This file holds all Endoscopic procedures as well as GI Non-endoscopic procedures.
.01appointment date/time(+)0;1DATE-TIMEBThis field contains the date/time of the Endoscopy procedure.
.02medical patient(+)0;2POINTER690CThis field identifies the name of the patient under-going the procedure.
1procedure(+)0;12POINTER697.2DThis field identifies the specific procedure performed, such as colonoscopy.
2indication for procedure1;0MULTIPLE699.16This field identifies field stores the reason (s) why the Endoscopic procedure was performed. This field has been broken out for GI Endoscopies into it's individual elements and is no longer asked by the GI edit templates, but continues to be asked for Pulmonary Endoscopies.
2.1indicated therapy2;0MULTIPLE699.17This field identifies field records the therapeutic manipulations which you believe you may perform at the time of the examination. This does not record the findings of the procedure, but rather the reason for which the procedure is performed. Used as an indication for procedure.
2.2signs and symptoms3;0MULTIPLE699.18This field identifies an indication for procedure that records the specific sign or symptom for performing the procedure. The purpose of this field is to record specific correlation between common symptoms and the Endoscopic Findings.
2.3location of pain4;0MULTIPLE699.19This field stores the specific location of pain if pain is entered as a sign or symptom. This field has been removed from the input templates for version 2.
2.4abnormal bowel consistency0;3SET OF CODES1:ALTERNATING
This field stores the consistency (alternating, bloody,formed,hard,soft,or watery) for a patient who has the symptom of abnormal bowel habits. This field has been removed from the input templates for version 2.
2.45abnormal bowel duration0;4FREE TEXTThis field stores the length of time the patient has had the abnormal bowel habits. This field has been removed from the input templates for version 2.
2.46abnormal bowel frequency0;5FREE TEXTThis field stores the frequency for abnormal bowel habits. This field has been removed from the input templates for version 2.
2.5disease followup5;0MULTIPLE699.35This field refers to the patient who is undergoing repeat procedure for the same (active) disease, such as follow-up on gastric ulcer healing. Used as an indication for procedure.
2.6followup device or therapy6;0MULTIPLE699.36This field records the type of device or therapy, previously performed, which needs follow-up. Used as an indication for procedure.
2.7surveillance7;0MULTIPLE699.37This field identifies to the asymptomatic patient who is being re-examined because of old disease, such as prior colonic polyps. Used as an indication for procedure for GI Endoscopies.
2.8protocol31;1FREE TEXTThis field identifies a mandated endoscopy according to a pre-approved schedule. The name or number of the protocol should be entered here. Used as a GI Endoscopy indication for procedure.
2.85egd simple primary exam31;2FREE TEXTThis field identifies that a PDGE (Primary Diagnostic Gastrointestinal Endoscopy) was performed in place of an initial screening X-ray, for diagnostic purposes in an outpatient setting.
2.86lab or xray31;3FREE TEXTThis free text field indicates that there is an abnormal X-ray of lab test suggesting the Endoscopy. Used as an indication for procedure for GI Endoscopies.
2.87occult blood32;1FREE TEXTThis field identifies a specific indication for procedure. It indicates that Occult Blood in the stool is present. Used for GI Endoscopies.
2.88specimen collection32;2FREE TEXTThis free text field indicates that the procedure is performed to collect tissue or body fluid to perform other tests. Used as an indication for procedure for GI Endoscopies.
3indication comment0;6FREE TEXTThis free text field is used to enhance or add to the specific indications for procedure.
5medication used8;0MULTIPLE699.38This field identifies field records the type of medication administered for the procedure. It also records the dosage of the medication and the route of administration.
6endoscopist(+)0;8POINTER200ACThis field identifies the name of the provider who performed the procedure.
7second endoscopist0;9FREE TEXTThis field identifies the name of a second doctor performing the procedure.
8where performed0;10POINTER44ADThis field identifies the hospital location where the procedure was performed.
