This file contains imaging information for patients. This file is the focal point of the entire radiology/nuclear medicine module. The file has four basic sections. They are the following: I. General Patient demographics II. Patient demographics that are imaging related III. Registered exam information IV. Outside films registry; where films received from other hospitals are recorded into the system Data Storage ------------ The data for the 'RAD/NUC MED PATIENT' file is stored under the ^RADPT global. This file is very volatile and should be journaled and translated if the operating system supports these two functions. Input Templates --------------- The following is a list of input templates used by the package and the entry in the OPTIONS file (#19) that uses the template: Compiled Name Routine Description; Option(s) ---- -------- ---------------------- RA DIAGNOSTIC BY CASE Used to input interpreting physicians and diagnostic code; RA DIAGCN RA OUTSIDE ADD Add outside films into system; RA ADDEXAM RA OUTSIDE EDIT Edit outside film registry; RA OUTEDIT RA OUTSIDE SUPEROK Indicate outside film to require supervisor 'ok' before returning; RA OUTFLAG RA CANCEL Cancel a registered exam; RA CANCEL RA EXAM EDIT Edit a registered exam; RA EDITCN, RA EDITPT RA LAST PAST VISIT Allows entry of the last visit by a patient to the department before this module was installed; RA PAST RA NO PURGE SPEC IFICATION Indicates no purging of an exam report. RA NOPURGE RA OVERRIDE Exam status is made complete without doing a requirements check; RA OVERRIDE RA REGISTER ^RACTRG* Initial registered exam entry; RA REG RA STATUS CHANGE Status Tracking input; RA STATRACK If any modifications to these input templates are needed for local purposes, then great care should be taken not to degrade any branching logic in the template. Making modifications is not recommended. The following templates contain a large amount of branching and MUMPS code and as a result they are uneditable: - RA REGISTER - RA STATUS CHANGE - RA EXAM EDIT Print Templates --------------- The following is a list of print templates used by the package: Name Description; Option(s) ---- ---------------------- RA DAILY LOG Prints an informational report for all exams for a specified date. RA LOG RA OUTSIDE LIST Prints list of outside films needing to be returned by a specified date; RA OUTSIDERPT Sort Templates -------------- The following is a list of sort templates associated with this file: Name Related Print Template ---- ---------------------- RA DAILY LOG RA DAILY LOG RA OUTSIDE LIST RA OUTSIDE LIST Also, the modification of the other sort templates is not recommended.
.01name(+)0;1POINTER2BThis field gives the name of this Radiology/Nuclear Medicine patient. The system obtains this information from the main 'PATIENT' file (#2). It is not stored in the 'RAD/NUC MED PATIENT' file (#70). ALLOWABLE WAYS TO ENTER PATIENT NAME: ------------------------------------- -Patient's last name (to reduce typing errors, enter only first few letters of last name) -Last 4 digits of patient's Social Security Number -First letter of patient's last name and last 4 digits of patient's Social Security Number.
.03date of birthCOMPUTEDThis field is computed by the system to be the date of birth of this Radiology/Nuclear Medicine patient. The system obtains this information from the main 'PATIENT' file (#2). It is not stored in the 'RAD/NUC MED PATIENT' file (#70).
.033ageCOMPUTEDThis field is computed by the system to the age of this Radiology/Nuclear Medicine patient. The system obtains this information from the main 'PATIENT' file (#2). It is not stored in the 'RAD/NUC MED PATIENT' file (#70).
.04usual category(+)0;4SET OF CODESO:OUTPATIENT
This field contains a default value used during the exam registration process to indicate the category of exam for this Radiology/Nuclear Medicine patient. Available categories are: 'O' for OUTPATIENT, 'C' for CONTRACT, 'S' for SHARING, 'R' for RESEARCH, and 'E' for EMPLOYEE.
.06user who entered patient0;6POINTER200This field points to the 'NEW PERSON' file (#200) to indicate the person who entered this patient into the Radiology/Nuclear Medicine system. It is filled in by the system from information the user entered at sign-on.
.09ssnCOMPUTEDThis field is computed by the system to the social security number of this Radiology/Nuclear Medicine patient. The system obtains this information from the main 'PATIENT' file (#2). It is not stored in the 'RAD/NUC MED PATIENT' file (#70).
.361eligibility codeCOMPUTEDThis field is computed by the system to the eligibility code of this Radiology/Nuclear Medicine patient from information obtained from the main 'PATIENT' file (#2). It is not stored in the 'RAD/NUC MED PATIENT' file (#70).
1narrative1;1FREE TEXTThis field may contain a brief note (up to 250 characters) about this Radiology/Nuclear Medicine patient. It may describe the personality or any unusual characteristic to identify this Radiology/Nuclear Medicine patient.
2registered examsDT;0MULTIPLE70.02This is a multiple field containing information about the patient's registered Radiology/Nuclear Medicine exams.
50outside films registryO;0MULTIPLE70.06This is a multiple field containing information about this patient's films obtained from an outside source.
1901is patient a veteran?COMPUTEDThis field is computed by the system and indicates whether this patient is a veteran or not. The system obtains this information from the main 'PATIENT' file (#2). It is not stored in this file (#70).

Not Referenced