.01finding item0;1VARIABLE-POINTER50, 9999999.09, 9999999.15, 9999999.64, 9999999.14, 60, 601.71, 101.43, 71, 811.4, 811.2, 9999999.28, 50.605, 50.6, 120.51, 810.9BThis field identifies the finding items included in the reminder term. Hint: To add a second occurrence of a finding, enclose it in quotes, i.e., "Prefix.Name"
9beginning date/time0;8FREE TEXTThis is the beginning date/time to search for the finding. When combined with the ENDING DATE/TIME, they define a date range in which to search for the finding. This can be entered in acceptable FileMan date/time formats and abbreviations. In addition, you may use the abbreviations T-NY or NOW-NY, where N is an integer and Y stands for years. If this is null, then the beginning date/time will correspond with the date/time of the oldest entry. See the FileMan Getting Started Manual to learn about acceptable FileMan date/time formats and abbreviations.
10use inactive problems0;9BOOLEAN1:YES
Normally only active problems from the Problem List will be used in the reminder evaluation. If USE INACTIVE PROBLEMS is set to YES, then both active and inactive problems will be used. Note that this field applies only to taxonomy findings.
11within category rank0;10NUMERICThis field applies only to health factors. In order to understand how it works, you need to understand how health factors work in the reminder evaluation process. If you are not clear about this, see the health factor section of the Clinical Reminders Manager Manual. The default behavior is to use only the most recent health factor within a category. A problem can arise if there are two or more health factors within a category and they both have the same date. (This can happen if both health factors are given during the same encounter). When the dates are the same, the health factor with the highest WITHIN CATEGORY RANK will be used. This is a numerical value like RANK FREQUENCY, with 1 being the highest rank. If WITHIN CATEGORY RANK has the special value of 0, then the categorization of health factors will be ignored and the health factor will be treated as a distinct finding.
12ending date/time0;11FREE TEXTThis is the ending date/time to search for findings. When combined with the BEGINNING DATE/TIME, they define a date range in which to search for the finding. The ENDING DATE/TIME must be after the BEGINNING DATE/TIME. This can be entered in acceptable FileMan date/time formats and abbreviations. In addition, you may use the abbreviations T-NY or NOW-NY, where N is an integer and Y stands for years. If this is null, then the end date/time will correspond with the date/time of the most recent entry. See the FileMan Getting Started Manual to learn about acceptable FileMan date/time formats and abbreviations.
13mh scale0;12NUMERICThis applies only to Mental Health Instrument findings. It sets the default scale, i.e., the value for V in the Condition.
14condition3;1FREE TEXTThe CONDITION must be written in M code based on the value returned from the patient results for the finding. Each type of finding has a specific field that provides the value available to use in the CONDITION logic. If the finding value is text, enclose the condition value in quotes (e.g., "positive"). If the finding value is numeric, do not use quotes (e.g., 3). An IF statement is used to evaluate the value. The value is always identified as V in the statement, regardless of the type of finding. If the condition logic statement evaluates to true, the finding is considered as found (true); otherwise the finding is considered as not found (false). Relational operators that may be used include: = equals, < less than, > greater than, [ contains, ] follows and ? pattern matches. Logical operators may be used to check multiple values: & And, ! Or, ' Not. Typical examples of M code are as follows: I V=3 for Education Topic's Level of Understanding = 3 I V="H" for Health Factor's Level/Severity="H" I ($P(V,"/",1)>140)&($P(V,"/",2)>90) for elevated blood pressure systolic and diastolic values I ($P(V,"/",1)>140)!($P(V,"/",2)>90) for elevated blood pressure systolic or diastolic values I V["BLACK" for VA-RACE computed finding where race contains BLACK Below is a brief summary for each finding type, the related field to use for the value, and examples: Finding type Field Value Used Example M Code Drug None Education Topic Level of understanding I V=3 Exam Result I V="N" Health Factor Level/severity I V="H" Immunization Series I V="P" Laboratory Test Result Value I V>130 Mental Health Instrument Raw score I V=1 Orderable Item Status I V="complete" Radiology Procedure None Reminder Computed Finding Determined by programmer-See Manager Manual Reminder Taxonomy None Skin Test Result I V="N" VA Drug Class None VA Generic None Vital Measurement Rate I V>27 For details about allowed CONDITIONS for each finding type, see the Clinical Reminders Manager Manual.
15condition case sensitive3;2BOOLEAN0:NO
When CONDITION CASE SENSITIVE is NO, then the CONDITION will be evaluated without regard to case. The default is YES, so that CONDITION evaluation is case sensitive.
16rxtype0;13FREE TEXTRXTYPE applies only to drug findings; it controls the search for patient medications. The possible values for RXTYPE are "I" for inpatient, "N" for non-VA meds, and "O" for outpatient. RXTYPE can be any combination of these, such as "NO", which will search for non-VA meds and outpatient medications. If RXTYPE is blank, it is equivalent to a value of "INO".
17occurrence count0;14NUMERICThis is the maximum number of occurrences of the finding in the date range to return. If the OCCURRENCE COUNT is input as a positive number, N, up to N of the most recent occurrences will be returned and the finding will take the value of the most recent occurrence. If the OCCURRENCE COUNT is input as a negative number, then this behavior is reversed. Up to N of the oldest occurrences will be returned and the finding will take the value of the oldest occurrence in the list.
18use status/cond in search3;3BOOLEAN1:YES
Give this field a value of "YES" if you want the STATUS LIST and/or CONDITION applied to each result found in the date range for this finding. Only results that have a status on the list or for which the CONDITION is true will be retained. The maximum number to retain is specified by the OCCURRENCE COUNT. Note - if the finding has both a STATUS LIST and a CONDITION the status check will be made first; the CONDITION will be applied only if the finding passes the status check.
21status list5;0MULTIPLE811.54This field applies to finding types that have an associated status. When the search for patient findings is done, only those findings that have a status on the list can be true. The allowable values depend on the finding type. If no statuses are specified, then the default list for each finding type will be used. The default lists can be found in the Clinical Reminders Manager Manual.
22internal condition10;1FREE TEXTThis is the internal form of the condition. It is set automatically and should never be set by hand.
23v subscript list11;1FREE TEXTThis is a list of V value subscripts used in the CONDITION. It is used when the CONDITION is not case sensitive. This should never be set by hand.
26computed finding parameter15;E1,245FREE TEXTThis field is used to pass a parameter into the computed finding.
27use start date0;15BOOLEAN0:NO
For findings that have a Start Date and a Stop Date the default is to use the Stop Date as the date of the finding. Enter a YES for this field if you want to use the Start Date as the date of the finding.
28include visit data0;16BOOLEAN0:NO
This applies only to V file findings; if it is "YES" then data from the associated visit will be available for use in a Condition. The default is "NO."

Error: Invalid Global File Type: 811.52