Files > ECHO

This file stores data on Echo procedures done on a patient.
.01date/time(+)0;1DATE-TIMEBThis field identifies the date and time when the echo was taken.
.02id.1;1FREE TEXTEnter any site specific unique identification number for this ECHO test. No need to enter the SSN. SSN is already recorded for this ECHO.
.03summary(+).2;1SET OF CODESN:NORMAL
This field identifies the result of the echo procedure.
.04symptom.3;0MULTIPLE691.08This field identifies the medical patients symptoms listed on the procedure request form.
.05risk factor.4;0MULTIPLE691.09This field identifies the medical patient's risk factors listed on the procedure request form.
1medical patient(+)0;2POINTER690CThis field identifies the medical patient's name.
1.1wt lbs13;1NUMERICThis field identifies the medical patient's weight in pounds.
1.15sexCOMPUTEDThis code tells the gender of the patient.
1.2ht in13;2NUMERICThis field identifies the medical patient's height in inches.
2body surface area13;3NUMERICThis field identifies the patient's BSA, computed from patient's height and weight.
3resting systolic bp0;4NUMERICThis field identifies the patient's resting systolic blood pressure.
4resting diastolic bp0;5NUMERICThis field identifies the patient's resting diastolic blood pressure.
5resting heart rate0;6NUMERICThis field identifies the patient's resting heart rate.
6rhythm0;7SET OF CODES1:NSR
This field identifies the patient's current ECG/EKG rhythm.
7study quality0;8NUMERICThis field identifies the technical quality of the procedure.
7.5study type16;0MULTIPLE691.48
8med(cardiology medication)1;0MULTIPLE691.01This field identifies the medications listed on the medical patient's request form.
9pre-dx2;0MULTIPLE691.02This defines the medical patient's pre-diagnosis listed on the procedure request form.
10comment3;0WORD-PROCESSINGThis allows the user to make specific comments on a particular field.
11septum4;1NUMERICThis allows the user to enter the dimensions of the ventricular septum.
12posterior wall4;2NUMERICThis allows the user to enter the dimensions of the posterior wall.
13lt. atrium4;3NUMERICThis allows the user to enter the dimensions of the left atrium.
14aortic root4;4NUMERICThis allows the user to enter the dimensions of the aortic root.
15rt ventricle4;5NUMERICThis allows the user to enter the dimensions of the right ventricle.
16ant. rv wall4;6NUMERICThis allows the user to enter the dimensions of the anterior right ventricular wall.
17lt. vent. diastole4;7NUMERICThis allows the user to enter the internal left ventricular diastolic dimensions.
18lt. vent. systole4;8NUMERICThis allows the user to enter the internal left ventricular systolic dimensions.
19% fract. shorteningCOMPUTEDThis field identifies the computed percent shortening fraction of the left ventricular.
20e-sept.4;9NUMERICThis allows the user to enter the E-point of the mitral valve to septum dimensions.
21lv xs area, mit. syst.5;1NUMERIC
22lv xs area, pap. musc. syst.5;2NUMERIC
23lv xs area, ap. 4-ch syst.5;3NUMERIC
24lv xs area, mit. diast.5;4NUMERIC
25lv xs area, pap. musc. diast.5;5NUMERIC
26lv xs area, ap. 4-ch diast.5;6NUMERIC
27% fas mitral levelCOMPUTED
28% fas pap. muscleCOMPUTED
29% fas ap. 4-ch viewCOMPUTED
30edv5;10NUMERICThis allows the user to enter the left ventricular end diastolic volume.
31esv5;11NUMERICThis allows the user to enter the left ventricular end systolic volume.
31.1angiographic cardiac outputCOMPUTEDThis field computes the Angiographic Cardiac Output from the Resting Heart Rate (#5), EDV (#30), and ESV (#31). The formula used is: Heart_Rate * ( EDV - ESV ).
32efCOMPUTEDThis defines the computed left ventricular ejection fraction.
32.1estimated ef13;4NUMERICThis allows the user to enter the left ventricular ejection fraction.
32.2estimated ef descriptor13;5SET OF CODESN:NORMAL
This allows the user to enter the estimated ejection fraction descriptor.
32.8lv massCOMPUTED
33regional wall motion6;0MULTIPLE691.04This allows the user to enter multiple left ventricular regional wall abnormalities.
34doppler7;0MULTIPLE691.05This allows the user to enter multiple doppler findings.
34.1aortic max velocity8;1NUMERICThis allows the user to enter the calculated aortic maximum velocity.
34.2aortic mean velocity8;2NUMERICThis allows the user to enter the calculated mean velocity.
34.3aortic integral 8;3NUMERICThis allows the user to enter the calculated aortic valve integral.
34.4lvot max velocity8;4NUMERICThis allows the user to enter the left ventricular outflow tract maximum velocity.
34.5lvot mean velocity8;5NUMERICThis allows the user to enter the left ventricular outflow tract mean velocity.
34.6lvot integral8;6NUMERICThis allows the user to enter the left ventricular outflow tract integral.
34.7aortic max pressure gradientCOMPUTEDThis defines the computed aortic valve maximum pressure gradient.
