This is a nationally controlled file. This file contains a list of publishers for all titles in the TITLE AUTHORITY FILE. Addresses and phone numbers of the publisher are in this file also.
.01name(+)0;1FREE TEXTBThis field allows the input of the name of a publisher or producer of a serials title or audiovisual program. Found in the LTS option of the local serials module, the TAF option of the NAT option on FORUM, the BIB option of the ULP on FORUM, and Networked Audiovisual File (NAV) on FORUM.
1address 10;2FREE TEXTThis field is for the input of the first line of a publisher/producer address.
2address 20;3FREE TEXTThis field is for the input of a second optional line of a publisher/producer address.
2.5city0;7FREE TEXTThis field is for the input of the city for the publisher/producer address.
3state0;4POINTER5This field is for the input of the state of the publisher/producer address.
4zip code0;5FREE TEXTThis field is for the input of the zip code of the publisher/producer address.
5phone0;6FREE TEXTThis field is for the input of the phone number of the publisher/producer.

Referenced by 1 types

  1. TITLE AUTHORITY (680.5) -- publisher