This file contains data elements as specified by the Decision Support System (DSS) Program Office for the Blood Bank extract from existing VistA files. Contains data extracted from the sub file #63.017, TRANSFUSION RECORD file of the LAB DATA file (#63) and from the PATIENT file (#2). Once approved by the DSS site manager, entries in this file are loaded into an electronic mail message and sent to the commercial vendor. This file is intended to be used for validation purposes only. Entries should be made only by the extract load routine. Since validation techniques will be determined by the local site, it is intended that the site add whatever cross references deemed necessary. However, this file contains one nationally determined cross reference, the "AC" cross reference on the EXTRACT NUMBER field (#2). This cross reference is used by the DSS Extracts software package as an essential feature for managing and purging data in this file and should not be modified. This file should NOT be modified directly using VA FileMan.
.01sequence number0;1NUMERICBThe record number for this extract entry.
1year month0;2FREE TEXTA six character numeric string representing the year and the month for which this extract was performed.
2extract number0;3POINTER727ACThe corresponding entry in the DSS EXTRACT LOG file (#727) for this extract.
3facility0;4FREE TEXTThis is the facility/division where the extract was performed.
4patient no. - dfn0;5POINTER2An identifying number for the patient at the local site.
5ssn0;6FREE TEXTThe patient's social security number.
6name0;7FREE TEXTThe first four characters of the patient's last name.
7in/out patient indicator0;8SET OF CODESI:INPATIENT
Indicates whether the patient was an inpatient or an outpatient for this extract.
8encounter number0;9FREE TEXTThe unique number assigned for DSS.
9date of transfusion0;10FREE TEXTThis field contains the date of the blood component transfusion.
10time of transfusion0;11FREE TEXTA 6-character numeric string that represents the time of day the blood component transfusion was performed.
11component0;12FREE TEXTThis is the name of the blood bank product transfused.
12component abbreviation0;13FREE TEXTAbbreviation of the blood component.
13number of units0;14NUMERICNumber of pooled units transfused.
14volume0;15NUMERICThis is the volume, in milliliters, of the component or unit transfused.
Indicates a transfusion reaction.
16reaction type0;17FREE TEXTType of reaction from transfusion
17feeder location0;18FREE TEXTThe Location of the Blood Bank, where the blood is stored and where the Blood Bank technologist performed the (Blood Bank) tests.
18dss product department0;19FREE TEXTThe nationally defined DSS Intermediate Department Number designated to the patient care product being provided.
19dss ip #0;20FREE TEXTThe nationally defined DSS Intermediate Department Number designated to the patient care product being provided.
20ordering provider0;21FREE TEXTProvider for the patient transfused.
21ordering provider person class0;22FREE TEXTThe VA Code of the Person Class of the Ordering Provider as of the date of this extract record.
22eri0;23FREE TEXTThis field identifies patients from impacted zip code areas designated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
23unit modified0;24BOOLEANY:YES
Indicates if unit of blood was modified.
24unit modification0;25FREE TEXTType of unit modification performed.
25requesting provider0;26FREE TEXTThis is the provider who requested the transfusion.
26requesting provider pc0;27FREE TEXTThe field holds the VA Code associated with the active Person Class of the Requesting Provider.
27production division code0;28FREE TEXTIdentifies the division/facility where the work was performed.
28ordering provider npi0;29FREE TEXTA standard unique life-long identifier of the provider who ordered the type and cross match. This field has a length of fifteen characters.
29requesting provider npi1;1FREE TEXTA standard unique life-long identifier of the provider who requested the transfusion. This field has a length of fifteen characters.
30patcat1;2SET OF CODESAD:Active Duty
ADD:Active Duty Dependent
FNRS:Former Non-Remarried Spouse
RETD:Retiree Dependent
TDRL:Temporary Disability
This is the Patient's category which will be used for FHCC (Federal Health Care Center) Reconciliation. DSS must capture and report DoD patients so that the FHCC reconciliation process can function as designed. "Reconciliation" is the process used within the new FHCC to determine which patients DoD pays for and which VA pays for.
31encounter sc1;3BOOLEANY:YES
Indicates if treatment provided during this patient encounter is Service Connected.

Not Referenced