34.8aortic mean pressure gradient8;7NUMERICThis allows the user to enter the aortic valve mean pressure gradient.
34.9aortic estimated valve orifice8;8NUMERICThis allows the user to enter the calculated aortic valve estimated orifice.
35mitral max velocity8;9NUMERICThis allows the user to enter the calculated mitral valve maximum velocity.
35.1mitral mean velocity8;10NUMERICThis allows the user to enter the mitral valve mean velocity.
35.2mitral integral8;11NUMERICThis allows the user to enter the mitral valve calculated integral.
35.3mitral max gradientCOMPUTEDThis defines the computed mitral valve maximum gradient.
35.4mitral mean gradient8;12NUMERICThis allows the user to enter the mitral valve mean gradient.
35.5mitral p 1/28;13NUMERICThis allows the user to enter the mitral valve P-1/2 time.
35.6mitral est valve orifice8;14NUMERICThis defines the computed mitral valve estimated orifices.
35.65computed mitral valve orificeCOMPUTEDThis defines the computed mitral valve orifices.
35.7pulmonic max velocity12;1NUMERICThis allows the user to enter the calculated pulmonic valve maximum velocity.
35.8pulmonic mean velocity12;2NUMERICThis allows the user to enter the calculated pulmonic valve mean velocity.
35.9pulmonic integral12;3NUMERICThis allows the user to enter the calculated pulmonic valve integral.
36pulmonic max pressure gradientCOMPUTEDThis field identifies the computed pulmonic valve maximum pressure gradient.
36.1pulmonic mean gradient12;4NUMERICThis allows the user to enter the calculated pulmonic valve mean gradient.
36.2tricus dias max vel (m/s)12;5NUMERICThis allows the user to enter the calculated tricuspid valve maximum velocity.
36.3tricuspid mean velocity12;6NUMERICThis field quantifies the average speed of tricuspid valve flow.
36.31tricus dias max press gradCOMPUTEDThis field is computed
36.4tricus regurg sys max vel(m/s)12;7NUMERICThis allows the user to enter the calculated tricuspid valve integral.
36.5pa systolic pressure12;9NUMERICThis field identifies is the Pulmonary Artery Wedge Pressure in millimeters of Mercury.
36.6tricuspid mean gradient12;8NUMERICThis field identifies the average Tricuspid gradient.
37findings9;0MULTIPLE691.06This allows the user to enter multiple interpreted echo findings.
37.5diagnosis14;0MULTIPLE691.15This allows the user to enter multiple interpreted echo diagnoses.
38other conclusion10;0WORD-PROCESSINGThis allows the user to enter additional comments on the findings and diagnosis fields.
39cardiology attending11;1POINTER200This field identifies the physician who interpreted the procedure.
40ward/clinic11;2POINTER44This allows the user to enter the medical patients location.
41onset date atrial fib11;3DATE-TIMEThis allows the user to enter the date of the onset of the patient's atrial fibrillation ECG/EKG rhythm.
42duration atrial fib11;4FREE TEXTThis allows the user to enter the duration of the atrial fibrillation ECG/EKG rhythm.
43cardiology fellow15;1POINTER200This field identifies one of the key members of the clinical staff assigned to follow this patient.
44study phase11;6SET OF CODES1:PRE-CV
3:1 MON CV
4:6 MON CV
45cardioversion date11;7DATE-TIME
46rhythm 211;8SET OF CODES1:A-FIB
600procedure summary(+).2;2FREE TEXTThis allows the user to enter the procedure summary information.
700icd diagnosisICD;0MULTIPLE691.19This field contains the ICD Diagnosis(es) for the procedure.
701primary providerPROV;1POINTER200This contains the primary provider. It is triggered by another field in the file and is located here to provider a standard provider location for use in transferring data to the PCC.
900pcc pointerPCC;1POINTER9000010APCEThis field is used to link the Medicine package results with the PCC VISIT file for use by Queryman.
1000orifnOR;1POINTER100This field contains a pointer to the 'Consult Orders' internal file number, stored in file 100. This field is entered when results are entered in the Medicine package.
1001gmrcoOR;2POINTER123This field contains a pointer to the internal number of the consult order stored in the REQUEST/CONSULTATION file (123). This field is entered when results are entered in the Medicine package.
1500entering duzES;1POINTER200This field contains the provider who enter the information into the database.
1501cosigner validation codeES;2FREE TEXT
1502entering dateES;3DATE-TIME
1503verifying duzES;4POINTER200
1504signer validation codeES;5FREE TEXT
1505verifier dateES;6DATE-TIME
1506release codeES;7SET OF CODESD:DRAFT
1507date of releasedES;8DATE-TIME
1508date of verifiedES;9DATE-TIME
1510superseded byES;11NUMERIC
1511mark for deletationES;12SET OF CODES1:MARK FOR DELETATION
1512deleter duzES;13POINTER200
1513superseded dateES;14DATE-TIME
1514creation dateES;15DATE-TIME
1515superseded numberES;16NUMERIC
2005image2005;0MULTIPLE691.02005This field points to an entry in the image file.

Referenced by 1 types

  1. REQUEST/CONSULTATION (123) -- result