Contains locations found in the hospital (ie. Wards, Clinics) *********DO NOT RE-INDEX THIS FILE**********
.01name(+)0;1FREE TEXTBName given by user to any ward, clinic, fileroom, operating room or other location within a VA facility.
1abbreviation0;2FREE TEXTCAbbreviation given by user to any ward, clinic, fileroom, operating room or other location associated with the NAME.
Type of location assigned to entries into this file, i.e. Ward, Clinic, Fileroom, Operating Room, Other.
2.1type extension(+)0;22POINTER40.9Type extension of a location assigned to entries into this file to insure user is not allowed to use a previously designated Ward Location as a Clinic Location for example.
3institution0;4POINTER4Institution name assigned to each entry in this file to identify where the specific location is.
3.5division0;15POINTER40.8Division name assigned to each entry in this file to identify wehre the specific location is. There can be multiple divisions assigned to an Institution, but only one division per location.
4module0;5POINTER44Module or name of hospital location.
5default device99;2FREE TEXTDefault device to which information should print for a specific location. This field is not currently being utilized.
6disposition action0;10SET OF CODES0:NONE
A disposition action associated with specific location, i.e. '0'= none; '1'=appointment record request; '2'=scheduling.
7visit location0;6FREE TEXTLocation of visit for specified entry.
8stop code number(+)0;7POINTER40.7Three digit stop code number assigned to specific location. Each stop code number represents a type of care or Service/treating specialty (clinics only).
8.1prv. year stop codeOC;1POINTER40.7Previous year's three digit stop code number that was assigned to specific location (clinics only).
Service assigned to specific location, i.e. Medicine, Surgery, Psychiatry, etc.
9.5treating specialty(+)0;20POINTER45.7Treating specialty assigned a specific location, i.e. neurosurgery, alcohol/drug rehabilitation, dermatology (specialties within Services usually).
10physical location0;11FREE TEXTPhysical location of a specific ward or clinic, etc., i.e. 3rd floor, Wing A.
11*okc a.901;1FREE TEXT
12*okc b.901;2FREE TEXT
13synonym.01;0MULTIPLE44.01Synonym or shortened name associated with a specific location.
14special amis stop0;12SET OF CODES10:MENTAL HYGEINE
Special AMIS stop associated with a specific location based on the Service assigned.
15category of visit0;9FREE TEXTCategory of visit associated with a specific location.
16default provider0;13POINTER200Default provider or physician that is assigned to specific clinic.
19prohibited terminal9;0MULTIPLE44.02Terminals that cannot be utilized from specific location.
23agency0;23POINTER4.11Agency associated with specific location, i.e. Veterans Affairs, Department of Defense, etc.
24ask for check in/out time0;24BOOLEAN0:NO
When checking in/out a patient for an appointment, should the user be prompted for date and time? If this field is set to 'YES', the user will be prompted for the date and time. The current date and time will be the default. If this field is set to 'NO' or is not entered, the user will not be prompted and the current date and time will automatically be entered. If an appointment is scheduled retroactively then the system will use the date and time of the appointment as the check in/out time. This date/time will either be entered automatically or used as a default, depending upon how this parameter is set.
29*clinic services resource0;29FREE TEXTThis field is used to associate the clinic with a Clinic Services Resource.
30workload validation at chk out0;30BOOLEAN1:YES
Yes or 1 will result in a validation being performed on each checked out encounter for this clinic. No or zero will stop the validation of the encounters as they are checked out for this clinic. This validation is to help ensure that the workload data is acceptable to the Austin National Patient Care Database.
31clinic group (reports)0;31POINTER409.67ASCRPW
42ward location file pointer42;1POINTER42If location is a ward, this is the file pointer to the Ward Location File, File 42 in which this location is also stored.
50.01occasion of service clinic?OOS;1BOOLEAN1:YES
AOOSThis field is non-editable. It is created automatically by a scheduling API and must NOT be edited by the site. It designates clinic locations added by ancillary packages for occasions of service. These clinics can not be edited through Scheduling options. They can only be altered using the API.
50.02oos calling packageOOS;2POINTER9.4This field stores the package which created the occasion of service location. This field should NOT be altered by the site. It is uneditable through FileMan.
60patient friendly namePA;1FREE TEXTPopulate this field with a description of the clinic that will be meaningful to patients. Do not enter any sensitive patient information in this field such as HIV CLINIC as an example.
61direct patient scheduling?(+)PA;2BOOLEANY:YES
This field will determine if patients can self-schedule into this clinic. A "Yes" in this field will enable patients to directly schedule appointments into this clinic.
