File to store generic site parameters for the Master Patient Index/ Patient Demographic (MPI/PD) package. Only one entry (entry number 1) should exist in this file.
.01parameter number(+)0;1NUMERICBNumber assigned to given site parameter entry. Entry number 1 is the only entry that should exist in this file. MPI/PD does not support multiple site parameter entries for a single station.
.02cmor request change(+)0;2SET OF CODES0:MANUAL
Based on this field setting, any Coordinating Master of Record (CMOR) change request received from another station can either be manually reviewed or automatically approved.
.03new request mailgroup0;3POINTER3.8If the CMOR Request Change parameter is set to manual, new CMOR change requests received will notify the mailgroup entered in this field. This gives a means of prompting someone to review the new request.
.04local/missing date last ran0;4DATE-TIMEThis field contains the date and time that the Local/Missing ICN Resolution Background Job [MPIF LOC/MIS ICN RES] last ran to completion.
11auto accept demographics1;1SET OF CODES1:AUTO ACCEPT
This field is the parameter that a site would set to determine if data coming from another site, that is not the owner of the data, could be automatically uploaded. If this field is not set, then the software will assume that all incoming data can not be automatically uploaded.
12mpi/pd seeding comp date/time1;2DATE-TIMEThis field, 'MPI/PD SEEDING COMP DATE/TIME', is used to track the date/time our seeding process completed. This field is used to ensure that the seeding process is run once and only once at a facility. If a date is present, our seeding process terminates.
13mpi/pd data compare comp date1;3DATE-TIMEThis field, 'MPI/PD DATA COMPARE COMP DATE', is used to track the date/time our data comparison process completed. This field is used to ensure that the data comparison process is run once and only once at a facility. If a date is present, our data comparison process terminates.
14mpi/pd date last treated1;4DATE-TIME'MPI/PD DATE LAST TREATED' is used to track the completion date/time of the Date Last Treated process. This field is used to ensure that this Date Last Treated process is run only once at a facility.
16stop mpi/pd messaging(+)1;6SET OF CODES1:SEND MESSAGES
This field will instruct the software to allow MPI/PD messaging, stop it or suspend it.
17primary care clinic stopsPC;0MULTIPLE991.817All primary care Clinic Stops (Decision Support System (DSS) Identifiers). Used in CMOR patient activity score calculations.
18cmor last patient processedCMOR;1POINTER2This field keeps track of the last sequential patient processed through the CMOR patient activity score calculations process.
19cmor init started date/timeCMOR;2DATE-TIMEThis field contain the date/time that the Start/Restart CMOR Score Calculation option [RG CMOR START] was first run.
20cmor init stopped date/timeCMOR;3DATE-TIMEThis field contain the date/time that the Stop CMOR Score Calculation option [RG CMOR STOP] was last stopped either manually or normally.
21cmor init manual stopCMOR;4BOOLEANY:YES
This field is used to stop the background task started by the Start/Restart CMOR Score Calculation option [RG CMOR START]. This field is populated by the Stop CMOR Score Calculation option [RG CMOR STOP].
22cmor daily start timeCMOR;5FREE TEXTThis field identifies the daily start time in 24 hour format for the CMOR activity score calculations.
23cmor daily stop timeCMOR;6FREE TEXTThis field identifies the daily stop time in 24 hour format for the CMOR activity score calculations.
24cmor init statusCMOR;7SET OF CODESR:RUNNING
This field contains the current status of the CMOR Score Calculations process.
This field contains the current type of CMOR Score Calculation run. This field is used by the Start/Restart CMOR Score Calculation option [RG CMOR START] to identify a starting point.
26cmor last task#CMOR;9NUMERICThis field contains the task number of the CMOR Score Calculation process.
30cmor comp last patientCOMP;1POINTER2This patient was the last processed patient in the CMOR Comparison process.
31cmor comp started date/timeCOMP;2DATE-TIMEThis is the date/time the CMOR Comparison process started.
32cmor comp stopped date/timeCOMP;3DATE-TIMEWhen the CMOR Comparison stopped, (either naturally or manually) a time is logged in this field for record.
33cmor comp statusCOMP;4SET OF CODESR:RUNNING
This is the status of the CMOR Comparison process in your system.
34cmor comp last task #COMP;5NUMERICThis is the task number that the CMOR Comparison ran on last.
35cmor comp flagCOMP;6BOOLEANY:YES
This flag is for the user to request the CMOR Comparison process to stop.
40exc purge start date/timeEXCPRG;1DATE-TIMEThis field contains the date and time the MPI/PD Exception Purge was last started.
41exc purge stop date/timeEXCPRG;2DATE-TIMEThis field contains the date and time the MPI/PD Exception Purge last completed.
