This file is the HBHC Patient file and contains demographic, admission, discharge, and record transmission data.
.01name(+)0;1POINTER2BThis field represents patient's name in Patient (2) file. Patient must exist in DPT for HBHC selection, since LAYGO not allowed.
1evaluation date0;2DATE-TIMEAIThis field represents date patient was evaluated for HBHC program. Date range allowed is between 1/1/1977 and current date, and must be prior to or same as HBHC Admission Date.
2state code(+)0;3POINTER631.8This field represents 2 digit numeric code, in State (5) file, of location where patient resides.
3county code0;4NUMERICThis field represents 3 digit numeric code of County, in State (5) file, of location where patient resides. County codes are checked for validity of State Code entered.
4zip code0;5FREE TEXTThis fields represents 5 or 9 digit numeric ZIP Code of area where patient resides. resides.
5eligibility @ evaluation0;6SET OF CODES01:Service Connected 50% or More (01)
02:Aid & Attendance or Housebound (02)
03:Service Connected Less Than 50% (03)
04:Non-Service Connected, Receiving VA Pension (04)
05:Other Non-Service Connected (05)
This field represents 2 digit numeric code of patient's eligibility at time of evaluation for HBHC program.
6birth yearCOMPUTEDThis field represents 4 digit year of patient's birthdate in Patient (2) file. Patient (2) file.
7period of service(+)0;8POINTER631.7This field represents 2 character code in HBHC Period of Service (631.7) file. Valid codes are: '00' thru '05', '07' thru '10', and 'X '. (Note 'X' code is followed by space character.) All 1 digit numeric codes must have leading zero.
8sexCOMPUTEDThis field represents patient's Sex in Patient (2) file.
9raceCOMPUTEDThis field is obsolete & contains historical data only (prior to Race/Ethnicity Information multiple field mandate in Jan 2003). Race field value set to "X" for Austin tranmission purposes after mandate. Historical Description: This fields represents patient's Race in Patient (2) file. (9.1) field to convert Race field value to corresponding HBHC Race code.
9.1racecompCOMPUTEDThis field is obsolete & contains historical data only (prior to Race/Ethnicity Information multiple field mandate in Jan 2003). Historical Description: This field returns the abbreviation field from the Race file (#10). Used to obtain the field value needed for converting the Patient file (#2), Race field (#.06), Abbreviation field (#1 in DIC(10,) to the corresponding HBHC Race code field value.
10marital status @ evaluation0;11SET OF CODES1:Married (1)
2:Widowed (2)
3:Separated (3)
4:Divorced (4)
5:Never Married (5)
9:Not Determined (9)
This fields represents 1 digit numeric code for patient's marital status at time of evaluation for HBHC program.
11living arrangements @ eval0;12SET OF CODES1:Alone (1)
2:With Spouse (2)
3:With Relatives (3)
4:With Non-Relatives (4)
5:Group Quarters, Not Health Related (5)
9:Not Determined (9)
This field represents 1 digit numeric code for patient's living arrangements at time of evaluation for HBHC program.
12last agency providing care0;13SET OF CODES1:VA Provided Care (1)
2:Non VA Care (2)
3:VA Fee Basis/Contract (3)
This field represents 1 digit numeric code for last agency providing care to patient.
13type of last care agency0;14SET OF CODES1:General Hospital (1)
2:Specialty Hospital (2)
3:Nursing Home (3)
4:Residential Care Facility (4)
5:Hospice (5)
6:Community-Based Services (6)
7:Self/Family, No Regular Source (7)
9:Not Determined (9)
This fields represents 1 digit numeric code for type of agency providing last care to patient.
14admit/reject action0;15SET OF CODES1:Admit to HBHC (1)
2:Reject from HBHC (2)
This fields represents 1 digit numeric code for whether patient was admitted to or rejected from HBHC program. This field determines what other data entry fields are prompted for by the package.
15reject/withdraw reason0;16POINTER631.1This field represents 2 digit numeric code in HBHC Reject/Withdraw Reason (631.1) file, for reason patient was rejected/withdrawn from HBHC program. This field is only prompted for when Admit/Reject Action field contains 2 (Reject from HBHC).
16reject/withdraw disposition0;17SET OF CODES1:Referred Back to Referral Source (1)
2:Disposition Made by HBHC (2)
This field represents 1 digit numeric code for reject/withdraw disposition. This field is only prompted for when Admit/Reject Action field contains 2 (Reject from HBHC).