62display clin appt to patients?(+)PA;3BOOLEANY:YES
This field will determine if the clinic appointment information will be displayed to patients. A "Yes" in this field will enable patients to see their appointments in this clinic.
99telephone99;1FREE TEXTTelephone number for specific location.
99.1telephone extension99.1;1FREE TEXTClinic telephone extension number where patients can call directly.
101associated location typesLOC;0MULTIPLE44.101
1900appointmentS;0MULTIPLE44.001Appointment multiple stores all data related to outpatient visits including basic demographic data on a patient, appointment data, lab, x-ray and EKG appointment dates/times.
1901cancel date/time beginSDCAN;0MULTIPLE44.05Cancellation date/time beginning for a clinic.
1906chart checkC;0MULTIPLE44.006Does user want the chart checked for availability for this clinic.
1910special instructionsSI;0MULTIPLE44.03Special instructions (free text) entered by clerk at time of making the appointment.
1912length of app't(+)SL;1NUMERICLength of appointment designated for clinic.
1913variable app'ntment lengthSL;2SET OF CODESV:YES, VARIABLE LENGTH
Does the clinic have variable appointment lengths? Can, if length of appointment is 10 minutes, user make longer appointments in increments of 10 at time of making appointment?
1914hour clinic display beginsSL;3NUMERICThe hour clinic will begin displaying availability (i.e. 8AM).
1915hold sc slots until # of daysSL;4NUMERICShould service connected slots be held open for a set number of days? Service connected veterans have priority over NSC veterans when scheduling appointments.
1916principal clinicSL;5POINTER44Principal clinic or main clinic assigned to a specific location.
1917display increments per hour(+)SL;6SET OF CODES1:60-MIN
This field SHOULD NOT BE EDITED when patterns have been established using another increment per hour. Editing this field will cause existing patterns to be erroneous and scheduling conflicts may also occur if the increments are changed.
1918overbooks/day maximum(+)SL;7NUMERICNumber of allowable overbooks per day. If overbooks are not allowed, the number should be set to zero.
1918.5schedule on holidays?SL;8BOOLEANY:YES
Should the user be able to schedule appointments on holiday's for specific location?
1919copies0;14NUMERICHow many copies of appointment lists should be generated for this clinic?
1920availabilityT;0MULTIPLE44.002Multiple that stores clinic availability information.
1920.9availability flagSTT;1DATE-TIMEDate/time set up for clinic availability.
1921patternST;0MULTIPLE44.005Pattern for clinic availability information.
1921.5special patternOST;0MULTIPLE44.0002Special pattern information (storage of previous clinic patterns and current one).
1922sunday templateT0;0MULTIPLE44.06This field contains the patterns and limit dates applicable to scheduling appointments on Sundays. These fields are overridden by patterns entered for a specific (Sunday) date and stored on the "OST" nodes.
1923monday templateT1;0MULTIPLE44.07This field contains the patterns and limit dates applicable to scheduling appointments on Mondays. These fields are overridden by patterns entered for a specific (Monday) date and stored on the "OST" nodes.
1924tuesday templateT2;0MULTIPLE44.08This field contains the patterns and limit dates applicable to scheduling appointments on Tuesdays. These fields are overridden by patterns entered for a specific (Tuesday) date and stored on the "OST" nodes.
1925wednesday templateT3;0MULTIPLE44.09This field contains the patterns and limit dates applicable to scheduling appointments on Wednesdays. These fields are overridden by patterns entered for a specific (Wednesday) date and stored on the "OST" nodes.
1926thursday templateT4;0MULTIPLE44.008This field contains the patterns and limit dates applicable to scheduling appointments on Thursdays. These fields are overridden by patterns entered for a specific (Thursday) date and stored on the "OST" nodes.
1927friday templateT5;0MULTIPLE44.009This field contains the patterns and limit dates applicable to scheduling appointments on Fridays. These fields are overridden by patterns entered for a specific (Friday) date and stored on the "OST" nodes.
1928saturday templateT6;0MULTIPLE44.0001This field contains the patterns and limit dates applicable to scheduling appointments on Saturdays. These fields are overridden by patterns entered for a specific (Saturday) date and stored on the "OST" nodes.
2000require x-ray films?RAD;1BOOLEANY:YES
Will x-ray films be required for patients scheduled in this clinic?
2000.5require action profiles?(+)PS;1SET OF CODES0:YES
Will pharmacy action profiles be required for patients scheduled in this clinic?