9ward/clinic0;11POINTER44This field identifies the in-house location of the patient.
10time started9;1FREE TEXTThis field identifies the time the procedure was begun in 24 hour time, without punctuation. (EX: 0800, 1630, etc.)
11time completed9;2FREE TEXTThis field identifies the time the procedure was completed in 24 hour time, without punctuation (Ex: 0800,1630, etc.)
12urgency of procedure9;3SET OF CODES1:ELECTIVE
This field identifies whether the procedure was elective, urgent, or emergency.
13pneumoperitoneum gas13;0MULTIPLE699.39This field identifies field contains the type of Pneumoperitoneum Gas used and the method of pressure control for Laparoscopy procedures.
14preparation diet15;1SET OF CODES1:NO CHANGE
This field identifies to the oral intake for preparation of the colon for a colonoscopy.
15diet comment15;2FREE TEXTThis field identifies a comment on the oral intake given for the preparation for a colonscopy.
16bowel preparation14;0MULTIPLE699.4This field identifies a multiple field which records commonly used laxative preparations given for a colonoscopy and the route by which it was given.
17enemas15;3SET OF CODES1:WATER
This field records the type of enemas given in preparation for a colonoscopy.
22common bile duct size (mm)15;4NUMERICThis field identifies the size in millimeters of the Common Bile Duct. Used for the ERCP Procedure.
23pancreatic duct size (mm)15;5NUMERICThis field identifies the size in millimeters of the pancreatic duct. Used for ERCP procedures.
24depth of insertion15;6POINTER697This field indicates the extent of examination irrespective of the findings reported. This is a pointer to the Anatomy file.
28results16;0MULTIPLE699.56This field is used to record results of the overall procedure. This field is labeled 'Findings' for Pulmonary Endoscopies.
29post-proc instrument cleansing15;10SET OF CODES1:WASH
This field describes how the instruments were cleaned following the procedure. This is used for epidemiologic purposes.
30complications17;0MULTIPLE699.58This field identifies field indicates any complications encountered during the procedure or resulting from the procedure and the result of the complication.
31non-endoscopic procedure18;0MULTIPLE699.59This field stores the procedure type for a non-endoscopic GI procedure. It is accessed by entering 'NON-ENDO' at the procedure prompt in the GI Endoscopy Enter/Edit.
31.5consultation type15;11POINTER699.82This field indicates the type of consultation requested. Used in the Consult options.
32subjective20;0WORD-PROCESSINGThis field identifies field is used to enter information in the Consult options and the Non-Endoscopic GI Procedure entry. Both these entries use the SOAP (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Planned) format.
33objective21;0WORD-PROCESSINGThis field identifies field is used to enter information in the Consult options and the Non-Endoscopic GI Procedure entry. Both these entries use the SOAP (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Planned) format.
34assessment22;0WORD-PROCESSINGThis field identifies field is used to enter information in the Consult options and the Non-Endoscopic GI Procedure entry. Both these entries use the SOAP (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Planned) format.
35planned23;0WORD-PROCESSINGThis field identifies field is used to enter information in the Consult options and the Non-Endoscopic GI Procedure entry. Both these entries use the SOAP (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Planned) format.
35.9disc id15;12FREE TEXTThis field is not being used at the present time.
36video frame number24;0MULTIPLE699.64This field is not being used at the present time.
36.5video/audio file name28;0MULTIPLE699.71This field is not being used at the present time.
37*reserved19;1FREE TEXTThis free-text field has been superseded by word-processing Field #37.1, DIAGNOSIS/DIAGNOSIS SUPPLEMENT.
37.1diagnosis/diagnosis supplement33;0WORD-PROCESSINGThis field is used in addition to or instead of the diagnosis list generated from the impressions.
38revised diagnosis19;2FREE TEXTThis field is a free text field used to modify or enhance the primary diagnosis. This field is generally used when there is an unexpected Pathology report.