17date(+)0;18DATE-TIMEADThis field represents date patient was considered/reviewed for HBPC program. Date range allowed is between 1/1/1977 and current date. Date must be prior to or same as discharge date. discharge date.
18primary diagnosis @ admission0;19POINTER80This field represents patient's primary diagnosis at time of admission, referencing ICD Diagnosis (80) file entries.
19vision @ admission0;20SET OF CODES1:Normal or Minimal Loss (1)
2:Moderate Loss (2)
3:Severe Loss (3)
4:Total Blindness (4)
9:Not Determined (9)
This field represents 1 digit numeric code for patient's vision at time of admission.
20hearing @ admission0;21SET OF CODES1:Normal or Minimal Loss (1)
2:Moderate Loss (2)
3:Severe Loss (3)
4:Total Deafness (4)
9:Not Determined (9)
This field represents 1 digit numeric code for patient's hearing at time of admission.
21expressive communication @ adm0;22POINTER631.2This field represents 1 digit numeric code for patient's expressive communication at time of admission, referencing HBHC Expressive Communication (631.2) file entries.
22receptive communication @ adm0;23POINTER631.3This field represents 1 digit numeric code for patient's receptive communication at time of admission, referencing HBHC Receptive Communication (631.3) file entries.
23bathing @ admission0;24SET OF CODES1:No Help (1)
2:Receives Help (2)
3:Not Done or Done Without Patient Participation (3)
9:Not Determined (9)
This field represents 1 digit numeric code for patient's bathing at time of admission.
24dressing @ admission0;25SET OF CODES1:No Help (1)
2:Receives Help (2)
3:Not Done or Done Without Patient Participation (3)
9:Not Determined (9)
This field represents 1 digit numeric code for patient's dressing at time of admission.
25toilet usage @ admission0;26SET OF CODES1:No Help (1)
2:Receives Help (2)
3:Not Done or Done Without Patient Participation (3)
9:Not Determined (9)
This field represents 1 digit numeric code for patient's toilet usage at time of admission.
26transferring @ admission0;27SET OF CODES1:No Help (1)
2:Receives Help (2)
3:Not Done or Done Without Patient Participation (3)
9:Not Determined (9)
This field represents 1 digit numeric code for patient's transferring at time of admission.
27eating @ admission0;28SET OF CODES1:No Help (1)
2:Receives Help (2)
3:Not Done or Done Without Patient Participation (3)
9:Not Determined (9)
This field represents 1 digit numeric code for patient's eating at time of admission.
28walking @ admission0;29SET OF CODES1:No Help (1)
2:Receives Help (2)
3:Not Done or Done Without Patient Participation (3)
9:Not Determined (9)
This field represents 1 digit numeric code for patient's walking at time of admission.
29bowel continence @ admission0;30SET OF CODES1:Continent or Ostomy/Catheter Self Care (1)
2:Incontinent Occasionally (2)
3:Incontinent or Ostomy/Catheter Not Self Care (3)
9:Not Determined (9)
This field represents 1 digit numeric code for patient's bowel continence at time of admission.
30bladder continence @ admission0;31SET OF CODES1:Continent or Ostomy/Catheter Self Care (1)
2:Incontinent Occasionally (2)
3:Incontinent or Ostomy/Catheter Not Self Care (3)
9:Not Determined (9)
This field represents 1 digit numeric code for patient's bladder continence at time of admission.
31mobility @ admission0;32SET OF CODES1:Goes Outdoors Without Help (1)
2:Goes Outdoors With Help (2)
3:Confined Indoors, Not Bed Disabled (3)
4:Bed Disabled (4)
9:Not Determined (9)
This field represents 1 digit numeric code for patient's mobility at time of admission.
32adaptive tasks @ admission0;33SET OF CODES1:No Help (1)
2:Requires Help (2)
9:Not Determined (9)
This field represents 1 digit numeric code for patient's adaptive tasks at time of admission.
33behavior problems @ admission0;34SET OF CODES1:Does Not Exhibit This Characteristic (1)
2:Exhibits This Characteristic (2)
9:Not Determined (9)
This field represents 1 digit numeric code for patient's behavior problems at time of admission.
34disorientation @ admission0;35SET OF CODES1:Does Not Exhibit This Characteristic (1)
2:Exhibits This Characteristic (2)
9:Not Determined (9)
This field represents 1 digit numeric code for patient's disorientation at time of admission.
35mood disturbance @ admission0;36SET OF CODES1:Does Not Exhibit This Characteristic (1)
2:Exhibits This Characteristic (2)
9:Not Determined (9)
This field represents 1 digit numeric code for patient's mood disturbance at time of admission.