2001allowable consecutive no-shows(+)SDP;1NUMERICThis is the number of times in a row that a patient can be a no-show in a clinic before he/she is flagged for possible discharge from the clinic.
2002max # days for future booking(+)SDP;2NUMERICMaximum number of days that can be available when clerk searching for open clinic slots in the future.
2003start time for auto rebookSDP;3NUMERICStart time (hour of day) that should be searched for when user auto rebooking an appointment. For example, if the clinic regularly starts at 8am, user may wish to set this parameter to 9am so that the next available slot at 9am or later will be stuffed with new appointment.
2004collateral visits? (y or n)(+)0;16BOOLEANY:YES
Are collateral visits allowed to this clinic? Yes or No
2005max # days for auto-rebook(+)SDP;4NUMERICMaximum number of days the system can be set to search up to when auto rebooking appointments. For instance, if an appointment to this clinic is cancelled and the latest time that should be allowed for rescheduling is a period of two weeks (set parameter), then auto rebook function will quit after searching a two week period in future for available slots.
2006*record tracking communicationR;1SET OF CODESM:MESSAGE
2007*communication formatR;2FREE TEXT
2008*record request deviceR;3FREE TEXT
2009*rt at home retreiverR;4POINTER44
2010*rt not at home retreiverR;5POINTER44
2011*record request priorityDT;1NUMERIC
2012*record appointment statusDT;2SET OF CODES1:ASK APPOINTMENT DATE
2500prohibit access to clinic?SDPROT;1BOOLEANY:YES
Should only privileged users have access to book to this clinic?
2501privileged userSDPRIV;0MULTIPLE44.04Privileged users set up to have access to book to clinic. Once one privileged user is entered into this multiple, no other user will have access to book to the clinic. Each individual who should have access to clinic must be entered one at a time.
2502non-count clinic? (y or n)(+)0;17BOOLEANY:YES
Is this clinic to be a non-count clinic for workload purposes? OR Are visits to this clinic to be included in workload statistics?
2502.5include on file room lists?0;21BOOLEAN0:NO
This field should contain a Yes if this is a non-count clinic that should be included on the file room lists.
2503credit stop code0;18POINTER40.7Appointments to this clinic will receive this stop code credit in addition to the 'normal' stop code credit if a stop code different from the 'normal' stop code for this clinic is entered here.
2503.1prv. year credit stop codeOC;2POINTER40.7Previous year's credit stop code assigned to clinic.
2504clinic meets at this facility?(+)0;19BOOLEANY:YES
Does clinic meet at designated facility?
2505inactivate dateI;1DATE-TIMEDate clinic was inactivated.
2506reactivate dateI;2DATE-TIMEDate clinic was reactivated.
2507default appointment typeAT;1POINTER409.1The default or usual appointment type to be associated with this clinic.
2508no show letterLTR;1POINTER407.5ALTNEnter the no-show letter to be associated with this clinic, so if patient does not show for appointment, this specific no-show letter will print as opposed to the generic no-show letter.
2509pre-appointment letterLTR;2POINTER407.5ALTPEnter the pre-appointment letter to be associated with this clinic, so if letters are generated, this specific pre-appointment letter will print as opposed to the generic pre-appointment letter.
2510clinic cancellation letterLTR;3POINTER407.5ALTCEnter the clinic cancellation letter to be associated with this clinic, so if clinic is cancelled, this letter will print as opposed to generic clinic cancellation letter.
2511appt. cancellation letterLTR;4POINTER407.5ALTAEnter appointment cancellation letter to be associated with this clinic, so if veteran cancels appointment, this letter will print as opposed to generic appointment cancellation letter.
2600providerPR;0MULTIPLE44.1Enter in this field the providers associated with this clinic. These providers will then be displayed when updating the provider through Appointment Management or Check Out to assist the user in entering the correct provider.
2700diagnosisDX;0MULTIPLE44.11These are the diagnoses associated with this clinic. These diagnoses will be displayed when updating the diagnosis through Appointment Management or Check Out to assist the user in entering the correct diagnosis.
2800team positionsPCMM;0MULTIPLE44.40457This contains one or more team positions that have this clinic as an 'ASSOCIATE CLINIC' - defined in the TEAM POSITION (#404.57) File.
2801default to pc practitioner?PC;1BOOLEAN1:YES
This only is relevant if there is no default provider. If so, if there is a current primary care practitioner for the patient - it will be provided as the default provider.
