This file holds the data for all admissions, transfers, discharges, treating specialty changes, and lodger movements. These entries must not be edited through fileman. Instead, the appropriate bed control options should be executed to insure data consistency. The following cross-references exist on this file: ^DGPM("ATID"_TT,DFN,Inverse date_AS,DA)="" ^DGPM("ATT"_TT,Date_AS,DA)="" ^DGPM("APID",DFN,Inverse Date_AS,DA)="" ^DGPM("APTT"_TT,DFN,Date_AS,DA)="" ^DGPM("APCA",DFN,Corresponding Admission,Date_AS,DA)="" ^DGPM("APMV",DFN,Corresponding Admission,Inverse Date_AS,DA)="" ^DGPM("APRD",DFN,Date_AS,DA)="" ^DGPM("AMV"_TT,Date_AS,DFN,DA)="" ^DGPM("ATS",DFN,Corresponding Admission,Inverse Date_AS,Treating Specialty,DA)="" ^DGPM("CN",External Format of Ward,DA)="" **inpatients only** ^DGPM("LD",External Format of Ward,DA)="" **lodgers only** ^DGPM("ARM",IFN of Room-bed,DA)=1 or 0 [1 indicates lodger, 0 indicates non-lodger] ^DGPM("B",Date,DA)="" ^DGPM("C",DFN,DA)="" ^DGPM("CA",Corresponding Admission,DA)="" where: TT=Transaction type where choices are as follows: 1=admission 4=check-in lodger 2=transfer 5=check-out lodger 3=discharge 6=specialty change AS=ASIH Sequencewhere choices are as follows: 1=transfer to hospital ASIH 2=Admission to hospital (automatically generated by module) or 1=discharge from hospitalwithin 30 days of ASIH stay 2=transfer to or discharge from NHCU/DOM (automatically generated by module) [NOTE: This value is 0 for non-ASIH movements or ASIH movements where there are not 2 movements at the same date/time]
.01date/time(+)0;1DATE-TIMEBEnter in this field the date/time of the movement (admission, transfer, discharge, treating specialty transfer, lodger check-in, or lodger check- out). Time must be included.
.02transaction(+)0;2POINTER405.3Enter in this field the transaction type of the movement. Choose from: 1 ADMISSION 2 TRANSFER 3 DISCHARGE 4 CHECK-IN LODGER 5 CHECK-OUT LODGER 6 SPECIALTY TRANSFER
.03patient(+)0;3POINTER2CEnter the patient for which this movement occurred. This field is a pointer to the PATIENT file.
.04type of movement(+)0;4POINTER405.1Choose the type of movement this patient had. You will be selecting from active FACILITY MOVEMENT TYPES for which the TRANSACTION TYPE of this movement matches the TRANSACTION TYPE of the FACILITY MOVEMENT TYPE. For example, if you are admitting a patient, you will only be able to select active admission types.
.05transfer facility(+)0;5POINTER4If this movement is a TRANSFER IN (admission from another facility), TRANSFER OUT (discharge to another facility), or an ASIH movement to another facility (TO ASIH (OTHER FACILITY), for example), you will be prompted for TRANSFER FACILITY and will be asked to choose from an entry in the INSTITUTION file. This field is required for those movement types mentioned above.
.06ward location(+)0;6POINTER42Enter in this field the WARD to which this patient is being admitted or transferred to. Choose from ACTIVE entries in the WARD LOCATION file. This field will only be prompted for movements to WARDS at the home facility.
.07room-bed0;7POINTER405.4Select the ROOM-BED to which you are admitting or transferring this patient. Select from those ACTIVE beds in the ROOM-BED file which are assigned to the WARD LOCATION chosen for this movement.
.08primary physician0;8POINTER200Enter the healthcare provider with primary responsibility for the direct care of the patient. This may be the resident or intern in a teaching facility or the staff physician in a nonaffiliated hospital. This field will only be prompted for movements with a transaction type of 'specialty transfer'.
.09facility treating specialty(+)0;9POINTER45.7When entering a movement with a TRANSACTION TYPE of SPECIALTY CHANGE, you will be asked to provide the treating specialty assigned to this patient. Choose an entry from the FACILITY TREATING SPECIALTY file which best describes the care this patient is receiving.