36caregiver limitations @ adm0;37SET OF CODES1:Minimal or None (1)
2:Moderate (2)
3:Moderately Severe (3)
4:No Caregiver (4)
9:Not Determined (9)
This field represents 1 digit numeric code for patient's caregiver limitations at time of admission.
37person completing evl/adm form0;38POINTER631.4This field represents name of person completing evaluation/admission form. This person must exist in HBHC Provider (631.4) file, since LAYGO is not allowed.
38date eval/adm form completed0;39DATE-TIMEThis field represents date evaluation/admission form was completed.
39discharge date0;40DATE-TIMEACThis field represents date patient was discharged from HBHC program. Date range allowed is between 1/1/1977 and current date. Discharge date must follow or be same as admission date.
40eligibility @ discharge0;41SET OF CODES01:Service Connected 50% or More (01)
02:Aid & Attendance or Housebound (02)
03:Service Connected Less Than 50% (03)
04:Non-Service Connected, Receiving VA Pension (04)
05:Other Non-Service Connected (05)
This field represents 2 digit numeric code of patient's eligibility at time of discharge from HBHC program.
41marital status @ discharge0;42SET OF CODES1:Married (1)
2:Widowed (2)
3:Separated (3)
4:Divorced (4)
5:Never Married (5)
9:Not Determined (9)
This field represents 1 digit numeric code for patient's marital status at time of discharge from HBHC program.
42living arrangements @ d/c0;43SET OF CODES1:Alone (1)
2:With Spouse (2)
3:With Relatives (3)
4:With Non-Relatives (4)
5:Group Quarters, Not Health Related (5)
9:Not Determined (9)
This field represents 1 digit numeric code for patient's living arrangements at time of discharge from HBHC program.
43discharge status0;44SET OF CODES1:Transferred to Other Provider (1)
2:Anticipated Institutionalization (2)
3:Family or Self Care/No Regular Source (3)
4:Died on HBHC (4)
5:Moved Away/Lost to Contact (5)
9:Not Determined (9)
This field represents 1 digit numeric code for patient's discharge status. This field determines what other data entry fields are prompted for by the package.
44transfer destination0;45SET OF CODES1:VA Provided Care (1)
2:Non VA Care (2)
3:VA Fee Basis/Contract (3)
This field represents 1 digit numeric code for patient's transfer destination. This field is only prompted for when Discharge Status field contains either 1 (Transferred to Other Provider) or 2 (Anticipated Institutionalization).
45type of destination agency0;46SET OF CODES1:General Hospital (1)
2:Specialty Hospital (2)
3:Nursing Home (3)
4:Residential Care Facility/Domicillary (4)
5:Hospice (5)
6:Community-Based Services (6)
9:Not Determined (9)
This field represent 1 digit numeric code for patient's type of destination agency. This field is only prompted for when Discharge Status field contains either 1 (Transferred to Other Provider) or 2 (Anticipated Institutionalization).
46primary diagnosis @ discharge0;47POINTER80This field represents patient's primary diagnosis at time of discharge, referencing ICD Diagnosis (80) file entries.
47vision @ discharge0;48SET OF CODES1:Normal or Minimal Loss (1)
2:Moderate Loss (2)
3:Severe Loss (3)
4:Total Blindness (4)
9:Not Determined (9)
This field represents 1 digit numeric code for patient's vision at time of discharge.
48hearing @ discharge0;49SET OF CODES1:Normal or Minimal Loss (1)
2:Moderate Loss (2)
3:Severe Loss (3)
4:Total Deafness (4)
9:Not Determined (9)
This field represents 1 digit numeric code for patient's hearing at time of discharge.
49expressive communication @ d/c0;50POINTER631.2This field represents 1 digit numeric code for patient's expressive communication at time of discharge, referencing HBHC Expressive Communication (631.2) file entries.
50receptive communication @ d/c0;51POINTER631.3This field represents 1 digit numeric code for patient's receptive communication at time of discharge, referencing HBHC Receptive Communication (631.3) file entries.
51bathing @ discharge0;52SET OF CODES1:No Help (1)
2:Receives Help (2)
3:Not Done or Done Without Patient Participation (3)
9:Not Determined (9)
This field represents 1 digit numeric code for patient's bathing at time of discharge.
52dressing @ discharge0;53SET OF CODES1:No Help (1)
2:Receives Help (2)
3:Not Done or Done Without Patient Participation (3)
9:Not Determined (9)
This field represents 1 digit numeric code for patient's dressing at time of discharge.