This field contains the current status of the MPI/PD Exception Purge process.
50admin point of contactPOC;1POINTER200The ADMIN POINT OF CONTACT field contains the name of the individual at the facility who is in a position to resolve patient issues for Master Patient Index/Patient Demographics. This field is populated using the Add/Edit Point of Contact [RG UPDATE POINT OF CONTACT] option. The information is sent to a remote mail group whose members maintain the point of contact list on the website.
51irm point of contactPOC;2POINTER200The IRM POINT OF CONTACT field contains the name of the individual at the facility who supports the VistA Master Patient Index/Patient Demographics application. This field is populated using the Add/Edit Point of Contact [RG UPDATE POINT OF CONTACT] option. The information is sent to a remote mail group whose members maintain the point of contact list on the website.
52hl7 point of contactPOC;3POINTER200The HL7 POINT OF CONTACT field contains the name of the individual at the facility who supports the VistA Health Level Seven (HL7) application. Master Patient Index/Patient Demographics uses HL7 for message transmission and frequently needs to contact the HL7 point of contact. This field is populated using the Add/Edit Point of Contact [RG UPDATE POINT OF CONTACT] option. The information is sent to a remote mail group whose members maintain the point of contact list on the website.
53alt admin point of contactPOC;4POINTER200The ALT ADMIN POINT OF CONTACT field contains the name of a second individual at the facility who is in a position to resolve patient issues for Master Patient Index/Patient Demographics. This field is populated using the Add/Edit Point of Contact [RG UPDATE POINT OF CONTACT] option. The information is sent to a remote mail group whose members maintain the point of contact list on the website.
54alt irm point of contactPOC;5POINTER200The ALT IRM POINT OF CONTACT field contains the name of a second individual at the facility who supports the VistA Master Patient Index/Patient Demographics application. This field is populated using the Add/Edit Point of Contact [RG UPDATE POINT OF CONTACT] option. The information is sent to a remote mail group whose members maintain the point of contact list on the website.
55alt hl7 point of contactPOC;6POINTER200The ALT HL7 POINT OF CONTACT field contains the name of a second individual at the facility who supports the VistA Health Level Seven (HL7) application. Master Patient Index/Patient Demographics uses HL7 for message transmission and frequently needs to contact the HL7 point of contact. This field is populated using the Add/Edit Point of Contact [RG UPDATE POINT OF CONTACT] option. The information is sent to a remote mail group whose members maintain the point of contact list on the website.
100rel init statusPRE;1SET OF CODESR:RUNNING
This field contains the current status of the religion status process.
101rel init startPRE;2DATE-TIMEThis field contains the initial start date/time of the patient religion status process.
102rel init stopPRE;3DATE-TIMEThis field contains the date/time that the patient religion status process stopped.
103rel init lastPRE;4POINTER2This field contains the last patient processed by the religion status process.
104rel init userPRE;5POINTER200This field contains the person who ran the initial religion status process.
105mar init statusPRE;6SET OF CODESR:RUNNING
This field contains the status of the marital status initialization process.
106mar init startPRE;7DATE-TIMEThis field contains the starting date/time of the marital status initialization process.
107mar init stopPRE;8DATE-TIMEThis field contains the date/time that the marital status initialization process stopped.
108mar init lastPRE;9POINTER2This field contains the last PATIENT file (#2) entry that was processed by the marital status initialization process.
109mar init userPRE;10POINTER200This field contains the user that ran the marital status initialization process.
110elig init statusPRE1;1SET OF CODESR:RUNNING
This field contains the status of the patient eligibility initialization process.
111elig init startPRE1;2DATE-TIMEThis field contains the date/time that the patient eligibility initialization process was started.
112elig init stopPRE1;3DATE-TIMEThis field contains the date/time that the patient eligibility initialization process was stopped.
113elig init lastPRE1;4POINTER2This field contains the last PATIENT file (#2) entry processed by the patient eligibility initialization process.
114elig init userPRE1;5POINTER200This field contains the user that ran the patient eligibility initialization process.
115pseudo init statusPRE1;6SET OF CODESR:RUNNING
This field contains the status of the Pseudo-SSN initialization process.
116pseudo init startPRE1;7DATE-TIMEThis field contains the start date/time of the Pseudo-SSN initialization process.
117pseudo init stopPRE1;8DATE-TIMEThis field contains the date/time that the Pseudo-SSN initialization process was stopped.
118pseudo init lastPRE1;9POINTER2This field contains the last PATIENT file (#2) entry that was processed by the Pseudo-SSN initialization process.
119pseudo init userPRE1;10POINTER200This field contains the user that ran the Pseudo-SSN initialization process.

Not Referenced