.1diagnosis [short](+)0;10FREE TEXTWhen admitting a patient, you will be asked to provide a brief desciption of the diagnosis of this patient upon admission.
.11admitted for sc condition?0;11BOOLEAN1:YES
Is this patient being admitted for a service connected condition?
.12admitting regulation(+)0;12POINTER43.4When admitting a patient, you must choose an active ADMITTING REGULATION which best describes the category under which this patient is being admitted.
.13absence return date0;13DATE-TIMEIf the patient is being transferred to an absence status (via the AUTH ABSENCE 96 HOURS OR LESS or AUTHORIZED ABSENCE transfer types), you will be asked to provide the date this patient is expected to return. If you choose to transfer the patient with AUTH ABSENCE 96 HOURS OR LESS, this date must be less than or equal to 4 days from the date of transfer. If you choose to transfer the patient AUTHORIZED ABSENCE, the date of return most be more than 4 days after the date of transfer.
.14admission/check-in movement(+)0;14POINTER405CAThis field is a pointer to the admission or check-in lodger movement which is associated with the transaction being entered.
.15asih admission(+)0;15POINTER405This field is set internally by the module. If a patient is transferred either TO ASIH FROM NHCU/DOM or CONTINUED ASIH, this field will point to the entry in this file which holds the admission created by the module.
.16ptf entry0;16POINTER45APTFThis field is used for movements with a TRANSACTION TYPE of admission only. It stores the internal entry number of the record in the PTF file.
.17discharge/check-out movement0;17POINTER405Pointer to the discharge or check-out movement associated with this admission or check-in. If not defined, the patient is still in-house.
.18mas movement type(+)0;18POINTER405.2This field is internally set by the module. When you enter a FACILITY MOVEMENT TYPE (field .04 of this file), this field will automatically be set to the internal number of the MAS-distributed movement type to which this FACILITY MOVEMENT TYPE points. This internal number is used throughout the code of MAS and various other packages to determine the flow of processing that should occur.
.19attending physician(+)0;19POINTER200Enter the supervising physician who is responsible for the care of the patient. Nonaffiliated hospitals may choose not to use this field. This field will be prompted for movements with a transaction type of 'specialty change' only.
.2admitting eligibility(+)0;20POINTER8This field will be used in a future version to track the eligibility of a patient upon admission. This information will be used in the VISIT file which is being developed for use in DoD facilities.
.21asih transfer(+)0;21POINTER405This field is internally set by the module. If the MAS MOVEMENT TYPE of this movement is TO ASIH, this field will contain a pointer to the transfer movement that created this admission (either a TO ASIH transfer or a CONTINUED ASIH transfer).
.22asih sequence(+)0;22NUMERICThis field is used internally by the module for movements that are ASIH. When transferring a patient ASIH to your own facility, there are 2 movements created at the same date/time (the admission and the transfer). This is also true for discharges FROM ASIH where both a discharge and a transfer occur at the same date/time. The movement that physically occurs first (the transfer in the first example, and the discharge in the second) will have a sequence number of 1 while the subsequent movement will have a sequence number of 2. This number (divided by 100000000) will be added to the date/time of the movement to aid in cross-referencing these movements. This is intended to make code generation quicker. [NOTE: non- ASIH movements will have a ASIH SEQUENCE of 0]
.23dmms episode number0;23NUMERICThis field has been added for use by the DMMS package. It will hold the episode number of the movement as defined internally by that package.
.24related physical movement0;24POINTER405APHYThis field will be stored for movements with a TRANSACTION TYPE of TREATING SPECIALTY only. If the treating specialty transfer is in conjunction with a physical movement (either an admission or a transfer), this field will contain a pointer to that physical movement.
.25scheduled admission?0;25BOOLEAN1:YES
If this admission was a result of a previously scheduled admission, this field should be answered yes. This field will be filled in for movements with a TRANSACTION of ADMISSION only.
.26ptf purge status0;26SET OF CODES1:PURGED
.27visit file entry0;27POINTER9000010AVISIT
30.01reason for lodging(+)LD;1POINTER406.41Enter the reason this patient was lodged (inclement weather, traveling distance, etc.).
30.02lodging commentsLD;2FREE TEXTEnter an additional comment on why this patient is being lodged if you wish.