2802administer inpatient meds?0;25BOOLEAN1:YES
AEThis field should contain a YES only if the clinic location is authorized to dispense inpatient medications to outpatients.
22900autofinish rx siteAFRXSITE;1POINTER59This field is a pointer to File#59, Outpatient Site, that this hospital location is associated with. If this field is not set autofinishing of Rx's for this hospital location will not take place.
22901autofinish clinic printerAFRXCLINPRNT;1POINTER3.5Printer where autofinished Rx's will print for a particular clinic.

Referenced by 122 types

  1. PRE-REGISTRATION CALL LIST (41.42) -- appt clinic
  2. WARD LOCATION (42) -- hospital location file pointer
  3. MAS PARAMETERS (43) -- patient or clinic
  4. HOSPITAL LOCATION (44) -- module, principal clinic, *rt at home retreiver, *rt not at home retreiver
  5. PRESCRIPTION (52) -- clinic
  6. PENDING OUTPATIENT ORDERS (52.41) -- patient location
  7. NON-VERIFIED ORDERS (53.1) -- clinic
  8. CLINIC DEFINITION (53.46) -- clinic
  9. BCMA MISSING DOSE REQUEST (53.68) -- clinic
  10. BCMA REPORT REQUEST (53.69) -- clinic to print
  11. PHARMACY AOU STOCK (58.1) -- crash cart location
  12. PADE OUTBOUND MESSAGES (58.72) -- clinic/or
  13. OUTPATIENT SITE (59) -- charge location
  14. WKLD LOG FILE (64.03) -- hospital location
  15. INTERIM REPORTS (64.6) -- location
  16. ACCESSION (68) -- lab oos location
  17. LABORATORY SITE (69.9) -- default lab oos location
  18. REPORT DISTRIBUTION (74.4) -- principal clinic
  19. RAD/NUC MED ORDERS (75.1) -- requesting location
  20. IMAGING LOCATIONS (79.1) -- location
  21. ORDER (100) -- patient location
  22. OE/RR RELEASE EVENTS (100.5) -- ordering parameters location
  23. ORAM FLOWSHEET (103) -- clinic
  24. DIETETIC ENCOUNTERS (115.7) -- event location
  25. NUTRITION LOCATION (119.6) -- outpatient location
  26. GMRV VITAL MEASUREMENT (120.5) -- hospital location
  27. REQUEST/CONSULTATION (123) -- patient location, from
  28. PROBLEM SELECTION LIST (125) -- clinic
  29. SURGERY (130) -- associated clinic, non-or location
  30. OPERATING ROOM (131.7) -- name
  31. SURGERY SITE PARAMETERS (133) -- default clinic for documents
  32. LOCAL SURGICAL SPECIALTY (137.45) -- associated clinic
  33. CRHD HANDOFF PARAMETERS (183) -- name
  34. BORROWERS/FILE AREAS (195.9) -- name, hospital location file pointer
  35. NEW PERSON (200) --
  36. NURS LOCATION (211.4) -- name
  37. NURS POSITION CONTROL (211.8) -- location
  38. ED LOG (230) -- clinic
  39. ED LOG HISTORY (230.1) -- clinic
  40. NON-BILLABLE CLINICS (352.4) -- clinic
  41. HCS REVIEW TRANSMISSION (356.22) -- clinic
  42. ENCOUNTER FORM TRACKING (357.96) -- clinic
  43. PFSS CHARGE CACHE (373) -- assigned patient location
  44. PFSS ACCOUNT (375) -- patient location
  45. INCOMPLETE RECORDS (393) -- location
  46. RECALL REMINDERS (403.5) -- clinic
  47. RECALL REMINDERS LETTERS (403.52) -- clinic
  48. RECALL REMINDERS REMOVED (403.56) -- clinic, appt clinic
  49. TEAM AUTOLINK (404.56) -- autolink
  50. TEAM POSITION (404.57) -- associated clinic
  51. SCHEDULING PARAMETER (404.91) -- conversion default disp clinic
  52. SCHEDULING REPORT QUERY TEMPLATE (404.95) -- selections
  53. SD WAIT LIST (409.3) -- wl specific hospital location, appt clinic
  54. SD WL CLINIC LOCATION (409.32) -- clinic
  56. OUTPATIENT ENCOUNTER (409.68) -- location
  57. ACRP TRANSMISSION HISTORY (409.77) -- location
