.01review level0;1POINTER741.2BThis is the type of review being entered or edited. Multiple Peer and Management reviews are allowed, but only one Clinical review may be entered.
.02name(+)0;2POINTER200This is the name of the person who has performed this review.
.03reviewing service0;10POINTER49This field is used to enter the service/section that is conducting the Peer review of this occurrence. Once the FINAL PEER REVIEW PER SERVICE field has been answered Y(es) this field may no longer be edited. To change the service, change FINAL PEER REVIEW PER SERVICE to N(o); the service may then be edited.
1date review completed(+)0;3DATE-TIMEThis is the date the reviewer completed the review.
2reason for exception1;0MULTIPLE741.12This is where the screen exception data is entered.
3primary reason clin referral0;4POINTER741.4This is the field the Clinical reviewer enters to describe the primary reason the occurrence was referred to the next level of review.
4findings0;5POINTER741.6This is the finding of the reviewer at this review level.
5action2;0MULTIPLE741.15This is where the action to be taken data is stored.
6*severity of outcome0;6POINTER741.8This is the severity of outcome of this occurrence, enter the one that best describes the occurrence.
7*comments0;7FREE TEXTThis is where the reviewer may enter a short comment about the occurrence or the review of the occurrence.
8elapsed days0;8NUMERICThis is the elapsed days from the date of the occurrence to the date the reviewer finished the review.
9final peer review per service0;9BOOLEAN1:YES
This question should be answered Y(es) if the Peer review for this service contains the final findings. If this prompt is answered Y(es) the data from this peer review will be used on the Summary of Occurrence Screen (Semi-Annual) report.
10comments3;0WORD-PROCESSINGThis is where the reviewer may enter a comment about the occurrence or the review of the occurrence.

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