30.03disposition(+)LD;3SET OF CODESa:ADMITTED
Enter in this file the disposition of this patient upon being checked-out as a lodger. Choose from ADMITTED (if the patient was admitted to your facility) or DISMISSED (if the patient was returned to his place of residence).
40exclude from facility dirCOMPUTEDThis computed field will determine if the patient wished to be excluded from the Facility Directory for the corresponding admission.
41facility directory exclusionDIR;1BOOLEAN0:NO
Denotes whether or not the patient wished to be excluded from the Facility Directory for this admisison. The Facility Directory is the directory of current inpatients in the facility. If the patient wishes to be excluded from the Facility Directory, then the VAMC can not make a positive statement to family, friends, or others as to whether the patient is here or not.
42facility directory time stampDIR;2DATE-TIMEDate/time answer to Facility Directory exclusion question was entered.
43facility directory userDIR;3POINTER200User entering the patient's response to the Facility Directory exclusion question.
51source of admissionCOMPUTEDThis computed field will determine the SOURCE OF ADMISSION for the corresponding admission. The value is obtained from the PTF entry associated with the admission. This field is only computed for admission entries. If is field is needed while working with another type of movement, the following extended syntax can be used: ADMISSION/CHECK-IN MOVEMENT:SOURCE OF ADMISSION
52ptf movement numberPTF;2NUMERICThis field may be filled in for treating specialty movements. It will only be filled in if the treating specialty movement causes a PTF 501 movement to be created in the PTF record associated with the admission. The number stored in this field will be the internal multiple entry number of the 501 multiple in that PTF record. This field is updated automatically and no user input is necessary.
53next ptf movementPTF;3NUMERICThis field may be filled in for treating specialty movements. It will only be filled in if the treating specialty movement causes a PTF 501 movement to be created in the PTF record associated with the admission. The number stored in this field will be the internal multiple entry number of the 501 multiple, in that PTF record, corresponding to the next chronological 501 movement, if one exists. This field is updated automatically and no user input is necessary.
54admitting categoryPTF;4POINTER35.2If and entry for the Admitting Regulation exist in the Sharing Agreement Category file (#35.1) then the user will be prompted for the category associated with the Admitting Regulation.
60.01irt background job runIRT;1DATE-TIMEThis field stores the date that the IRT background job was run for this admission. If this field contains a date, this admission has been initialized and all standard deficiencies have been created for this admission. When the IRT background Job is run for all admission it will check to see if the admission has already been initialized. If so, this admission will not created duplicate entries for the standard deficiencies.
99diagnosisDX;0WORD-PROCESSINGEnter an in-depth description of the diagnosis for this patient. This will be asked for movements with a TRANSACTION TYPE of SPECIALTY TRANSFER only.
100entered by(+)USR;1POINTER200This field stores the name of the user entering this patient movement.
101entered on(+)USR;2DATE-TIMEThis field stores the date/time on which this PATIENT MOVEMENT FILE entry was initially entered.
102last edited by(+)USR;3POINTER200This is the user who last edited this patient movement entry. The user is only stored when a change is made.
103last edited on(+)USR;4DATE-TIMEThis is the date/time this movement was last edited. It will only be stored if a change was made.
200ward at dischargeCOMPUTEDThis computed field will determine the ward that the patient was on when the patient was discharged. This field is only computed for discharge entries. If is field is needed while working with another type of movement, the following extended syntax can be used: ADMISSION/CHECK-IN MOVEMENT:DISCHARGE/CHECK-OUT MOVEMENT:WARD AT DISCHARGE
201length of stayCOMPUTED This field will print the length of stay in days from admission to discharge minus DAYS ABSENT and ASIH DAYS. This field is accessible with extended syntax via the following statement: ADMISSION/CHECK-IN MOVEMENT:LOS
202pass daysCOMPUTED This field will print AUTHORIZED ABSENCE DAYS <96 for each admission episode and is only calculated from the admission movements. This field is accessible with the following extended syntax: ADMISSION/CHECK-IN MOVEMENT:PASS DAYS
203days absentCOMPUTED This field is computed to print the number of absence days for a specific admission episode. It will not print PASS DAYS and is calculated from the admission movements only. This field is accessible with the following extended syntax: ADMISSION/CHECK-IN MOVMEMENT:DAYS ABSENT
204asih daysCOMPUTED This computed field will print the number of ASIH days for a DOM or NHCU admission episode. It will only be calculated from the admission movements that could have ASIH days. This field is accessible with the following extended syntax: ADMISSION/CHECK-IN MOVEMENT:ASIH DAYS
300original admission dateORG;1DATE-TIMEThis field contains the original admission date/time for a patient.