  58. SDEC RESOURCE (409.831) -- resource, resource type, hospital location
  59. SDEC APPT REQUEST (409.85) -- req specific clinic, appt clinic
  60. PRINT MANAGER CLINIC SETUP (409.95) -- clinic
  61. MH ADMINISTRATIONS (601.84) -- location
  62. SECLUSION/RESTRAINT (615.2) -- ward
  63. HBHC CLINIC (631.6) -- name
  64. HBHC VISIT (632) -- clinic number
  65. HBHC VISIT ERROR(S) (634.2) -- clinic number
  67. PROSTHETICS SITE PARAMETERS (669.9) -- pce hospital location
  68. ECHO (691) -- ward/clinic
  69. CARDIAC CATHETERIZATION (691.1) -- ward/clinic
  70. ELECTROCARDIOGRAM (EKG) (691.5) -- ward/clinic
  71. HOLTER (691.6) -- ward/clinic
  72. EXERCISE TOLERANCE TEST (691.7) -- ward/clinic
  73. ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY (EP) (691.8) -- ward/clinic
  74. HEMATOLOGY (694) -- ward/clinic
  75. ENDOSCOPY/CONSULT (699) -- where performed, ward/clinic
  76. PULMONARY FUNCTION TESTS (700) -- ward/clinic
  77. CP DEFINITION (702.01) -- hospital location
  78. OBS (704.117) -- hospital_location_id
  79. EC EVENT CODE SCREENS (720.3) -- associated clinic
  80. EVENT CAPTURE PATIENT (721) -- associated clinic
  81. ADMISSION EXTRACT (727.802) -- ward
  82. CLINIC NOSHOW EXTRACT (727.804) -- clinic name
  83. PHYSICAL MOVEMENT EXTRACT (727.808) -- losing ward, gaining ward
  84. UNIT DOSE LOCAL EXTRACT (727.809) -- ward
  85. SURGERY EXTRACT (727.811) -- clinic pointer
  86. RADIOLOGY EXTRACT (727.814) -- location (ward or clinic)
  87. EVENT CAPTURE LOCAL EXTRACT (727.815) -- placeholder, clinic ien
  88. CLINIC I EXTRACT (727.816) -- clinic
  89. IV DETAIL EXTRACT (727.819) -- ward
  90. ADMISSION SETUP EXTRACT (727.82) -- ward
  91. PHYSICAL MOVEMENT SETUP EXTRACT (727.821) -- losing ward, gaining ward
  92. TREATING SPECIALTY CHANGE SETUP EXTRACT (727.822) -- gaining ward
  93. QUASAR EXTRACT (727.825) -- placeholder, clinic ien
  94. CLINIC EXTRACT (727.827) -- *placeholder, clinic ien
  95. BCMA EXTRACT (727.833) -- ward
  96. IV EXTRACT DATA (728.113) -- clinic
  97. CLINICS AND STOP CODES (728.44) -- clinic name
  98. QA OCCURRENCE SCREEN (741) -- ward/clinic
  99. QA PATIENT INCIDENT REVIEW (742) -- ward/clinic
  100. CONSUMER CONTACT (745.1) -- location of event
  101. WV LAB TESTS (790.08) -- ward/clinic/location
  102. WV PROCEDURE (790.1) -- ward/clinic/location
  103. PCE PARAMETERS (815) -- patient, clinic or ward
  104. VPS CONFIG HISTORY (853) -- clinic
  105. NUPA CARE PLANS (1927.4) -- ward
  106. IMAGE (2005) -- clinic
  107. IMAGE AUDIT (2005.1) -- clinic
  108. ACQUISITION DEVICE (2006.04) -- location
  109. DICOM GATEWAY PARAMETER (2006.563) -- importer order location
  110. DICOM RADIOLOGY PROCEDURES (2006.5758) -- hospital location ien
  111. OUTSIDE IMAGING LOCATION (2006.5759) -- hospital location
  112. TIU DOCUMENT (8925) -- hospital location, visit location
  113. TIU AUDIT TRAIL (8925.5) -- initial visit location, final visit location
  114. TIU PRINT PARAMETERS (8925.93) -- hospital location
  115. TIU PERSONAL PREFERENCES (8926) -- default location
  116. PARAMETERS (8989.5) -- entity
  117. A&SP CLINIC VISIT (509850.6) -- clinic location
  118. AUDIOMETRIC EXAM DATA (509850.9) -- referral source
  119. VISIT (9000010) -- hospital location
  120. V IMMUNIZATION (9000010.11) -- ordering location
  121. PROBLEM (9000011) -- clinic
  122. V IMMUNIZATION DELETED (9000080.11) -- ordering location