This file is used for the maintenance of procedures used in the CONSULT/REQUEST TRACKING package. The procedures contained in this file are orderable in CPRS if not inactive.
.01name(+)0;1FREE TEXTBThis is the name of the procedure that will be requested within CPRS.
The INACTIVE field, if set to YES causes a procedure to no longer be selectable when ordering within CPRS. Existing requests for this procedure may be processed to completion even if the procedure is inactive.
.04clinical procedure0;4POINTER702.01ACThis field provides a mapping between the CP DEFINITIONS (#702.01) file and the GMRC PROCEDURES file. Orders placed for a procedure having a valid entry in this field will be processed and resulted via the Clinical Procedures package.
.05type of procedure0;5POINTER697.2This field indicates which type of medicine procedure and thus which result file in the Medicine Package will hold results for this procedure. Coordination may be necessary with the Medicine Adpac to determine the correct procedure mapping. If this field is not entered, the procedure may still be resulted using a TIU document, but Medicine results may not be linked to requests for this procedure. This field invokes IA# 616.
.06protocol0;6FREE TEXTAP This field serves as a placeholder for a conversion value. The field contains the pointer value of the PROTOCOL that represented this procedure before conversion.
.07provisional dx prompt0;7SET OF CODESO:OPTIONAL
This field will be used by CPRS to determine how to prompt for the provisional diagnosis when ordering this procedure. If this field is set to OPTIONAL, the user will be prompted for the provisional diagnosis but may bypass answering the prompt. If the field is set to SUPPRESS, the user will not be presented with the provisional diagnosis prompt. If set to REQUIRED, the user must answer the prompt to continue placing the order.
.08provisional dx input0;8SET OF CODESF:FREE TEXT
This field will determine the method that CPRS will use to prompt the user for input of the provisional diagnosis when ordering. If set to FREE TEXT, the user may type any text from 2-80 characters in length. If set to LEXICON, the user will be required to select a coded diagnosis from the Clinical Lexicon.
.09restrict default reason edit0;9SET OF CODES0:UNRESTRICTED
If a DEFAULT REASON FOR REQUEST exists for this procedure this field affects the ordering person's ability to edit the default reason while placing an order. 0 - UNRESTRICTED User will be able to edit the default text at any time. 1 - ASK ON EDIT ONLY User will only be allowed to edit the default reason if the order is edited before releasing to the service. 2 - NO EDITING User will not be allowed to edit the default reason at any time. The value of this field will be ignored if no DEFAULT REASON FOR REQUEST exists for this procedure.
2related services2;0MULTIPLE123.32
3internal name3;1FREE TEXTDThis field holds a name that can be used for internal name-spacing. This name will not be viewable to users when selecting a procedure. This name may be used to look up entries in the file via VA Fileman and the Setup Procedures option.
124default reason for request124;0WORD-PROCESSINGThis field will allow a boilerplate of text to be imported into the reason for request when placing orders for this procedure. If the user places an order using a quick order having boilerplate text, that text will supersede any default text stored in this field. This field may contain any text including TIU objects. TIU Objects must be enclosed in vertical bars (e.g. |PATIENT NAME| ).
126ifc routing siteIFC;1POINTER4This field contains the VA facility that will perform this procedure when requested. When a request for this procedure is ordered, it will automatically be routed to the VA facility in this field.
127ifc remote proc nameIFC;2FREE TEXTThis field contains the name of the PROCEDURE that will be requested at the VAMC defined in the IFC ROUTING SITE field. Enter the name of the procedure exactly as it is named at the remote facility. If this name does not match the name of the procedure at the routing site, the request will fail to be filed at the remote site. This will delay or prohibit the performance and processing of this request.
128ifc sending facilityIFCS;0MULTIPLE123.3128
129ifc coordinatorIFC;3POINTER200The person entered in this field will have expanded abilities to correct IFC records that require manual intervention to remain updated. The full capabilities of this field are not yet defined.

Referenced by 4 types

  1. REQUEST/CONSULTATION (123) -- procedure/request type
  2. CLINICAL SPECIALTY DICOM & HL7 (2006.5831) -- procedure
  3. TELEREADER ACQUISITION SERVICE (2006.5841) -- procedure
  4. TIU TEMPLATE (8927) -- link