This file stores TIU Templates, which are on-the-fly boilerplates that can be added to any note or addendum in the CPRS GUI. All shared and personal templates, as well as template hierarchy, are stored within this file. Duplicate template names are allowed, usually distinguished by personal owner. This file is intended for the CPRS GUI only. No server side implementation is provided or feasible. Maintenance of this file should only be performed using the Template Editor, which is contained within the CPRS GUI. Bypassing the template editor can cause file structure problems.
.01name(+)0;1FREE TEXTBThis is the name of the template as it will appear in the template tree, 3-60 characters in length, not starting with punctuation. Duplicate NAMEs ARE permitted, and are distinguished by the tree they belong to.
.02blank lines0;2NUMERICThis is the number of blank lines inserted between Group Template items when the template is used for composing documents. For example, suppose a Group Template DEMOGRAPHICS has item templates NAME and ADDRESS, each with boilerplate as shown: Template Boilerplate ------------------------------- NAME Patient Name: ADDRESS Street Address: City: State, Zip: Then the boilerplate for a document entered using template DEMOGRAPHICS with BLANK LINES = 1 would look like: Patient Name: << 1 blank line Street Address: City: State, Zip: BLANK LINES can have values from 0 to 3. BLANK LINES applies only to GROUP TEMPLATES. The default value for BLANK LINES is 0.
The TIU TEMPLATE FILE stores templates for use in composing documents and also stores the containers which organize the templates into trees. Every entry in the file belongs to at least one tree. Some entries contain other entries as items. There are 5 types of entries in the TIU TEMPLATE FILE: 'T' for TEMPLATE 'G' for GROUP TEMPLATE 'C' for CONTAINER 'P' for PERSONAL ROOT CONTAINER 'R' for SHARED ROOT CONTAINER 'TF' for TITLE ROOT FOLDER 'CF' for CONSULT ROOT FOLDER 'OF' for PROCEDURE ROOT FOLDER The first two types, T and G, are true templates and may be selected for composing documents. The remaining types are "containers" which hold templates as items. The purpose of the container types is to organize templates according to subject matter into trees, so that individual templates can be easily found as "leaves" of a tree. Container types are NOT used for composing documents. Besides holding templates, containers may hold other containers, which then function as subcontainers. The last five types, P, R, TF, CF, and OF, are containers of a special type, denoted "roots". A root functions as the single top level of its tree. Each site has a "shared" root container, which contains templates shared across the whole facility. Each user at a site has a "personal" root container, which contains the user's personal templates. Thus, each user at a site has access to two trees: the shared tree, and their own personal tree. The Title, Consult and Procedure root folders are special folders that allow templates to be linked to specific TIU Titles, Consult Reasons for Request, and Procedure Reasons for Request. Root containers (like all container types) hold templates of type T and G, and may also hold subcontainers (type C). TYPE DETAILS 'T': A TEMPLATE is the most basic piece of boilerplate text desired. It may be used by itself for composing documents, or it may be added as an item to a Group Template, becoming part of a larger template. 'G': A GROUP TEMPLATE is a composite of its item TEMPLATES. In addition to the boilerplate text of its items, it may also have its own boilerplate text. A GROUP TEMPLATE may also have items of type CONTAINER (C). These items are for storage only; they are ignored when the GROUP TEMPLATE is used to compose a document. 'C': A CLASS CONTAINER is a container for templates. In addition to templates, it may also contain other containers (C), which then function as subcontainers. 'P': A PERSONAL ROOT CONTAINER functions as the root (top level) of a user's personal template tree. A PERSONAL ROOT CONTAINER may contain both shared and personal entries. When adding shared entries to their personal trees, users need to be aware that changes made at the facility level to a shared template will carry over to their personal tree. Changes a user makes to a shared entry in their personal tree do NOT, however, carry over to the shared tree. Instead, when a user goes to edit a shared item under his/her PERSONAL ROOT CONTAINER, that item is copied, and the user made the PERSONAL OWNER of the copy. The original shared item remains the same in the shared tree. 'R': A SHARED ROOT CONTAINER is shared across a site. Templates contained in it may be selected by any user composing a document, but the user may not edit the template itself. Besides its use for documents, a site's shared tree functions as a repository from which users can add templates to their own personal tree. 'TF': The TITLE ROOT FOLDER links templates to specific TIU Titles. Although end users will not see this folder directly, they will see templates appear automatically when the associated TIU Title is selected. 'CF': The CONSULT ROOT FOLDER links templates to specific Consult Reasons for Request. End users will not see this folder directly, but they will see templates appear automatically when ordering a consult, and the associated Consult service is selected. 'OF': The PROCEDURE ROOT FOLDER links templates to specific Procedure Reasons for Request. End users will not see this folder directly, but they will see templates appear automatically when ordering a procedure, and the associated procedure is selected.