39disposition25;0MULTIPLE699.73This field identifies field stores post-encounter dispositions modified by a date and a free text reason.
40prescription given26;0MULTIPLE699.74This field identifies field stores the drug(s) and dosage(s) given as a post- encounter prescription.
41secondary diagnosis27;0MULTIPLE699.75This field identifies one or more diagnoses chosen from the list of impressions minus the diagnosis chosen as the primary diagnosis. Each diagnosis also has a free text impression field linked with it.
50location evaluated30;0MULTIPLE699.01This field identifies field records the anatomical location evaluated and records findings for the location evaluated.
200fellow200;1POINTER200This field identifies the name of a fellow who assisted on the procedure.
201second fellow29;1POINTER200This field identifies the name of a second fellow who assisted on the procedure.
202summary(+).2;1SET OF CODESN:NORMAL
This field indicates whether the Endoscopy was Normal,Abnormal or Incomplete. This required field appears on the Summary of Patient Procedures.
203instructions to patient203;0WORD-PROCESSINGThis field identifies a word processing field which indicates post-procedural instructions given to the patient.
204primary diagnosis204;1POINTER697.5This field contains a primary diagnosis chosen by the user from the list of impressions entered in the location evaluated field. Once this diagnosis is entered it can not be changed or deleted.
204.5primary diagnosis anatomy204;2POINTER697This allows the user to enter the Primary Diagnosis Anatomy. Once this is entered it can not be changed or deleted.
205primary diagnosis impression205;1FREE TEXTThis contains a free text comment regarding the primary diagnosis.
206cough10;0MULTIPLE699.0206This field stores the type of cough the patient has and the duration of the cough. Used for Pulmonary Endoscopies.
207pneumonia11;0MULTIPLE699.0207This field identifies field stores the location of pneumonia and the dates during which the pneumonia occurred. This is used as an indication for Pulmonary Endoscopies.
208other followup device/therapy12;1FREE TEXTThis field identifies a free text field which records the type of device or therapy, previously performed, which needs therapy. This can be used instead of or in addition to the pointed to list.
600procedure summary(+).2;2FREE TEXTThis field identifies a free text summary of the Endoscopy (up to 79 characters). This required field appears on the Summary of Patient Procedures.
700icd diagnosisICD;0MULTIPLE699.03This field contains the ICD Diagnosis(es) for the procedure.
701primary providerPROV;1POINTER200This contains the primary provider. It is triggered by another field in the file and is located here to provide a standard provider location for use in transferring data to the PCC.
900pcc pointerPCC;1POINTER9000010APCEThis field is used to link the Medicine package results with the PCC Visit File for use by Queryman.
1000orifnOR;1POINTER100This field contains a pointer to the 'Consult Orders' internal file number, stored in file 100. This field is entered when results are entered in the Medicine package.
1001gmrcoOR;2POINTER123This field contains a pointer to the internal number of the consult order stored in the REQUEST/CONSULTATION file (123). This field is entered when results are entered in the Medicine package.
1500entering duzES;1POINTER200
1501cosigner validation codeES;2FREE TEXT
1502entering dateES;3DATE-TIME
1503verifying duzES;4POINTER200
1504signer validation codeES;5FREE TEXT
1505verifier dateES;6DATE-TIME
1506release codeES;7SET OF CODESD:DRAFT
1507date of releasedES;8DATE-TIME
1508date of verifiedES;9DATE-TIME
1510superseded byES;11NUMERIC
1511marked for deletionES;12SET OF CODES1:MARKED FOR DELETION
1512deleter duzES;13POINTER200
1513superseded dateES;14FREE TEXT
1514record createdES;15DATE-TIME
1515superseded numberES;16NUMERIC
2005image2005;0MULTIPLE699.02005This field points to an object in the Image File.

Referenced by 1 types

  1. REQUEST/CONSULTATION (123) -- result