11500.01ods at admissionODS;1BOOLEAN1:YES
Was this patient admitted for care due to injuries sustained in Operation Desert Shield? If the patient's period of service is 6 when admitted, this field will automatically be set to 1.
11500.02non-va facility?ODS;2BOOLEAN1:YES
Respond yes if you are transferring this patient out to a non-VA facility. Respond no if transferring the patient to another VA facility.
11500.03at va expense?ODS;3BOOLEAN1:YES
Answer yes if this transfer to a non-VA facility is at the VA's expense.
11500.04ods admission entryODS;4POINTER11500.2AODSAIf this patient was admitted with a period of service of 6 (ODS), enter the ODS ADMISSIONS file entry corresponding to this admission.
11500.05displaced for ods patient?ODS;5BOOLEAN1:YES
Enter yes if this patient was transferred out in order to free a bed for an operation desert shield patient. Otherwise, respond no.
11500.06va cost to travelODS;6NUMERICEnter the cost of travel to move this VA patient to a non-VA facility. This question is only asked if the patient was transferred in order to make room for an operation desert shield patient.
11500.07displaced patientODS;7POINTER11500.3AODSDEnter the entry in the DISPLACED PATIENT file which corresponds to this discharge.

Referenced by 36 types

  1. PATIENT (2) -- current movement, current admission
  2. SCHEDULED ADMISSION (41.1) -- admitted
  3. CENSUS WORKFILE (45.85) -- admission entry
  4. OE/RR PATIENT EVENT (100.2) -- admission, patient movement
  5. NUTRITION EVENTS (119.8) -- admission
  6. SPECIAL INPATIENT BILLING CASES (351.2) -- admission
  7. TRANSFER PRICING TRANSACTIONS (351.61) -- discharge movement
  8. CLAIMS TRACKING (356) -- admission
  9. INPATIENT DIAGNOSIS (356.9) -- admission movement
  10. INPATIENT PROCEDURE (356.91) -- admission movement
  11. INPATIENT INTERIM DRG (356.93) -- admission movement
  12. INPATIENT PROVIDERS (356.94) -- admission movement
  13. ADT/HL7 PIVOT (391.71) -- event pointer
  14. INCOMPLETE RECORDS (393) -- admission
  15. PATIENT MOVEMENT (405) -- admission/check-in movement, asih admission, discharge/check-out movement, asih transfer, related physical movement
  16. ADMISSION EXTRACT (727.802) -- movement file #
  17. CLINIC NOSHOW EXTRACT (727.804) -- movement file #
  18. NURSING EXTRACT (727.805) -- movement file #
  19. DENTAL EXTRACT (727.806) -- movement file #
  20. PHYSICAL MOVEMENT EXTRACT (727.808) -- movement file #
  21. UNIT DOSE LOCAL EXTRACT (727.809) -- movement file #
  22. PRESCRIPTION EXTRACT (727.81) -- movement file #
  23. SURGERY EXTRACT (727.811) -- movement file #
  24. LABORATORY EXTRACT (727.813) -- movement file #
  25. RADIOLOGY EXTRACT (727.814) -- movement file #
  26. EVENT CAPTURE LOCAL EXTRACT (727.815) -- movement file #
  27. TREATING SPECIALTY CHANGE EXTRACT (727.817) -- movement file #
  28. IV DETAIL EXTRACT (727.819) -- movement file #
  29. ADMISSION SETUP EXTRACT (727.82) -- episode number
  30. PHYSICAL MOVEMENT SETUP EXTRACT (727.821) -- movement file #
  31. TREATING SPECIALTY CHANGE SETUP EXTRACT (727.822) -- movement file #
  32. LAB RESULTS EXTRACT (727.824) -- movement file #
  33. QUASAR EXTRACT (727.825) -- movement file #
  34. QA OCCURRENCE SCREEN (741) -- associated admission
  35. WII ADMISSIONS DISCHARGES (987.5) -- movement time
  36. TIU DOCUMENT (8925) -- patient movement record