The MH ADMINISTRATIONS file (#601.84) contains the data collected during the administration of a specified instrument from the MH TESTS AND SURVEYS file (#601.71) given to a patient at a specific date and time. For each administration of a specified instrument from the MH TESTS AND SURVEYS file (#601.71) there will be an entry in this file. An entry in this file does not store the results of the instrument's administration but is an index to the instrument's administration. The entry indicates whether the instrument has been completed, who ordered the instrument, how many questions were answered and if the test has been electronically signed.
.01administration number(+)0;1NUMERICBThis is the unique identifier for this administration record. It is the IEN.
1patient(+)0;2POINTER2CPointer to the NAME field (#.01) of the PATIENT file (#2). This specifies the patient attached to this specific administration.
2instrument name(+)0;3POINTER601.71A pointer to NAME field (#.01) of the MH TESTS AND SURVEYS file (#601.71), it specifies a particular instrument.
3date given0;4DATE-TIMEThis is the date the patient started the instrument.
4date saved0;5DATE-TIMEDate last edited, ie last time test was worked on for this administration.
5ordered by0;6POINTER200AOUser who ordered the test.
6administered by0;7POINTER200Clerk who actually entered the information or started the patient in front of the computer.
Has administration been signed by the orderer or administrator.
8is complete0;9BOOLEANY:Yes
Boolean specifying if test is complete.
9number of questions answered0;10NUMERICThe number of answers entered. If less than in MH Instrument CONTENT for this instrument, it is incomplete.
10comments1;0WORD-PROCESSINGPlace for orderer or administrator to make free text comments.
11transmission status2;1SET OF CODESS:Successfully added to db
T:Transmitted, not yet added
ADUsed to indicate success or failure in transmission to the Mental Health National DataBase.
12transmission time2;2DATE-TIMETime of last transmission status.
13location0;11POINTER44ALAssociates an administration to a Hospital Location. Pointer to the NAME field (#.01) of the HOPSITAL LOCATION file (#44).

Referenced by 2 types

  1. MH ANSWERS (601.85) -- administration id
  2. MH RESULTS (601.92) -- administration