This file contains all order information for orders entered through the Remote Order/Entry System.
.01order date/time(+)0;1DATE-TIMEBThe Order Date/Time field contains the date and time that a user initiated an individual order. This date is automatically recorded and cannot be edited through the ROES software. The date/time is unique.
.02type of order0;2POINTER791810.1This field indicates the type of order that a user chose to create. The type of order determines which enter/edit sequences and display screens are used by the software. Once entered, the type of order cannot be changed by a user.
.03status of order0;3POINTER791810.2This field indicates the current status of the chosen order. Certain functions in the ROES can only be accomplished for orders of a particular status. The setting of this field is controlled by the software.
.04patient0;4POINTER2CThis field contains a pointer to the Patient File for identification of the patient in "Patient Type" orders.
.05entering user0;5POINTER200This is a pointer to the New Person file for the user who initially created the order. This field is set by the software and is not editable.
.06status date0;6DATE-TIME
.07purchase order number0;7FREE TEXTDThis is the purchase order number that was assigned to an order by the DDC. The value of this field is assigned by the order update process and cannot be edited at the field station.
.08ordered/requested by0;8POINTER200This field is a pointer to the New Person File for the user who requested the order. This person is not necessairly the Entering User.
.09order/request date0;9DATE-TIMEThis is the date that the order or request was actually made. It may not be the same as the date the order was entered.
.1approved by0;10POINTER200This field is a pointer to the New Person File for the user who approved the order.
.11approval date0;11DATE-TIMEThis is the date that the order was actually approved.
.12transmission batch0;12POINTER791812This is a pointer to the transmission batch where the order was placed upon approval.
.13contractor's invoice number0;13FREE TEXTThis field contains the invoice number from the vendor who shipped the order.
.15entered from this menu0;15POINTER791810.5This field contains the name of the menu from which the order was entered.
1.01address line 11;1FREE TEXTThis is the first free text line of a patient's address.
1.02address line 21;2FREE TEXTThis is the second free text address line of a patient's address.
1.03address line 31;3FREE TEXTThis is the third free text line of a patient's address.
1.04city1;4FREE TEXTThis is the free text city name for a patient's address.
1.05state1;5POINTER5This is a pointer to the State File for the patient's address.
1.06zip code1;6FREE TEXTThis is the zip code for the patient's address.
1.07begin date1;7DATE-TIMEThis is the beginning date for the patient's address if the address is a temporary address.
1.08end date1;8DATE-TIMEThis is the ending date for a patient's address if the address is a temporary address.
2.01disability code2;1POINTER662This field holds the disability code that makes a veteran entitled for a ROES order.
2.02eligibility2;2POINTER791810.4This field holds the eligibility used by each ROES order.
2.03eligibility entered by2;3POINTER200 This field contains the name of the user entering the patient's eligibility.
2.04eligibility entered by user?2;4SET OF CODES0:NOT ENTERED BY USER
This field indicates whether the user entered the eligibility or whether the eligibility was determined from the DHCP Patient File.
2.05date eligibility entered2;5DATE-TIME This field contains the date that a user entered an eligibility into a ROES order.
2.06proposed eligibility2;6POINTER791810.4This field holds that eligibility the ASPS submits to PSAS when requesting an eligibility determination.
2.07pe entered by2;7POINTER200This field contains the user who entered the proposed eligibility.
2.08pe entry date/time2;8DATE-TIMEAFThis field holds the date and time that the proposed eligibility was entered.
2.09eligibility comment2;9FREE TEXTThis is a free text field that PSAS may use to enter a comment when determining the eligibility for a patient.
2.13sensitive patient record2;13BOOLEAN0:NO
This field is set to yes if this record is designated as a sensitive record.
10.01remarks10;1FREE TEXTThis is a free text field for the entry of remarks to be sent to the DDC.
10.02disapproval reason10;2FREE TEXTThis is a free text reason that must be entered when an order is disapproved.
10.03cancel reason10;3FREE TEXTThis is a free text reason that must be entered when certain types of orders are canceled.
10.04date patient requested care10;4DATE-TIMEThis field contains the date that the patient first requested care for the product or service referenced in the order.
10.05delivery category10;5SET OF CODESR:routine (Shipped within 6 days)
P:priority (Shipped within 24 hours)
E:emergency (Received by patient within 24 hours)
This field contains the order delivery category. 'ROUTINE' means the product will be shipped within 6 days of receipt of the order, 'PRIORITY' means the product will be shipped within 24 hours of receipt of the order and 'EMERGENCY' means the product will be delivered within 24 hours of receipt of the order. The majority of orders will be 'ROUTINE'. Extra shipping costs are incurred with 'PRIORITY' and 'EMERGENCY' orders.
10.06released by10;6POINTER200This field contains the name of the user who released an order for transmission to the DDC. This field is only used for orders that require updates after initial submission (e.g., Custom Hearing Aid Orders).
10.07release date10;7DATE-TIMEThis field contains the date that an order was released to the DDC. This field is only used for order types that require updates after initial submission.
10.08audiological assessment date10;8DATE-TIMEThis is the date that the patient received an audiological assessment for the condition connected with this order.
11.01type of hearing aid fitting11;1SET OF CODESM:monaural
This field holds the type of fitting for hearing aid orders. If the fitting is binaural, when the first aid is ordered, users are asked if they wish to order the second aid the same as the first.
11.02authorized usage11;2SET OF CODESM:monaural wearer
B:binaural wearer
The authorized hearing aid usage must be entered in this field for hearing aid orders.
11.03item to be replaced by ddc?11;3SET OF CODES1:YES
Users must enter 'YES' at the prompt for this data field in order to receive replacements for line items they issue from their station stock.
11.04prosthetics order11;4POINTER660APThis field holds a pointer to a Prosthetics Transaction for those orders entered through the interface to the DHCP Prosthetics Package.
101line item101;0MULTIPLE791810.0101This multiple field contains the line items that are part of an order.
201message date/time201;0MULTIPLE791810.0201This field contains all messages received from the DDC.
301authorized hearing aids301;0MULTIPLE791810.0301This node contains information about the authorized hearing aids for a veteran.
901station number-nameSTA;1FREE TEXTThis field contains the station number and name for the facility initiating an order.

Not Referenced