53toilet usage @ discharge0;54SET OF CODES1:No Help (1)
2:Receives Help (2)
3:Not Done or Done Without Patient Participation (3)
9:Not Determined (9)
This field represents 1 digit numeric code for patient's toilet usage at time of discharge.
54transferring @ discharge0;55SET OF CODES1:No Help (1)
2:Receives Help (2)
3:Not Done or Done Without Patient Participation (3)
9:Not Determined (9)
This field represents 1 digit numeric code for patient's transferring at time of discharge.
55eating @ discharge1;1SET OF CODES1:No Help (1)
2:Receives Help (2)
3:Not Done or Done Without Patient Participation (3)
9:Not Determined (9)
This field represents 1 digit numeric code for patient's eating at time of discharge.
56walking @ discharge1;2SET OF CODES1:No Help (1)
2:Receives Help (2)
3:Not Done or Done Without Patient Participation (3)
9:Not Determined (9)
This field represents 1 digit numeric code for patient's walking at time of discharge.
57bowel continence @ discharge1;3SET OF CODES1:Continent or Ostomy/Catheter Self Care (1)
2:Incontinent Occasionally (2)
3:Incontinent or Ostomy/Catheter Not Self Care (3)
9:Not Determined (9)
This field represents 1 digit numeric code for patient's bowel continence at time of discharge.
58bladder continence @ discharge1;4SET OF CODES1:Continent or Ostomy/Catheter Self Care (1)
2:Incontinent Occasionally (2)
3:Incontinent or Ostomy/Catheter Not Self Care (3)
9:Not Determined (9)
This field represents 1 digit numeric code for patient's bladder continence at time of discharge.
59mobility @ discharge1;5SET OF CODES1:Goes Outdoors Without Help (1)
2:Goes Outdoors With Help (2)
3:Confined Indoors, Not Bed Disabled (3)
4:Bed Disabled (4)
9:Not Determined (9)
This field represents 1 digit numeric code for patient's mobility at time of discharge.
60adaptive tasks @ discharge1;6SET OF CODES1:No Help (1)
2:Requires Help (2)
9:Not Determined (9)
This field represents 1 digit numeric code for patient's adaptive tasks at time of discharge.
61behavior problems @ discharge1;7SET OF CODES1:Does Not Exhibit This Characteristic (1)
2:Exhibits This Characteristic (2)
9:Not Determined (9)
This field represents 1 digit numeric code for patient's behavior problems at time of discharge.
62disorientation @ discharge1;8SET OF CODES1:Does Not Exhibit This Characteristic (1)
2:Exhibits This Characteristic (2)
9:Not Determined (9)
This field represents 1 digit numeric code for patient's disorientation at time of discharge.
63mood disturbance @ discharge1;9SET OF CODES1:Does Not Exhibit This Characteristic (1)
2:Exhibits This Characteristic (2)
9:Not Determined (9)
This field represents 1 digit numeric code for patient's mood disturbance at time of discharge.
64caregiver limitations @ d/c1;10SET OF CODES1:Minimal or None (1)
2:Moderate (2)
3:Moderately Severe (3)
4:No Caregiver (4)
9:Not Determined (9)
This field represents 1 digit numeric code for patient's caregiver limitations at time of discharge.
65person completing d/c form1;11POINTER631.4This field represents name of person completing discharge form. This person must exist in HBHC Provider (631.4) file, since LAYGO is not allowed.
66date discharge form completed1;12DATE-TIMEThis field represents date discharge form was completed.
67case manager1;13POINTER631.4This field represents name of person responsible for this case. This person must exist in HBHC Provider (631.4) file, since LAYGO is not allowed.
68secondary diagnoses @ adm1;14FREE TEXTThis field represents patient's secondary diagnosis at time of admission. Field allows for 1-30 characters of free text.
69cause of death1;15FREE TEXTThis field represents patient's cause of death. This field in only prompted for when Discharge Status field contains 4 (Died on HBHC). Field allows for 1-30 characters of free text.
70secondary diagnoses @ d/c1;16FREE TEXTThis field represents patient's secondary diagnosis at time of discharge. Field allows for 1-30 characters of free text.
71form 3 transmit status1;17SET OF CODESF:Record in Transmit File
N:Record Needs Transmitting
T:Record Transmitted
O:Record Omitted, Pre-dates 10/1/96 PCE Usage
AEThis field represents Form 3 (Evaluation/Admission) Transmit Status. Field will contain either 'F' (Record in Transmit File), 'N' (Record Needs Transmitting), 'T' (Record Transmitted), or 'O' (Record Omitted, Pre-dates 10/1/96 PCE Usage). Field updated by package only, no user input.
