An urgency status is defined as the priority given to each laboratory test, or how quickly that test must be performed by laboratory personnel, based on site-specific criteria. This file contains eight pre-supplied urgencies: STAT,ASAP,PRE-OP,CALL RESULT,ADMIT,OUTPATIENT,PURPLE TRIANGLE (or service-connected disability) and ROUTINE, each assigned a numerical priority, with '1' for 'STAT' being highest priority, and '9' for 'ROUTINE' being the lowest priority. NOTE: Workload logic uses a new class of urgencies which are prefixed with 'WKL-'. These urgencies are not selectable by the user. Also WKL- prevents non- lab users from seeing these tests. These urgencies are used to calculate LMIP data only. These urgencies begin with internal entry numbers of >49 and are assigned by the verification process for LMIP data calculation.
.001number11The internal number associated with the URGENCY NAME.
.01urgency(+)0;1FREE TEXTBThe name of the urgency status.
1can lab collect?0;2BOOLEAN1:YES
If the Lab may collect a sample with this urgency, this field must contain a YES entry.
2workload only0;3BOOLEAN1:YES
This field should only be set to yes for workload (WKL) urgency. This urgency is used only with workload module. Only internal file number 50 and greater should have this field set to yes. Internal file number of 49 and below should be set to no if they exist.
3hl7 code0;4SET OF CODESS:Stat (with highest priority)
A:ASAP (Fill after S orders)
T:Timing critical (do as near as possible to requested time)
PRN:As Needed
This is the corresponding Health Level Seven (HL7) Table of Priority entry that most closely matches the VistA Lab urgency. This field will be used in HL7 messages to describe the laboratory test urgency.
4ledi hl70;5POINTER64.061 This field is used to map a local urgency to a standard entry in the LAB ELECTRONIC CODES file (#64.061) for the purpose of creating HL7 message segments.
5label print0;6SET OF CODES0:NO
Determines if urgency's abbreviation is to be printed on labels. If "YES, REVERSE FIELD" is selected and label printer supports reverse field printing, then abbreviation will be printed with white letters on a black background.
6abbreviation0;7FREE TEXTAbbreviation used when printing this urgency on labels.

Referenced by 6 types

  1. LABORATORY TEST (60) -- highest urgency allowed, forced urgency
  2. WKLD LOG FILE (64.03) -- urgency of test
  3. INTERIM REPORTS (64.6) -- urgency cutoff
  4. LABORATORY SITE (69.9) -- default urgency, urgency alert
  5. PROTOCOL (101) -- file link
  6. LABORATORY EXTRACT (727.813) -- urgency of test