MFH) Other Training Date multiple.
25county code(+)0;15NUMERICThis field represents 3 digit numeric code of County, in State file (#5), of Medical Foster Home (MFH) location. County codes are checked for validity of State Code entered. Input transform also validates State for existance in HBHC VALID STATE CODE file (#631.8). Output transform displays both County Name & County Code in (nnn).
26caregiver date of birth0;16DATE-TIMEThis field represents the Caregiver Date of Birth. Date must be between 1/1/1920 & 4/30/1987.
27form 7 transmit status12;1SET OF CODESF:Record in Transmit File
N:Record Needs Transmitting
T:Record Transmitted
ACThis field represents Form 7 (Medical Foster Home (MFH)) Transmit Status. Field will contain either 'F' (Record in Transmit File), 'N' (Record Needs Transmitting), or 'T' (Record Transmitted). Field updated by package only, no user input.
28form 7 filed in hbhc(634)12;2DATE-TIMEThis field represents date & time Form 7 (Medical Foster Home (MFH)) record was filed in Transmit (634) file. Field transmitted to Austin for unique record identification purposes. Field updated by package only, no user input.
29form 7 batch initial mm msg #12;3FREE TEXTThis field represents MailMan message number of 'First' MailMan message in Austin transmission batch. Record 'may' be transmitted in different message, if multiple messages are transmitted in one transmission batch. Field updated by package only, no user input.
30form 7 mail message date12;4DATE-TIMEThis field represents date of Form 7 (Medical Foster Home (MFH)) record transmission via MailMan to Austin. Field updated by package only, no user input.
31form 7 transmit flag edit date12;5DATE-TIMEThis field represents date Form 7 (Medical Foster Home (MFH)) Transmit Status Flag was requested by user to be reset (allowing editing of previously transmitted record). Field updated by package only, no user input.
32form 7 transmit flag edit duz12;6POINTER200This field represents the user requesting Form 7 (Medical Foster Home (MFH)) Transmit Status Flag be reset (allowing editing of previously transmitted record). Field updated by package only, no user input.
33form 7 re-trans batch mm msg #12;7FREE TEXTThis field represents MailMan message number of 'First' MailMan message in re-transmission batch to Austin. Record 'may' be transmitted in different message, if multiple messages are transmitted in one re-transmission batch. Field updated by package only, no user input.
34form 7 re-transmit date12;8DATE-TIMEThis field represents date of Form 7 (Medical Foster Home (MFH)) record re-transmission via MailMan to Austin. Field updated by package only, no user input.

Referenced by 2 types

  1. HBHC PATIENT (631) -- medical foster home name
  2. HBHC MEDICAL FOSTER HOME ERROR(S) (634.7) -- medical foster home name