Entries in the TIU TEMPLATE FILE have status ACTIVE or INACTIVE. Status INACTIVE serves as a way to hide entries from users composing documents. INACTIVE templates are NOT available for composing documents. In theory, ACTIVE templates ARE available. In fact, however, even an ACTIVE template's select ability depends on its position in the tree, as will be seen below. Containers, for their part, may also have status ACTIVE or INACTIVE, and may contain ACTIVE or INACTIVE items. Thus, an INACTIVE container may contain ACTIVE templates. However, an INACTIVE container and all its items (whatever status) are hidden from the user composing documents and are thus not selectable. Although users are permitted to have more than one Personal Root Container, only one per user is allowed to be ACTIVE at a given time. Similarly, a site can have only one ACTIVE Shared Root Container at a given time. If an entry is no longer desired for either storage or for composing documents, it can be deleted. However, once the last occurrence of it as an item in any tree is deleted, it is deleted from the file itself and cannot be retrieved. Therefore, users are encouraged to INACTIVATE entries rather than delete them unless they are sure they won't want them back in the future.
.05exclude from group boilerplate0;5BOOLEAN0:NO
Applies only to templates (types T and G). There are occasions when a template is added as an item to some Group Template simply as a logical storage place, and not because the template is usually desired as part of the composite boilerplate text of the Group Template. This field permits the user to specify that a particular template be ignored whenever it is an item of a Group Template being used to compose a document. The field applies to both shared and personal templates.
.06personal owner0;6POINTER200POThe PERSONAL OWNER of an entry is a user from the NEW PERSON FILE who can edit the template or container. An entry is recognized by the computer as personal (as opposed to shared) by the presence of a PERSONAL OWNER. PERSONAL OWNER is set automatically when a user goes to edit a shared entry in their personal tree: the shared entry is copied, and the user is made the owner of the copy.
.07editor class0;7POINTER8930EDITOR CLASS applies ONLY to shared root containers, active or inactive. The EDITOR CLASS is a class from the USR CLASS FILE whose members can edit all containers and templates in the shared template tree. This applies to the SHARED ROOT CONTAINER, TITLE ROOT FOLDER, CONSULT ROOT FOLDER and PROCEDURE ROOT FOLDER. The CLINICAL COORDINATOR User Class is automatically made the default EDITOR CLASS when a Shared Root Container is first created.
When this field is Yes, Group Templates appear to function as dialogs, asking the user to check off which elements of the group to insert into the note.
.09display only0;9BOOLEAN0:NO
When this field is yes, a template will not be selectable from within a template dialog, but will appear for informational purposes only.
.1first line0;10BOOLEAN0:NO
When set to YES, the template will only show the first line of text when displayed in a template dialog. All text will be added to the note text.
.11one item only0;11BOOLEAN0:NO
When set to YES, this field allows only one child item to be selected at a time. Selecting a new child item unselects any existing child items.
.12hide dialog items0;12BOOLEAN0:NO
In a template dialog, this field allows child items to be hidden when the parent item has not been selected.
.13hide tree items0;13BOOLEAN0:NO
When set to YES, this field will cause a folder, group template or dialog to not display any of it's child items when viewed from the Templates drawer.
.14indent items0;14BOOLEAN0:NO
When set to YES, child items will be indented in the dialog.
.15reminder dialog0;15POINTER801.41
.16lock0;16SET OF CODES0:Not Locked
Locks Shared Templates so they can not be copied.
.17com object0;17POINTER101.15When linked to a COM Object, template activates object.
.18com param0;18FREE TEXTOptional Parameter to pass to COM Object
.19link0;19VARIABLE-POINTER8925.1, 123.5, 123.3ALAllows link to a TIU Title, Consult Reason for Request, or Procedure Reason for Request.
2boilerplate text2;0WORD-PROCESSING
5description5;0WORD-PROCESSINGThis field can be used to keep notes about a given template.
10items10;0MULTIPLE8927.03Items are themselves members of the TIU TEMPLATE FILE, and vary according to the type of the item parent. A container (type C, P, or R) holds templates (TEMPLATES and GROUP TEMPLATES) as its items. It may also hold other containers as items. A GROUP TEMPLATE is made up of TEMPLATES or of other GROUP TEMPLATES as items. Its boilerplate text is a composite consisting of, first, it own boilerplate text if it has any, and then the boilerplate text of its items, in SEQUENCE order. (See also field EXCLUDE FROM GROUP BOILERPLATE.) A GROUP TEMPLATE may also have a container (type C) as an item. In this case, the container is simply being stored in the GROUP TEMPLATE; the container is ignored when the GROUP TEMPLATE is used for composing a document. A TEMPLATE (type T) does not have items. A given template or container may occur as an item in more than one tree, and may even occur more than once in the same tree. It cannot, however, be an item under itself. Nor can it occur twice, as an item of the same parent. An item may be deleted (after a warning) from a tree by its Personal Owner (for personal trees) or by a member of the Editor Class (for shared trees). If this instance is the only remaining occurrence of the entry in any tree, it is then deleted not only as an item, but also as an entry in the TIU TEMPLATE FILE and cannot be retrieved.

Not Referenced