72form 5 transmit status1;18SET OF CODESF:Record in Transmit File
N:Record Needs Transmitting
T:Record Transmitted
O:Record Omitted, Pre-dates 10/1/96 PCE Usage
AFThis field represents Form 5 (Discharge) Transmit Status. Field will contain either 'F' (Record in Transmit File), 'N' (Record Needs Transmitting), 'T' (Record Transmitted), or 'O' (Record Omitted, Pre-dates 10/1/96 PCE Usage). Field updated by package only, no user input.
73form 3 filed in hbhc(634) date1;19DATE-TIMEThis field represents date/time Form 3 (Evaluation/Admission) record filed in Transmit (634) file. Field transmitted to Austin for unique record identification purposes. Field updated by package only, no user input.
74form 3 batch initial mm msg #1;20FREE TEXTThis field represents MailMan message number of 'First' MailMan message in Austin transmission batch. Record 'may' be transmitted in different message, if multiple messages are transmitted in one transmission batch. Field updated by package only, no user input.
75form 3 mail message date1;21DATE-TIMEAGThis field represents date of Form 3 (Evaluation/Admission) record transmission via MailMan to Austin. Field updated by package only, no user input.
76form 5 filed in hbhc(634) date1;22DATE-TIMEThis field represents date Form 5 (Discharge) record filed in Transmit (634) file. Field updated by package only, no user input.
77form 5 batch initial mm msg #1;23FREE TEXTThis field represents MailMan message number of 'First' MailMan message in Austin transmission batch. Record 'may' be transmitted in different message, if multiple messages are transmitted in one transmission batch. Field updated by package only, no user input.
78form 5 mail message date1;24DATE-TIMEAHThis field represents date of Form 5 (Discharge) record transmission via MailMan to Austin. Field updated by package only, no user input.
79form 3 transmit flag edit date1;25DATE-TIMEThis field represents date Form 3 (Evaluation/Admission) Transmit Status flag was requested by user to be reset (allowing editing of previously transmitted record). Field updated by package only, no user input.
80form 3 transmit flag edit duz1;26POINTER200This field represents DUZ of user requesting Form 3 (Evaluation/ Admission) Transmit Status flag be reset (allowing editing of previously transmitted record). Field updated by package only, no user input.
81form 5 transmit flag edit date1;27DATE-TIMEThis field represents date Form 5 (Discharge) Transmit Status flag was requested by user to be reset (allowing editing of previously transmitted record). Field updated by package only, no user input.
82form 5 transmit flag edit duz1;28POINTER200This field represents DUZ of user requesting Form 5 (Discharge) Transmit Status flag be reset (allowing editing of previously transmitted record). Field updated by package only, no user input.
83form 3 re-trans batch mm msg #2;1FREE TEXTThis field represents MailMan message number of 'First' MailMan message in re-transmission batch to Austin. Record 'may' be transmitted in different message, if multiple messages are transmitted in one re-transmission batch. Field updated by package only, no user input.
84form 3 re-transmit date2;2DATE-TIMEThis field represents date of Form 3 (Evaluation/Admission) record re-transmission via MailMan to Austin. Field updated by package only, no user input.
85form 5 re-trans batch mm msg #2;3FREE TEXTThis field represents MailMan message number of 'First' MailMan message in re-transmission batch to Austin. Record 'may' be transmitted in different message, if multiple messages are transmitted in one re-transmission batch. Field updated by package only, no user input.
86form 5 re-transmit date2;4DATE-TIMEThis field represents date of Form 5 (Discharge) record re-transmission via MailMan to Austin. Field updated by package only, no user input.
87referred while inpatient1;29SET OF CODES1:Yes
This field represents 1 digit numeric code for whether patient was inpatient at time of referral.
88medical foster home patient3;1BOOLEANY:Yes
AJThis field represents whether Patient is Medical Foster Home (MFH) Patient.
89medical foster home name3;2POINTER633.2AKThis field represents Name of Medical Foster Home (MFH) that already exists in HBHC Medical Foster Home file (#633.2).
90rate paid4;0MULTIPLE631.01This subfile represents the Medical Foster Home (MFH) Rate Paid multiple.

Referenced by 2 types

  1. HBHC EVALUATION/ADMISSION ERROR(S) (634.1) -- hbhc evaluation
  2. HBHC DISCHARGE ERROR(S) (634.3) -- hbhc discharge